The Streamfleet Showdown Invitational - Winter Edition | EVE Online

The Streamfleet Showdown Invitational - Winter Edition

2019-01-18 - CCP Dopamine

The winter edition of the Streamfleet Showdown Invitational is upon us! Clear up your schedule and tune in to Streamfleet’s Twitch channel to watch the event tomorrow, Saturday 19th at 20:00 EVE Time.

SSIW will feature a clash between four teams consisting of seasoned tournament veterans and newer pilots eager to test their skills in combat:

Rekking Crew - the terrors of Derelik
Spooky Action - a mix of AT veterans and newer pilots
Remake Amarr Great. Again - a team of streaming All-Stars
Templis CALSF - a team with long tournament pedigree

With simplified team building, removal of logistics and a rule allowing to bring a ship only once for the entirety of the tournament the team’s strategic acuity will be challenge like never before! Check this video to learn more about the rules.

This exhibition tournament promises to deliver a nail-biting competition that will knock your socks off into a nearby wormhole. You cannot miss it!