Extended downtime due to patching | EVE Online

Extended downtime due to patching

2003-08-14 - 发布者 CCP Hellmar

We discovered a problem with the caching of runtime generated PIL and D3D renderings just before we released the 1162 patch.

It was a fix it an obscure problem with WinXP and memory mapped files that cause the error. In the recant of that fix we fumbled and the recanted version contained a CTD which made 1163 and 1164 short lived and until we had 1165 we couldn't start the servers.

I offer my apologies and this place for you to vent your frustration with the extension or the patch itself.

P.s. All theories that we intentionally drew out the downtime to prove to the Icelandic Ministry of Game and Gambling Addition, that our users just aren't addicted to EVE, are just wrong :)