Hear ye! Hear ye! Time for a new kind of Dev Blogs, the Live Dev Blog!

In the early part of the twentieth century, Hollywood brought sound to the motion pictures, creating the "talkies". Now, in the beginning of the twentyfirst century, CCP brings sound to the Dev Blogs, creating the "Live Dev Blog"!
Please note that this new form of Dev Blogs will only add to our current ways of communicating such as the "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom - and lag?" Dev Blog by Oveur, published today, it will not replace Dev Blogs or forum posts.
So, what is this new Live Dev Blog then?
Oveur and Hammerhead will be talking about the Revelations 2 ramp up and then answer questions from the audience. The event will start Thursday 19 April at 20:00 GMT and take about an hour. This will be a regular occurrence over the next weeks.
Ok, but how do I participate in the Live Dev Blog?
The following steps must be taken to participate in the Live Dev Blog:
- You must have EVE Voice enabled, EVE Voice can be activated here.
- The name of the channel to join is 'Live Dev Blog' – users must right click and select 'join audio' to be able to hear.
- Live Dev Blog channel has a maximum capacity of 400 people, and if you can´t join it‘s because the channel is full.
- You can text questions to a moderator who will track them and send them to Oveur and Hammerhead so they can answer after they´ve finished their comments.
- A GM will be present in the channel to remind everyone that they're muted and that they can text questions to the moderator.
What do I do if I miss this Live Dev Blog?
The Live Dev Blog will be recorded and made available later.
Where can I post what I think about this Live Dev Blog?
Since it's announced in a Dev Blog today, among other things, we ask that you discuss it here.
Make sure you check The beaten-with-the-ugly-stick-lag-monster thread to help us defeat lag!