T.R.I.A.D Celebrates Capsuleer Reaching 10.00 Standing

Molden Heath – Teonusude Republic Independent Agency Division [T.R.I.A.D] has announced that a capsuleer has reached the highest agency standing available.
Axl Borlara has been crowned the first capsuleer in the agency's history to achieve the highest standing possible of 10.00, an achievement which T.R.I.A.D founder DeT Resprox, was very pleased to announce: “To reach 10.00 is an incredible achievement in itself and shows Axl Borlara's dedication to the cause. Axl is now the proud owner of the first ever issued 'T.R.I.A.D Elite' medal which is only awarded to those who have reached 10.00 agency standing.”
Axl described his feelings towards receiving the highest standing and what he did to achieve it: “I am somewhat surprised to say the least, but very proud of the achievement... The majority has been supply missions via the T.R.I.A.D market. The agency has its own fully functioning market. Capsuleers can sell items to the agency, gaining agency standing and loyalty points as well as the obvious ISK.”
When asked about capsuleer participation within T.R.I.A.D, DeT Resprox stated that “some campaigns can have up to 30 capsuleers involved. These campaigns can last several hours, days or even weeks depending on the objectives. In the past month, 137 missions have been taken up”.
With such activity within the agency, it is surely only a matter of time before we see more capsuleers awarded the "T.R.I.A.D Elite" medal.
GalNet References
Axl's profile
T.R.I.A.D mission agency expands into militia warfare
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