CSM 14 - The Voting is Now Open! | EVE Online

CSM 14 - The Voting is Now Open!

2019-06-10 - CCP Dopamine

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We are entering the most critical time period in the CSM 14 elections, the voting.


From now until 12:00 UTC on 17 June, the citizens of New Eden have the important task of electing the 14th Council of Stellar Management from the list of 44 approved candidates. This task should not be taken lightly, as the outcome will influence the development of EVE Online and the communication between CCP and the community for the next 12 months, with CSM members leading the way.

If you have not made up your mind just yet, we suggest that you carefully study the CSM Campaign section on the forums before making a call on who you feel will best represent your interests.

The delegates that you choose will have open and direct access to the various teams across the organization and work to improve EVE Online throughout the year alongside the development team. Last year, CSM 13 was instrumental in driving many of the changes that were implemented into the game, such as War Declaration changes, capital balance pass, and nullification tweaks to name a few. They also provided invaluable insights into REDACTED, REDACTED and REDACTED*. You can read more about the CSM and their function on this page which has recently received a small content update.

Confidential. Information under NDA.

We have full confidence that you will cast your votes for the candidates you believe will do fantastic work as members of the 14th Council of Stellar Management and are looking forward announcing CSM 14 in all its glory at EVE North on the 22 June.

For those unfamiliar with how the voting works, please take a look at the video created for one of the previous elections.
