Patch Notes - Version 21.06

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 21.06). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2023-11-14
Last update: 2024-06-03
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by the player's feedback or suggestions.
Patch Notes For 2024-06-03.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-30.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-28.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-24.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-15.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-14.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-13.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-10.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-07.1Patch Notes For 2024-05-03.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-30.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-29.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-23.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-22.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-17.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-16.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-09.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-05.1Patch Notes For 2024-04-04.1Patch Notes For 2024-03-25.1Patch Notes For 2024-03-21.1Patch Notes For 2024-03-14.1Patch Notes For 2024-03-12.1Patch Notes For 2024-02-29.1Patch Notes For 2024-02-20.1Patch Notes For 2024-02-09.1Patch Notes For 2024-02-08.1Patch Notes For 2024-02-01.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-24.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-19.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-18.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-17.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-16.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-09.1Patch Notes For 2024-01-04.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-19.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-15.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-14.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-12.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-08.2Patch Notes For 2023-12-08.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-07.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-06.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-05.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-04.1Patch Notes For 2023-12-01.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-30.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-28.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-24.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-23.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-22.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-21.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-20.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-16.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-15.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-14.1Patch Notes For 2024-06-03.1
Features & Changes:
SKIN application pipeline migration:
We've successfully migrated the SKIN application pipeline from the main game server to our new Quasar ecosystem.
This migration results in no functional changes to SKINs, ensuring your experience remains seamless and uninterrupted.
Performance enhancements:
Main server optimization:
By offloading the SKIN application pipeline, we've freed up significant space on the main game server.
This optimization allows the main server to execute more operations, enhancing overall game performance.
Increased load capacity:
The new Quasar ecosystem can handle additional load for the SKIN application pipeline.
This means we can scale up without negatively impacting game performance, ensuring a smoother and more efficient experience for all players.
To learn more about Quasar, check out this Dev Blog.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-30.1
Features & Changes:
Capsuleer Day XXI:
The Capsuleer Day XXI event has concluded. Thank you for participating.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-28.1
Features & Changes:
Optimized the delivery mechanism for audio files. As a result, changes to audio related assets such as music will require significantly less downloading with future patches. This requires a one off re-downloading of some audio assets with today's patch.
Due to optimizations in how audio is handled in the client, RAM use has been reduced significantly. For example, a client docked in Jita will now use approximately 750MB less RAM.
Defect Fixes:
Resolved a rare issue where certain particle system would not display as intended.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-24.1
Features & Changes:
5 new Billboards ads have been added to the rotation.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-15.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue where some players would experience a client crash upon unexpected disconnect.
After experiencing an unexpected disconnect, client sound will now persist until closing the client.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-14.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue with icon images on the CDN appearing corrupted.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-13.1
Features & Changes:
Corp Projects:
Improved Corporation Projects loading times, resulting in faster response times for capsuleers.
Enhanced Corporation Project history functionality. Players can now access past goals within a specified timeframe. All goals within the designated range will be fetched with a default sort order, with subsequent filtering and sorting performed by capsuleers.
AIR Opportunities:
Neocom now features a notification indicator within the AIR Opportunities icon, alerting players to unclaimed rewards for Corporation Projects and Daily Goals.
Defect Fixes:
AIR Daily Goals
Fixed an issue where the Daily Goal Completed notification was missing in some instances.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-10.1
Features & Changes:
Increased the chance of Abyssal Battlefields sites dropping filament blueprints and materials for the same tier.
Increased the chance to discover EDENCOM Expedition Debris in Tier 4 Abyssal Battlefields combat sites.
Increased the baseline value of Tier 2 & 3 Abyssal Battlefields relic sites by decreasing the variance of certain loot drops.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue where Shackling Leshaks were appearing to attack twice per five seconds, instead of once as intended.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-07.1
Features & Changes:
Missions and NPCs:
The Upwell Consortium will no longer offer reward crates for drone parts in Auviken. Upwell would like to thank all capsuleers who participated.
Billboards ads for the recent Anger Games 6 and Frigate Free 4 All have been removed from the rotation.
Patch Notes For 2024-05-03.1
Features & Changes:
Capsuleer Day XXI
Adjusted loot drops for EDENCOM Scout Stash.
Reduced the time it takes for enemies to react when a player is no longer invulnerable in Abyssal Battlefields sites.
Defect Fixes:
Capsuleer Day XXI
Fixed an issue where the Capsuleer Day XXI Capsule SKIN couldn't be applied to Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant Capsules.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-30.1
Features & Changes:
Capsuleer Day XXI - April 30th to May 30th!
