Meet the New Council
Hello, citizens,
The time has finally come to present the 15th Council of Stellar Management that has been democratically elected by the players. Please join me in welcoming a few returning faces and some new ones that together will collaborate with us on the development of EVE Online for the next year.

It is commendable to see all the hard work candidates have put into their campaigns this year despite the trying times everyone is going through. This extends to every player that took their time to evaluate the candidates and cast a vote bringing the total number to 36120 confirmed votes, which shows a steady increase in the last couple of years.
The voting data is available, so anyone who would like to do a deep dive can download it here.
As a side note, it seems we had a handful of votes that were cast on characters outside of approved CSM 15 candidates. Our investigation did not indicate any wrongdoing, but we will look into this further to ensure that with our planned updates to the website, this won’t be possible next time around.
The next few weeks are going to be dedicated to onboarding of all CSM members. It is an important period where we will go over all the ground rules and ensure we are on the same page in terms of expectations from one another. Therefore, even if the new council is in immediate effect, please be reasonable with your requests and understand that it may take a few weeks before everyone is up to speed.
Fly safe o7!