The Art of EVE – Headed For Your Coffee Table!

Let me introduce myself, I‘m Hectrix, Oveur‘s partner in crime on the production side of things. As a producer I'm working on a lot of projects with CCP‘s partners such as Vivox, MMM Publishing, Transgaming and also our brethren in the CCP North America office. I‘m the one who‘s responsible for getting physical goodies, such as those promised at last year’s Fanfest, out of our Reykjavik – Atlanta pipeline.
The first fruit of our collective labor is now ready for distribution and I‘m happy to bring you The Art of EVE, a magnificent coffee table book, chronicling the birth and development of EVE. It contains a myriad of images ranging from early concept art to breathtaking screenshots from our soon-to-be released upgraded graphics engine, as well as interviews with art director Kári Gunnarsson and creative director Reynir Harðarson, this book should bring joy to every EVE player out there.
Produced in Reykjavík, written by EON‘s Zapatero in the UK, designed in Atlanta and printed in China, this book has been the project testing how cooperation between the recently merged parts of CCP and White Wolf would work. I‘m proud to say that despite some initial snags both parties passed the test with flying colors, as did our veteran writer, Zapatero.
For now The Art of EVE can only be ordered from the White Wolf Online Store as we‘re figuring out how we can make orders for products shipped from Atlanta work in our beloved EVE Store. Please bear with us while this gets sorted out and don‘t be surprised when our ads take you to the White Wolf store.
Until next time,
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