Be the Head Janitor of EVE for a minute | EVE Online

Be the Head Janitor of EVE for a minute

2007-03-02 - 发布者 CCP Oveur

Yesterday, interestingly enough, was Beer Day in Iceland. As a few of you might know, until March 1, 1986, beer wasn't allowed in Iceland. No, I'm not kidding about this! As a result, we tend to celebrate this day with, yes you got it, beer drinking. I had one for my "homies" but other than that, it was business. Game Developers Conference is coming up, we're finishing Revelations 1.4 scheduled for a March release and are finishing our planning for the Revelations 2.0 deployment scheduled for this summer.

However, that's not the occasion here, I'm giving the community the chance to be 'Head Janitor of EVE for a minute'! We've done Top 10 lists before, a format which we like and last started by Hammer. This one is more like a moment for you to shine by saying in one sentence what do you think needs addressing in EVE right now.

This can be the feature you most wanted, the fix you have been waiting for years after, the problem you want most addressed. It can be anything from "Fix the Amarr", to "Free slaves" but what's important is to follow the rules so that this event really becomes meaningful.


  • No speaches, predictions, omens, the-sky-is-falling or any of that, we simply want you to name what you want to address.
  • You can not name two things, only one. Think of it like a poll.
  • You can link to a thread or anything like that in that sentence if you feel compelled to explain, but please limit it to that.
  • Skip the flames, they will be deleted.
  • This is not a dialog thread. Dialog is deleted.
  • No quoting, QFT, signed or otherwise voicing your own opinion. If you want to vote, use your god given ability to write it.

Breaking any of these rules will result in you having the permanent forum signature of "Forum Illiterate" :)

In fact, I'll add to the account of the person which comes with the best reply a 1-year subscription.