CrazyKinux Hosts Blog Writing Competition | EVE Online

CrazyKinux Hosts Blog Writing Competition

2009-06-17 - 发布者 Svarthol

The EVE Blog Banter features a host of regular EVE bloggers writing about rotating topics, and CrazyKinux needs you to write an article for next EVE Blog Banter. The subject matter will be "which game mechanic would you most like to see removed completely from EVE and why?" Submissions will begin June 30, 2009 until July 7, 2009. The top three winning articles, first, second and third place, along with an honorable mention will be awarded prizes. The judging will not only be done by CrazyKinux but also Richie "Zapatero" Shoemaker, the editor of E:ON Magazine and James Egan, well-known EVE contributor from You can enter the contest here.