You Are Not Alone

Today, 10 September, is World Suicide Prevention Day, and we at CCP would like to take this opportunity to raise awareness of this delicate, yet extremely important subject.
Nobody is immune to affliction. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people commit suicide, and that it is among the three leading causes of death among people aged 15-44.
We are all currently experiencing turbulent times that demand changes to the way we each conduct our daily lives. Many are facing new and unexpected challenges, experiencing grief or self-isolation. It is more important than ever to let as many people as possible know that they are not alone.
There are specialized hotlines around the world that operate 24/7, so if you are having suicidal thoughts, feeling overwhelmed with your life or just need somebody to talk to, then please dial the number for your country and share what’s on your mind with a professional.
At CCP, we take all reports regarding intentions of self-harm very seriously and have internal procedures to ensure a lightning fast response, as well as swift contact with local law enforcement.
Our EVE Online community has also established the Broadcast 4 Reps program with a dedicated public Discord server that you are welcome to join should you feel like speaking to another space friend. There will also be a series of informative streams and podcasts to discuss this subject that you should absolutely check out:
- Thursday, 10 September at 01:00 AM UTC – Dylana, Ivy, Mal Elecon, and other guests will be diving deep into the topic of Suicide Awareness Day at Lasers and Lace.
- Monday, 14 September at 01:30 PM UTC – A German stream from dedicated to the subject by Walldeck.
- Saturday, 19 September – EVE University will tackle suicide prevention. Please check their website and Twitter for more details and time.
Not everyone is trained to assist people in emotional distress, but we all share a collective responsibility to look after our fellow colleagues, acquaintances, friends, and strangers in need. Should you witness anybody expressing intentions to self-harm, please help them get to the next level of care by encouraging them to speak with a professional. This simple act could ultimately result in the saving of a life.
Fly safe and fly together. You are not alone.