EON #4 magazine - coming July | EVE Online

EON #4 magazine - coming July

2006-05-19 - 发布者 Zapatero

The third issue of EON magazine seems to have gone down well and with CCP heading back from E3, it's time for me to start cracking the whip on my pack of trusty freelancers and start ribbing CCP for information to fill EON numero four. My aim, as ever, is to ensure the next EVE magazine is better than all that have preceeded it - combined (an increasingly difficult task, but what the hell).

So I must unavoidably turn again to the ever-expanding EVE community to provide the corp ads that will adorn (nay, eclipse) many of the pages of EON. The same rules apply from last issue, so the text below has simply be ripped from this old blog :

If you, your corp, alliance, website, service or ego would like to advertise in EON#4, here’s what you must do:

  • Design your ad or get someone else to do it.

  • Email a draft of your ad to ads@mmmpublishing before the end of May.

  • On (or very soon after) 2nd June we will notify you as to whether your ad is successful. We may suggest a few changes. We may not. If we do they will invariably be minor.

  • A little bit later (around 12th June) we will require the final drafts of all the winning ads.

  • Winners will have to pay for their ads. Yes, while it may seem strange to insist winners pay for the privilege of winning, we need the revenue to pay the freelance writers of EON. The ads in EON#002 were 200m ISK per page, which totalled 1.2bn in ad revenue. That lot just about covered our wage bill. Since we’re not working a profit, the rates will stay the same (200m ISK per ad page)

The specifications for the final ad: A4 size, 300dpi, CMYK with crop marks and bleed. Please submit as a hi-res print-ready PDF. If you have any techie/design questions regarding your ad, the address to pester is ads@mmmpublishing.

On a slightly different note, as you may know we are planning to include a poster with EON#4 to all current subscribers, as well as to those starting a subscription with the next issue. On one side of the poster will be something like this. But what shall we put on the other side? A hi-res Mega? A naked Oveur eating grapes (tastefully done, of course). Or maybe a star map that you can hang on your wall and stick pins into? I would prefer a map myself (that's if it's do-able), but I'd like to know what you guys think. Comments welcome.

As ever, thanks for your support.

  • Z