Skilling Spree Speed Run - Stage Two Begins!

Last week, as part of the Season Of Skills, the Skilling Spree Speed Run contest was announced and kicked off, with stage one focusing on pilots earning the fastest kill in Tech One frigate class hulls.
We'll be announcing the results of all stages of the Skilling Spree Speed Run on August 26th, when the contest is completed and the Skilling Spree event has concluded.
This week, for Stage Two, we'll be moving on to Crusier class hulls to further test those fitting and reaction skills.
The Rules are the same, as are the ways to submit your videos for our judges, but this time we want to see who has the fastest trigger finger in a Tech I, non-faction cruiser.
For those who want to take part and take the chance to win a huge pile of skill points, here's a look at the challenge, a recap of the rules, and reminder of how to submit your videos.
Also, remember that you can discuss this contest over in the feedback thread on the official forums!
Stage Two Challenge:
Stage Two of the Skilling Spree Speed Run is active from 11:00 UTC on 2019/08/09 through to 11:00 UTC on 2019/08/16, for the duration of the second full week of August.
- Undock, find and kill one NPC in the fastest time possible while flying any Tech I, non-faction Cruiser class hull.
Base Rules For All Three Stages:
- All stages of the contest are centered around the most common of the three "Skilling Spree" challenges: kill one NPC for a 10,000 skill point reward.
- Timing of the speed run begins when the black sesson change screen from undocking ends, revealing the pilot's ship.
- Timing ends when the locked NPC is destroyed.
- Point of destruction is considered to be the point when the pilot's ship loses lock due to target destruction.
- The NPC killed can not be on grid with the station or Upwell structure from which the pilot undocks.
- Measurement of timing will be made independently by CCP, and times will be recorded to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a second.
- Timing decisions by CCP are final.
- Videos must be fully legible, at a minimum resolution of 720p.
- Pilots can enter each stage of the contest as many times as they like.
- Pilots are eligible to enter all three stages of the contest, regardless of whether or not they've won a previous stage.
- Pilots can only win one prize per stage. For example, if a pilot sets the three fastest times in a stage, he is eligible only for first place. Second place is awarded to the fourth fastest time.
- Only Tech I non-faction hulls can be used, however there are no restrictions on ship fitting.
- As always, standard contest rules apply.
Stage two of the Skilling Spree Speed Run Contest will have the following prizes.
- 1st Place - 1,500,000 Skill Points
- 2nd Place - 1,000,000 Skill Points
- 3rd Place - 500,000 Skill Points
- Honorable Mention - 250,000 Skill Points
- Prizes will be paid out to the character that is used to set the winning time.
- Prizes will be paid in the form of skill points added directly to the unallocated skill points pool.
- The honorable mention prize will be awarded at CCP's discretion to the funniest, dumbest or most elaborate video submitted for the stage.
- The Skilling Spree event concludes on August 21st. Winners for all three stages of the Skilling Spree Speed Run Contest will be announced the following Monday, on August 26th.
How To Enter:
These are the instructions on how to enter, please make sure that you read them and follow them carefully as failure to do so will void your entry to the contest.
- Entries to the Skilling Spree Speed Run contest must be in the form of a video that shows the full task for timing purposes.
- Videos should begin in dock within a station or Upwell structure.
- Pilots can submit as many entries as they like for each stage, but only the fastest will count.
Submitting Entries:
Entries can be submitted in the following two ways.
Via twitter:
- Videos can be shared via twitter using the two hashtags #skillingspree and #seasonofskills in order to be visible to the contest judges.
- Videos may be either a direct upload to twitter or a link to a twitch clip that shows the whole process.
- The tweet in which the video is shared must also contain the full name of the character that the speed run was made with for verification purposes.
Via Email:
- Videos can be sent to
- Videos can be sent as a download link, a link to a twitch clip that shows the whole process, or as an attachment.
- The email that contains the submission must also contain the full name of the character that the speed run was made with for verification purposes.