Alliance Leader Panel at EVE Fanfest 2007! | EVE Online

Alliance Leader Panel at EVE Fanfest 2007!

2007-10-24 - 작성자 Svarthol

This year the Fanfest will not only be Devs talking about EVE, we are also bringing players to talk about EVE. Some alliance leaders will give you a short introduction of their alliance, history, current situation, future plans and long term goals followed by a discussion with all alliance leaders.

The panel will consist of:

  • Northen Regions Alliance - [APK] - Foghail* KIA Alliance - [KIA] - KIAEddz* Firmus Ixion - [IT] - Laird* Angels of Discord - [ASEE] - Leandra Anor* [PIE] - Ruah Piskonit* Goonswarm - [LWTAX] - Stoffer Ninjapirate* The Star Fraction - [JERIC] - The Cosmopolite

Discussion of this news may be found in this forum thread.