Alliance Leader Panel at EVE Fanfest 2007!

This year the Fanfest will not only be Devs talking about EVE, we are also bringing players to talk about EVE. Some alliance leaders will give you a short introduction of their alliance, history, current situation, future plans and long term goals followed by a discussion with all alliance leaders.
The panel will consist of:
Northen Regions Alliance - [APK] - Foghail* KIA Alliance - [KIA] - KIAEddz* Firmus Ixion - [IT] - Laird* Angels of Discord - [ASEE] - Leandra Anor* [PIE] - Ruah Piskonit* Goonswarm - [LWTAX] - Stoffer Ninjapirate* The Star Fraction - [JERIC] - The Cosmopolite
Discussion of this news may be found in this forum thread.