Executive Producer for the second decade of EVE Online

Dear Followers of EVE,
It’s been about 13 years since the development of EVE Online formally started. Over that time, we have had various great people lead our development efforts for the amazing experience that is EVE.
For the past year, Jon Lander (CCP Unifex) has served as our Executive Producer. In May, Jon will be transitioning to another job at CCP, where he will lead CCP’s emerging mobile strategy, something that Jon has had ambitions to take on for CCP for a long time.
When Jon and I sat down over a year ago and talked about the Executive Producer role for the first time, we defined a clear mandate: to improve structure, process and foundations for the EVE team, while being laser focused on the core gameplay of internet spaceships. Under Jon’s leadership, the EVE Team has made great strides, while delivering some of our best expansions in Crucible, Inferno, Retribution and of course the upcoming Odyssey, which by now in the safe hands of Senior Producer CCP Seagull and Development Director CCP Ripley set for delivery on June 4th and as this transition has been in the works for a long time then it will have no impact on Odyssey awesomeness.
Please join me in congratulating and thanking Jon for his accomplishments during his time as Executive Producer of EVE Online.
For our next Executive Producer of EVE Online, we will be looking outside of CCP. We have been actively interviewing candidates and plan on a smooth transition over the summer. I am letting you know now so everyone can plan on buying Jon a lot of beers at Fanfest, but also because we have had a lot of really talented people join CCP from the EVE community over the past decade. Jon himself is in fact one such example. It might very well be that some of you have what it takes for this job, or know someone that does.
I can tell you it’s a lot of responsibility. Heading up this massive bundle of single-shard innovation is no trivial task, but it’s also one of the more fascinating challenges to take on!
So if you think you have the chops or you know someone that does, please get in contact at ep4eve@ccpgames.com
See you all at Fanfest later this month, in person or virtually.
Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, CEO