Second Capsuleer Day Proving Grounds!

Celebratory Capsuleers!
As this year’s Capsuleer Day event comes to a close, you’ll soon be able to wrap up the party in explosive style with an exciting new Proving Grounds!
With 19 years of EVE’s space saga under our belts, the next FFA Proving Grounds features a very fitting set of special conditions:
- 19% increase to turret and missile damage
- 19% increase to ship velocity
- 19% increase to sensor strength
- 19% reduction in ship signature radius
The ship of choice this time? The Sunesis, making this one party where everyone’s invited! The Meta Level requirement is 0, but the usual restrictions apply. When planning your fits, keep in mind that the following modules are banned:
- Sensor dampeners
- Weapon disruptors
- Shield boost amplifiers
- Shield rechargers
- Shield power relays
- Shield flux coils
- Core defense field purgers
To liven up the party further, the arena itself will also add some explosive new features. Expect a number of Nexus objects scattered throughout the combat area. Approach them and you’ll gain a 19% buff - or debuff - to your weapons and mobility.
This second of two special Capsuleer Day APGs will run from 20-23 May. Start optimizing your fits for a suitable send-off to this year’s celebrations!