A Quick Status Update After The March Release! | EVE Online

A Quick Status Update After The March Release!

2018-03-23 - 发布者 CCP Falcon

The EVE Dev Team have been actively responding to this week’s issues, with six point releases so far as follow up from the March Release on Tuesday.

Given that the release didn’t go quite as planned, we feel that it would be good to give you a quick update before the weekend.

After unscheduled extended downtime on Tuesday, followed by a couple of cluster restarts and a downtime in the late evening to apply a server-side patch, we’ve made some solid progress in fixing a substantial number of issues affecting the new chat system.

We’re aware, however, that there are still some issues that are affecting performance of the EVE Client both when jumping into heavily populated systems (for example Jita) and systems where a substantial number of players are all jumping in at once.

Several client updates have been released over the course of the last 48 hours to make headway on resolving any outstanding concerns, and we will continue to ship updates today and early next week in the run up to Easter.

In fact, we recommend that everyone who's already currently logged into EVE Online takes the opportunity to log out and restart their launcher in order to download a client patch that was just released this evening as part of the March 1.7 release. This should further assist with performance inprovements.

We’ll be watching client performance closely over the weekend and into early next week in order to ensure that performance returns to normal as soon as possible.

In light of the extended downtime and the impact it’s had on your gameplay experience, we’ll also be looking to supply a skillpoint gift in the near future.

Keep an eye out for a news item with more information relating to this early next week