Black Friday Sale! | EVE Online

Black Friday Sale!

2018-11-23 - CCP Falcon

Black Friday is here, and we're super happy to announce that we have a number of discounts running in celebration!

Firstly, in the New Eden Store, we have the following discounts available:

  • 20% off Multiple Pilot Training Certificates
  • 50% off selected SKINs

These discounts will run from daily downtime at 11:00 UTC today, through until the same time on Sunday, November 25th.

In addition to this, during the same time we also have a 15% discount on the following PLEX packages over on the Account Management Website, several of which include free SKIN packs:

  • 1100 PLEX - 15% 0ff

  • 2860 PLEX - 15% 0ff

    -  Free Dramiel Sariel's Flames SKIN
  • 7430 PLEX - 15% Off

    - Free Dramiel Sariel's Flames SKIN
    - Rattlesnake King's Ransom Luecin SKIN
    - Rattlesnake King's Ransom Darouen SKIN
  • 15400 PLEX - 15% Off

    - Free Dramiel Sariel's Flames SKIN
    - Rattlesnake King's Ransom Luecin SKIN
    - Rattlesnake King's Ransom Darouen SKIN
    - Vindicator Sarpati's Revenge - Virge SKIN
    - Ragnarok Shakim Warlord SKIN

Be sure to grab them if you're looking to get a great Black Friday deal!