The Capsuleer Day XXI event has begun!
Society of Conscious Thought are beckoning capsuleers to brave the depths of newly surfaced collapsed conduits strewn across New Eden and Wormhole space. Your mission? Unearth precious data and technology while seizing every chance to plunge into the Abyssal Battlefields, where the unyielding clash between the Triglavian Collective and Drifters rages on.
Uncover Treacherous Collapsed Conduit combat sites with your ship's built-in anomaly scanner. Despite the devastation wrought by collapse, reports from these sites suggest lingering Triglavian survivors nearby. Though deemed low-threat, the SoCT advises deploying a cruiser for added preparedness.
Explore the desolate remnants of Collapsed Conduit hacking sites, areas utterly ravaged by collapse, and locate them using scanning probes. Equip your ship with a relic analyzer to unlock the valuable technology and data hidden within the wreckage of these sites.
Manufacture filaments using blueprints and materials discovered within Collapsed Conduit sites, enabling access to Abyssal Battlefields where increasingly challenging encounters await players of varying skill levels.
Embark on your journey into Abyssal Battlefields aboard a T1 Cruiser, whether solo or with a companion, and confront the victors of the recent clash between the Triglavians and the Drifters. Utilize the abyssal environment to outmaneuver your foes, secure victory, and seize your spoils before the pocket collapses.
For those inclined towards hacking, opt for an exploration or covert ops frigate outfitted with a relic analyzer to delve into relic Abyssal Battlefields. Navigate through abandoned wreckage fields from the intense clash between the Triglavians and the Drifters, endeavoring to recover as many valuables as possible before time runs out.
Complete a variety of combat, exploration, and manufacturing challenges to unlock rewards including SKINs, boosters, filament crates, and a coveted Glamourex Booster Crate.
The loot drop rate for all player ships and Player Owned Structures has been bumped up from 50% to 75%. It's as if the Abyss itself is cheering us on!
Until 30 May a special set of Capsuleer Day login rewards will be available for players who log on. Rewards include new SKINs, up to 650K skill points, 26.5K EverMarks, limited time combat boosters, a set of Society of Conscious Thought starship hulls: the Apotheosis Shuttle, Sunesis Destroyer, Gnosis Battlecruiser, Praxis Battleship and the exploration frigate the Metamorphosis.
Partially Corrupted Crychips and Drone Graviton Emitters will no longer drop from NPCs or FW hackable containers. Remaining Drone Graviton Emitters can be traded at the Upwell Prototype Facility in Auviken until 7 May, 11:00 UTC.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-29.1
Features & Changes:
Capsuleer Day XXI:
In preparation for Capsuleer Day XXI, the Character Select Screen is updated to celebrate the event!
In addition to the Character Select Screen update, the loot drop rate for all player ships and Player Owned Structures has been bumped up from 50% to 75%. It's as if the Abyss itself is cheering us on!
Patch Notes For 2024-04-23.1
Features & Changes:
AIR Daily Goals & Corp Project Rewards:
Implemented an automatic redemption system for stored AIR Daily Goal rewards and Corporation Projects; unclaimed reward entitlements older than 30 days will now be auto redeemed, ensuring players will receive their rewards in a timely manner.
As part of the rollout, all entitlements existing prior to 23 April will be auto redeemed.
Entitlements acquired after 23 April will follow a 30-day redemption period if not claimed by the player within that timeframe.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-22.1
Defect Fixes:
The Upwell Prototype Facility in Auviken is no longer deadspace/warp disrupted, so players will be able to warp to objects close by such as the customs office at planet VI.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-17.1
Defect Fixes:
Various hulls have had slight improvements to lighting visual effects.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-16.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue where shadows were not cast correctly for some assets.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-09.1
Features & Changes:
New Billboard ads have been added into the rotation for the upcoming Anger Games and Frigate-Free-For-all.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
The new Item Trader now displays input amounts correctly.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-05.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue where item traders could take more items from players than intended when trading with them.
Item traders have been turned back on through-out the universe.
Patch Notes For 2024-04-04.1
Features & Changes:
The Upwell Consortium are calling for capsuleer assistance providing materials for a project at their Applied Gravitation Research Center in the Auviken solar system.
Upwell are asking for capsuleers to bring them Rogue Drone Components contained in the wrecks of advanced sentient AI rogue drones that have been spotted throughout the known cluster.
