EVE: Trinity Deployment on Wednesday, 5 December to Commence at 0200 GMT
The time for EVE to evolve from beautiful to gorgeous is approaching! Trinity, EVE Online's newest content expansion, will be deployed on Wednesday 5 December, commencing at 0200 GMT. Tranquility and the EVE forums will be unavailable for the length of the deployment, both are expected to return to service by 0200 GMT on Thursday 6 December.
Trinity is EVE Online's largest expansion to date and centers around a new graphics system. EVE players with DirectX9c and Shader 3 capable graphics cards can choose to upgrade their clients to Trinity's Premium Graphics Content. Players without cards supporting DX9c and Shader 3 technology will play EVE with the Classic Graphics Content, but will be able to upgrade once their system meet the Premium Graphics Content requirements. To see a preview of EVE: Trinity, you can download the 102M HD1080p EVE: Trinity Trailer or the smaller 64M HD720p EVE: Trinity Trailer. Other features may be found on the EVE: Trinity Feature Site.
Detailed Features, Improvements and Balance Changes, as well as a comprehensive list of Fixes and Changes are now available. Due to the scope of the expansion, the list had to be split into two sections. Updates to the Patch Notes will be made throughout the weekend, new additions, edits and changes will be highlighted with green text.
Discussion may be found in this forum thread.