Customer Support & Tranquility Update | EVE Online

Customer Support & Tranquility Update

2006-09-29 - Svarthol

Last Friday the whole company, devs and all, pitched in and took a day on working petitions in an effort to bring down the enormous queue that had built up over the last few months. Directly related to the stability issues on Tranquility, having achieved more stability, a far more manageable average queue length and new GMs joining our ranks every week, we're back to normal policies and procedures in Customer Support.

The last patch and recent downtimes server hotfixes have not only provided more stability in general, but we also now have better tools on the cluster to analyze the situation, so expect further improvements. Kali itself also contains improvements and optimizations and we have more hardware coming, so the near future looks really good.

We thank you all for your patience in this matter and apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.