In particular, Upwell are seeking Drone Graviton Emitters. Sentient rogue drone strains throughout high-security space have recently started adopting and using them.
Upwell will reward capsuleers who donate a selection of these components with reward crates containing loyalty tokens that are exchangeable for ISK at any station belonging to a member corporation of the Upwell Consortium. Additionally, crates may include new limited prototype blueprint copies for small tractor beams, capital tractor beams and a mobile tractor unit that have been enhanced by Upwell thanks to their latest discoveries in graviton research.
Defect Fixes:
Meta variations of the Interdiction Nullifier modules now have a small cost to manufacture instead of 0 isk cost.
The Skybreaker and Stormbringer basic mastery certificates now require Vorton Projector Operation IV instead of III, since this is needed for the Vorton Power Amplification I requirement.
The Standup Flak Round now has the Standup Decal in the top left corner of it’s icon like all other Upwell Structure Ammo types.
Fixed a leading space in front of the name of the “Infinite Celebrations Firework” item.
Armor Compensation skill descriptions now refer to Energized Membranes rather than Energized Platings which were renamed to the former in the previous tiericide pass.
Fixed a typo in the description of the Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator module.
User Interface:
The Caedes ship will no longer show 3 rig slots on the fitting tab of the show info page, it now shows 2 to match the rig slots it actually has.
Mutated Sentry Drones now have a sentry drone bracket for the overview rather than the default combat drone bracket.
Patch Notes For 2024-03-25.1
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Fixed "View in Store" button for Expert Systems, so that it opens the Expert Systems tab in the New Eden Store.
Patch Notes For 2024-03-21.1
Features & Changes:
The EVE Vanguard: First Strike March event begins today and runs until March 25th! During the March First Strike event, players in Vanguard will now be able to affect Suppression in EVE Online whenever they complete contracts. Players logged into the EVE Online client can see the effect that players in Vanguard are having on the Suppression levels through the insurgency UI.
Billboard rotations have been updated.
Patch Notes For 2024-03-14.1
Defect Fixes:
Addressed texture issues with the Tempest Fleet Issue.
Various SKIN and VFX fixes on the Kikimora, Cynabal and Vindicator.
Astero's icons have been tweaked to look better.
Fixed animation issues with T3C's in Upwell hangars.
Patch Notes For 2024-03-12.1
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
Updated EVE Online Developer credits.
New Eden Store:
Enforcer Operations Expert System
🤝 Added Missile Projection III
🤝 Added Warhead Upgrade III
Faction Warfare Expert System
🤝 Added Missile Projection III
🤝 Added Warhead Upgrade III
🤝 Added Shield Upgrades IV
🤝 Adjusted EM, Explosive, Kinetic and Thermal Shield Compensation from IV to III
🤝 Adjusted Trajectory Analysis from IV to III
Defect Fixes:
AIR Opportunities:
Fixed an issue that caused long text blocks to overflow in the Opportunity Details sections.
When refreshing in the window, the Daily Goals will now retry loading, if they failed to load initially.
The 'Claim All' button in the Rewards tab is now only displayed when there is more than one reward.
Epic Arcs that have become replayable are now displayed in the Opportunities window.
User Interface:
The Reset Settings menu is now scrollable.
Fixed typo issue for the Agent Exploration mission Data Scanning (3 of 5).
Removed Noctis from the list of ships that are affected by the Hauler Operations Expert System.
Patch Notes For 2024-02-29.1
Defect Fixes:
Minor shadow improvements on structures.
Patch Notes For 2024-02-20.1
Features & Changes:
LP Donations:
🤝 LP donations from characters to corporations, and from corporations to corporations, is now possible again.
An LP donation tax might be introduced in the future. We will monitor how the LP market is affected in the coming months.
Winter Balance Update
In this balance pass, we are hoping to address some long-standing community concerns with projection and overpowered weapon systems - while also cutting down and boosting some outliers to hopefully promote alternative options for a more vibrant death and destruction filled ecosystem.
Weapon Systems:
Entropic Disintegrators
Triglavian weapons have been very powerful for a long time, especially since they feature medium ranges with better than blaster tracking, while in many cases, pre-ramp DPS can also be on par or close to other ships which operate at the same range. While we originally looked into reducing their tracking, we decided that the better alternative was to lean into their identity as a ramping damage weapon. Triglavian weapons are being adjusted to have slightly lower base damage, but they will retain the same damage at max spool as they have now by increasing the maximum ramp multiplier. The Mimesis implant set and Nergal/Ikitursa will end up having a small damage increase at max spool. We are also increasing the damage multiplier per cycle so it will still take around 30 cycles of the weapon to reach max ramp.
