Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty | EVE Online

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty

2015-08-18 - 发布者 CCP Phantom

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.11
Released on Tuesday, August 18, 2015



  • Several small updates have been made to the back-end system.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.10
Released on Friday, August 14, 2015


User Interface

  • Bracket text is no longer visible by default for all ships on the grid.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.9
Released on Thursday, August 13, 2015



  • Fixed an issue with writing combat log files when user lacks permissions for logs folder. This fixes a severe performance issue.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.8
Released on Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Third Party Developers:


Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.7
Released on Wednesday, August 5, 2015



  • New Eden has been made a better place for everyone due to several bug fixes.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.6
Released on Tuesday, July 28, 2015



  • Stations that revert to SCC ownership during a Freeport event will no longer charge docking fees whilst in this state.


Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.5
Released on Thursday, July 23, 2015

Features & Changes:


  • When ships from multiple alliances are capturing an Entosis target (and so causing a capture stalemate) the capture progress circle will now show a paused animation and display 'Progress Blocked'. This allows users to differentiate between cases where no progress is being made because no character has a suitable link and where no progress is being made because two alliances are linking at the same time.



  • The notification received when Infrastructure Hub command nodes begin spawning was missing a word - This has now been corrected


  • A Serpentis Hub dungeon was spawning in Sansha owned space, the Serpentis have now returned to Fountain and have been replaced with Sansha pirates.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.4
Released on Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Features & Changes:


  • Players with an active account, including trial, before the extended downtime on 15th July 2015 will recieve 50,000 skillpoints to the character on the account with the most skillpoints.
  • Any accounts training with Multi Character Training before the extended downtime on 15th July 2015 will also recieve the free skillpoints to the next highest skillpoint character.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.3
Released on Friday, July 17, 2015

Features & Changes:

User Interface:

  • When a system is a Capital system for an alliance, the mouse hint on the bonus icon in the info panels will show you the name of the alliance owning that system.

Sovereignty and Alliances:

  • The grace period for quickly switching alliance capital systems without delay has been removed. Changes to your capital will now require 7 days to take effect. (Claiming your first system will continue to let you set the capital immediately)



  • The owners of a Territorial Claim Unit will receive notifications again when a new control tower is anchored in their system.
  • Personal deployables, such as Mobile Tractor Units, can once again be deployed near acceleration gates.

User Interface:

  • The appropriate icon for Capital systems will be displayed in the "Show Info" on a system in the sovereignty tab.
  • When an alliance first captures a system, that system's capital information will now be updated in the info panels without session change.
  • Fixed a bug where the title management was displaying incorrectly.
  • New Map: Players on non-English clients can now utilize tooltips in the map again.
  • New Map: Probing in wormholes is now possible again.
  • New Map: Probes sometimes showed up as black dots, this has been fixed.
  • The "Station Service Disabled" notification icon has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause excessive Capital System Change notifications to be sent to players.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.2
Released on Thursday, July 16, 2015

Fixes :


  • An edge case with structures of the new sovereignty capture mechanic has been resolved. Structures that have been 100% controlled by defenders and that are transitioning into invulnerability status while they are getting attacked will now remain vulnerable and correctly enter Overtime condition if the attacker had made some partial capture progress.
  • Structures of the new sovereignty capture mechanic now have some minimum invulnerable time after they have been successfully defended. Further information is available here.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.1
Released on Wednesday, July 15, 2015



  • Old TCU bills from prior to Aegis Sovereignty have been automatically cancelled. Infrastructure Hubs will have generated their own new bills instead. (Make sure you pay your new I-Hub bills, otherwise the structure will be lost when the bill becomes overdue!)
  • Personal deployables (such as MTUs) can once again be deployed near acceleration gates.

User Interface:

  • Various typos in the new Sovereignty notifications have been fixed.
  • The message given when installing Infrastructure Hub upgrades with an upkeep cost has been corrected.

Patch notes for Aegis Sovereignty 1.0
Released on Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Updates to the patch notes are colored green.

