False Positive Virus Warnings After the Revelations 2.2.2 Patch Deployment, Updated 26 Sept | EVE Online

False Positive Virus Warnings After the Revelations 2.2.2 Patch Deployment, Updated 26 Sept

2007-09-25 - Svarthol

Some anti-virus programs are falsely reporting the following files as a virus:

  • RedistD3DXOnly.exe located in the C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\bin\ directory, and
  • stdlib.ccp located in the C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\lib\ directory (normal locations after a default installation).

The AV programs flagging these files as virii include:

  • PCGuard from Virgin Media,
  • F-Prot by Frisk Software,
  • Iolo Antivirus,
  • AT&T Internet Security Suite, and
  • Verizon Internet Security Suite.

Some of the programs allow the user to add exclusions, that is a safe work around that will allow you to play EVE until the software companies update their virus definitions.

We have contacted the first three companies in an effort resolve this false positive, the latter two require support calls be made by customers of their service. If you are a customer of an ISP who has bundled an AV suite into their software and are suffering from this false positive, we encourage you to contact your ISP and inform them of this issue.

We do not recommend disabling AV software in order to play EVE.

Update 26 Sept at 1530 GMT:
F-Prot and Iolo should be updating their virus definitions today or tomorrow if they have not already done so. This should also trickle over to some of the ISP AV suites.

Users who wish to re-download the RedistD3DXOnly file in instances where the AV software might have deleted the file may do so without having to download the client. The file is located here: //ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/clientfiles/RedistD3DXOnly.exe. Simply download the file into the EVE\bin folder after the virus definitions have been updated.