Base damage reduced by 20%
Damage multiplier per cycle increased from 5% to 7%
Damage multiplier max increased from 2.5x to 3.125x
This should make them weaker at killing tackle ships, since the initial damage when target swapping is lower. This will also help other alternative options that fill the same role stand out more, like in the case of the Omen Navy Issue vs the Vedmak, with the Omen Navy Issue now offering much better initial DPS.
The Triglavian AT ships have also been adjusted to maintain their unique quality of reaching max ramp in 20 cycles instead of 30 cycles.
Hydra - Additional damage multiplier per cycle increased from 0.5% to 0.75% per level of the Covert Ops skill.
Tiamat - Additional damage multiplier per cycle increased from 0.5% to 0.75% per level of the Recon Ships skill.
Note: We have chosen to not adjust the capital weapon variation (Ultratidal) at this time.
Rapid Light Missile Launchers
Rapid Light Missile Launchers have been incredibly powerful for some time, especially when combined with range bonuses. As we re-balanced the Cerberus in the Viridian Expansion last summer, we intentionally removed the light missile range bonuses from the ship. In this balance pass, we are removing all the remaining per level range bonuses to Rapid Light Missiles, to match the precedent set with Rapid Heavy Missiles, which do not increase with Bastion or Spaceship Command skills.
Note that role bonuses from ships will still apply just like with Rapid Heavy Missiles (Mordus Legion Ships and Combat Battlecruisers).
Caracal - Missile velocity bonus now only applies to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missiles.
Osprey Navy Issue - Missile velocity bonus now only applies to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missiles.
Onyx - Missile velocity bonus now only applies to Heavy and Heavy Assault Missiles.
While we are happy with the on-grid power of Marauders since the adjustments we made in the Viridian Expansion, Marauders can still feel oppressive in certain scenarios. Marauders currently only warp 12.5% slower than T1, Faction and T3 Cruisers, which doesn’t leave much room for them to out-maneuver Marauders when choosing to avoid them. It also does not give players much reason to choose smaller hulls over a Marauder when travel time is a consideration for PVP and PVE. To tackle this, we’re reducing the warp speed of Marauders down to the same base level as T1 and Faction battleships.
Warp speed for the Marauder Class (Paladin, Golem, Kronos, Vargur) reduced from 3.5 AU/s to 3.0 AU/s.
Black Ops
Cloak Velocity Speed Role bonus increased from 6.5x to 7.5x to match the current stated trait role bonus of 650%.
The trait role bonus wasn't being applied properly.
Field Command Ships
In an earlier balance pass, we removed the Command Burst range bonuses from the Field Command group of Command Ships in exchange for an increase to Command Burst strength. This change, however, has made them feel a bit too difficult to use while skirmishing, so we are re-adding the Command Burst range bonus at Combat Battlecruiser strength.
Added 50% Role Bonus to Command Burst Range to the Field Command subgroup of Command Ships (Absolution, Nighthawk, Astarte, Sleipnir).
The Astarte is currently the least used Command Ship and it struggles to compete with the cheaper Brutix Navy Issue hull. We also boosted the Deimos in an earlier balance pass which has made the extra ISK cost for upshipping into the Astarte hull not feel as worthwhile as it once was. To help address this, we are giving the Astarte a small bump in rep power to help it stand out more as a tankier alternative to the Brutix Navy Issue.
Armor Repairer bonus increased from 7.5% to 10% per level of Gallente Battlecruiser skill.
Because the Nighthawk is overperforming in wormhole space and becoming oppressive, we are toning down on its damage by lowering the Rate of Fire bonus, but partially compensating it by increasing the Kinetic Damage bonus. Our aim here is to slightly lower the Nighthawk’s damage output and shift it more into Kinetic so players have more options to counter them outside of firewalls, such as fitting Kinetic Hardeners, Reactive Hardeners and bringing Tech II Gallente ships.
Rate of Fire bonus for Heavy and Heavy Assault Missiles reduced from 10% to 7.5% per level of Command Ships skill.
Kinetic Damage bonus for Heavy and Heavy Assault Missiles increased from 7.5% to 10% per level of Caldari Battlecruiser skill.
Exequror Navy Issue
The Exequror Navy Issue was the least used faction Cruiser in the game prior to Uprising. We are happy we managed to pull it out of the abyss it was in, but it’s now at the very top of the pile along with the Osprey Navy Issue and has become incredibly dominant.