Features & Changes:

Sovereignty and Alliances:

A new Nullsec Sovereignty system has been released!

Please see the following series of dev blogs for further details:

  1. Politics by Other Means
  2. Summer 2015 Nullsec and Sov Status Report
  3. New Details on July Sovereignty Release Schedule
  4. Sovereignty Transition and Deployment
  5. Nullsec PVE and upgrades
  • Territorial Claim Units, Infrastructure Hubs, and Outposts are no longer subject to regular weapons damage. Instead an Entosis Link module is required to capture and control them.
  • Ownership of Territorial Claim Units, Infrastructure Hubs, and Outposts has now been decoupled from one-another. Each different structure in a solar system can be deployed, owned, attacked and destroyed by different alliances at the same time.
  • Territorial Claim Units no longer require an upkeep bill. Instead, the running costs have been moved over to bills on Infrastructure Hubs.
  • Each alliance can set a Default Vulnerability Time for their sovereignty structures. This is a daily interval where structures will become vulnerable to Entosis Links. The length of this interval is based on the Activity Defense Multiplier. The ADM in turn is based on the Strategic, Military and Industrial levels of the solar system. Changes to the Default Vulnerability Time will take 48 hours to come in to effect.
  • Each alliance can set a single Capital System on one solar system where they control a Territorial Claim Unit. Structures controlled by an alliance in their Capital System receive a bonus to their ADM, making them easier to defend. Changes to the Capital System will take 7 days to come in to effect.
  • Destroying/capturing another alliance's sovereignty structures requires attackers to use Entosis Links on the structure during its daily vulnerability window. If this action succeeds, the structure will become invulnerable. At some some point between 24 and 72 hours later, Command Nodes will begin spawning around the constellation. Attackers and defenders must capture these nodes using Entosis Links in a tug-of-war battle in order to destroy/secure the structure.
  • Sovereignty Blockade Units are now obsolete. Any SBUs in space will automatically self-destruct, whilst SBUs in hangars can be sold back to NPC buy orders.


  • The effects of Pirate Detection Array, Entrapment Array, Survey Networks and Quantum Flux Generator infrastructure upgrades have been adjusted. See this dev blog for more details.
  • Nullsec and Lowsec versions of the Assault, Headquarters and Mothership Incursion sites now allow 50% more players before rewards begin to decrease.


Added ship SKINs for Tech 2 Cruisers and Tech 2 Industrials. They are the following:

    • Sacrilege EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Zealot EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Devoter EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Guardian EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Curse EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Pilgrim EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Augoror Navy Issue EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Omen Navy Issue EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Prorator EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Impel EoM SKIN (Permanent)
    • Cerberus Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Eagle Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Onyx Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Basilisk Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Falcon Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Rook Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Caracal Navy Issue Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Osprey Navy Issue Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Crane Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Bustard Wiyrkomi SKIN (Permanent)
    • Deimos Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Ishtar Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Phobos Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Oneiros Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Arazu Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Lachesis Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Exequror Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Vexor Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Viator Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Occator Intaki Syndicate SKIN (Permanent)
    • Muninn Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Vagabond Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Broadsword Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Scimitar Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Huginn Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Rapier Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Scythe Fleet Issue Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Stabber Fleet Issue Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Prowler Justice SKIN (Permanent)
    • Mastodon Justice SKIN (Permanent)

User Interface:

  • New map: The circular cursor has been removed
  • New map: The map can now follow markers, including your current location.
  • Cynosural beacons have a new overview and bracket icon to distinguish them from beacons of other types.



  • Certain hacking containers that were supposed to spawn items in your ships cargo were not functioning correctly.

User Interface:

  • Fixed an issue that caused bilingual clients to not display content correctly.
  • New map: The 'All Factions and Alliances' filter now correctly displays all player corps.
  • New map: The map remembers its position for each character rather than just one position per user.
  • New map: Overlapping markers no longer behave in a strange way.
  • New Map: The inertia movement has been improved.

Third Party Development: