E-ON: your questions answered (some of them anyway)
Response to the announcement of E-ON has been overwhelmingly positive and more than a little invigorating. We’ve been working in secret on this project for a few months, and now that we have pages being designed and a warm glow inside from reading your comments, things are really shifting into high gear.
What I want to do here is clear up a few questions that were raised:
E-ON will be 68-pages in total, all in full colour, professionally produced by a specialist magazine publisher, and published four times a year in English. It will be available world-wide. Availability will be limited - once we sell out of copies, that’s it!
All art and editorial content will be exclusive to E-ON. All EVE Chronicles and short stories are original, likewise each feature. Rest assured that every sentence is lovingly crafted. We may raid the CCP concept art archives from time to time, but we’ll try to ensure you get previously unseen material whenever possible.
Pricing will be announced within the next two weeks. Expect it to be cheaper than an EVE mug and much more absorbing ;) Subscribers will benefit from a discount.
And lo, the magazine will be called E-ON, and E-ON shall be it’s name. Although there are other brand names or companies in the world called E-ON, there is no clash as the product and operating territory are completely different.
There will be proper out-of-game ads in the mag, but never more than 14. There will be 11 ads in total in issue #1
Five of the 11 ad pages in issue #1 will be donated free of charge to Corporations who submit the best ads. To determine the best we may put them up for public nomination, we may ask CCP to choose then, we may have a random lottery. Regardless of the selection process visuals must be supplied by August 26th latest. The five best will be chosen for tweaks to be made (if necessary) and final artwork will need to be supplied by September 2nd. (Techie bit: final artwork = hi-res PDFs, CMYK with crop marks and bleed.)
From issue #2 ads will be accepted from in-game players, Corps and Alliances. The usual page rate is £1995 (US$3,460). Eve-player ads will however attract a discount of 75%. All ad sales are being handled by the publisher, MMM Publishing Ltd in the UK. Enquiries should be addressed directly to ads@mmmpublishing.com.
I shall announce the E-ON ‘Dream Team’ soon, but yes, Winterblink has agreed to create something on a regular basis. Sadly, there will be no personals section. We'll have something much better... details soon.
Again, thanks for all your suggestions. Keep ‘em coming.
- Zapatero