Medium Hybrid Damage bonus reduced from 25% to 20% per level of Gallente Cruiser skill.
The Bellicose continues to have low usage as both an Ewar Platform and a Combat Cruiser. With the changes made to Rapid Light Missiles, we want to make sure there are strong Tech I options for going all-out with medium missiles. This is why we are increasing the speed and powergrid output of the Bellicose, to help it stand out more against the Caracal as a speedier alternative for shield setups and help enable armor setups.
Max velocity increased from 240m/s to 260m/s.
Powergrid output increased from 700 tw to 780 tw.
Republic Fleet Firetail
Prior to Uprising, all 4 navy Combat Frigates (Comet, Slicer, Hookbill and Firetail) had similar usage, with the Firetail slightly trailing. Post Uprising, the other 3 ships have increased in usage considerably, but the Firetail has been left behind. We are adding a smaller falloff bonus to help boost the Firetail’s versatility, especially for Auto-Cannon setups.
New bonus added, 5% bonus to Small Projectile Falloff per level of Minmatar Frigate skill.
The closest Forward Operating Base, or Zarzakh, will now appear in the loyalty points section of the wallet when looking at Malakim Zealots or Commando Guri LP.
🤝 It is now possible to pre-overheat modules while under the effects of jump cloak. (This is the temporary invulnerability and cloak you have from recently arriving in a new system from a Stargate, Shipcaster, Ansiblex or Wormhole.)
User Interface:
Changed the fill color of the Corruption bubbles in the Insurgency Window to match the Corruption color of the UI.
Voice over has now been added in Spanish.
Defect Fixes:
Ship Autopilot will now jump through Ansiblex Gates.
Damaged Laser Crystals will no longer be counted as modules for the "repair all" option for Nanite Repair Paste.
It is now possible to import fits for the Avatar.
It is now possible to search for “blueprint” and “officer” in the search New Eden bar.
The quantity field no longer cuts off the numbers of charges in in the Fitting window in simulation mode.
The Zarzakh Toll Cost is no longer rounded up or down to 3 significant figures, and now always shows the correct cost.
The basic Shield Amplifiers will now appear in the Storyline Section of the Market.
Abyssal Mining Crystals now have a red-colored icon to match their red beam.
Complex Mining Crystals now have an orange-colored icon to match their orange beam.
Rare Moon Mining Crystals now have a red beam to match their red icon.
The region description of Immensea now uses the correct spelling of “Arkonor”.
User Interface:
The Agency no longer opens with an incorrect tab in focus.
The Show Legend option choice in the Price History tab of the Market window is now preserved when switching between tabs.
Container icons in the Input Material Location drop down menu of the Industry window no longer move to the right when scrolling up and down.
The background of the Factional Warfare Enlistment window now fills the window. We have also removed the header icon and window title.
The Medium Industrial Core link in the "Can Fit Role bonus" for the Porpoise now correctly links to the Medium Industrial Core.
The arrow icons in the Agents category of the Character Sheet now face the correct way after the window has been collapsed.
Factional items in the Loyalty Point Store now correctly show the Faction marks.
The Compression window now correctly opens after choosing the Compress option when the window has been minimized.
The View Inside button tooltip now shows the correct tooltip.
Removed the extra line space in the tooltips in the Insurgency Info Panel.
The Insurgency gauges in the Info Panel are now clearer when viewing them over different backgrounds.
Patch Notes For 2024-02-09.1
Features & Changes:
Expired the 2023 Winter Nexus cerebral accelerators and boosters.
Patch Notes For 2024-02-08.1
Features & Changes:
The support for macOS 10.14 has ended and it is no longer possible to start the client on this operating system. Please upgrade at least to macOS 10.15.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed a client freeze/crash from pirate insurgency audio.
Fixed incorrect appearance of Astero icons.
Fixed missing texture on the Deathless Shipcaster.
Fixed missing Upwell Storage Facility icons.
Patch Notes For 2024-02-01.1
Features & Changes:
Science & Industry:
The SCC surcharge component of the Industry Job Installation Fee has been increased from 1.5% to 4%.
To learn more about the Industry Job Installation Fee and how it's calculated, you can check out the Viridian Expansion Notes here or over on the EVE University wiki.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue where Police Bobs at suppressed gates, stations, and hangars were heard but not seen.
Fixed an issue where audio for suppressed stations could fail to load
Patch Notes For 2024-01-24.1
Features & Changes:
Expired the 2023 Crimson Harvest cerebral accelerators and boosters.
