The Council of Stellar Management | EVE Online

The Council of Stellar Management

2008-03-18 - 发布者 CCP Xhagen

In November 2007, we approached Fanfest goers with our ideas for a player-elected council, the Council of Stellar Management (CSM). We received variety of comments and suggestions and much discussion was held in the wake of the blog that was published shortly after Fanfest. Now the time of contemplation has passed and the hour of action has come.

Below is the timeline for the next half a year concerning the CSM so you should be able to make preparations in time should you wish to throw your hat in the ring as a candidate. Two additional documents are included that describe the election process: one that details the reasons, background and the intention of the CSM and the second is a brief summary that contains the gut mechanism of the council’s functions.

It cannot be stressed enough that the council will not have any formal power within CCP; it will function solely as an advisory council to CCP by serving as a communication conduit between the playerbase and CCP.

Here is the timeline involving the council and, hopefully, this will provide the opportunity for all those who wish to participate to make the necessary preparations.

  • March 18, 2008: Call for candidates
  • April 1, 2008: Candidate entries ends
  • May 5, 2008: The two-week voting process begins with all candidates that have been verified and approved
  • May 19, 2008: Voting ends
  • May 21, 2008: Council members announced
  • May 24, 2008: The first CSM meeting online
  • May 31, 2008: CSM delegates sign Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • June 19, 2008: Council members travel to Iceland. Preliminary meeting between the CSM and the CCP Council on first day.
  • June 20, 2008: The first CSM and CCP Council meeting
  • June 21, 2008: The second meeting
  • June 22, 2008: Third meeting, if needed
  • June 23, 2008: The council members depart for home

Apply for Council