Patch Notes For 2024-01-19.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue where suppression police “bob” audio was not affected by advanced audio volume sliders or inactive client muting.
Fixed an issue where suppression police “bob” trains emitted extra smoke particles.
Fixed an issue where the cloud around a pirate FOB (Forward Operating Base) would disappear after some time.
Patch Notes For 2024-01-18.1
Defect Fixes:
In some situations, audio would not play correctly in Gallente, Amarr and Pirate hangars. This has been resolved.
Patch Notes For 2024-01-17.1
Defect Fixes:
Turrets should no longer duplicate on certain ships when changing SKINs.
Corp and alliance banners should now display properly on the Deathglow Remnant SKIN.
Addressed an issue which was sneaking erroneous yellow textures into jumpgates.
Fixed some missing textures and Z-fighting in and around the Fulcrum.
Blinking lights on Bane are no longer going nuts.
Rear engines on Wolf are animated again.
Fixed decal and VFX issues with multiple SKINs.
Patch Notes For 2024-01-16.1
Features & Changes:
A new balancing mechanic has been added to Insurgencies: The Ambition Modifier.
The Ambition Modifier will change how many corruption 5 or suppression 5 solarsystems a side requires for victory in an insurgency campaign.
Whenever an Insurgency campaign is won by the pirates, or the anti-pirates, that side will increase their ambition modifier by +1 if they currently have equal or more ambition than the other side.
If an Insurgency campaign is won by the side with less ambition, it will reduce the ambition modifier of the other side by -1.
The Ambition Modifier can go as high as +13, requiring a side to fully corrupt or suppress 20 solarsystems for victory or to make the FOB vulnerable.
Information about the Ambition Modifier can be found ingame in the pirate insurgency guide page in the agency.
Added a new insurgency filter to the starmap and the classic starmap.
New Graphics, Audio and VFX have been added to Insurgency solarsystems and the pirate FOB to reflect the corruption and suppression state, campaign state and the Ambition Modifier.
As corruption goes up, stargates and stations will start to feature pirate billboards, electrical faults, fires, smoke, and clouds.
As suppression goes up, stargates and stations will start to feature police drones and “bobs”.
The Pirate FOB will feature additional VFX as the ambition modifier increases.
The Pirate FOB will also feature new VFX on the ‘undocking ports’ of the FOB as the pirates win solarsystems.
The Angel Cartel and the Guristas Pirates have increased patrols in the Zarzakh solarsystem.
These new NPCs will attack militia players, but will otherwise be neutral to capsuleers who choose to keep the peace in Zarzakh. They will engage anyone who has a deathless retribution timer.
The Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates have also deployed new patrols in the surrounding solarsystems of Turnur, G-0Q86 and H-PA29. These NPCs will be friendly to capsuleers who have chosen to enlist with them but will attack anyone else on sight.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed a client launching issue on macOS 10.14. Please note that macOS 10.14 will be deprecated soon. You can find more information here: Updated System Requirements - Support for EVE Mac OS 10.14 and Below Ending 8 Feb 2024
Patch Notes For 2024-01-09.1
Features & Changes:
We’ve made some changes to DED sites which can spawn in high-security space (Difficulty 1/10 through to 4/10). Some of those DED sites required keys to be acquired in order to activate certain acceleration gates to move on to the next room of the site. We’ve changed those rooms so now those acceleration gates no longer require keys, and now just require all the pirate NPCs to be killed in the room to progress to the next room. We’ve made this change because with the old keys, if a player warped out of the site, or was destroyed in the site, or simply decided to keep the key, then the site would then often be incompletable by other players and would still persist in the solarsystem until it naturally despawned days later, frustrating explorers who put in effort to scan it down. We’ve opted to only do this for 1/10 through to 4/10 for now to avoid altering PVP balance in the higher rated lowsec/nullsec DED complexes where players can get some level of safety in a site once they’ve made it through the gate that requires a key.
Patch Notes For 2024-01-04.1
Features & Changes:
The Winter Nexus has concluded. Thank you for participating in the Winter Nexus Event.
If you are enlisted with Angels or Guristas, clicking the faction icon on the character sheet will now open the insurgency window instead of the FW one.
Defect Fixes:
Added Premium marker to the many premium SKINs that were missing one.
Fixed Pirate Strongholds being referred to as ‘Forward Operating Bases’ in the reward section of the pirate stronghold agency page.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-19.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue with combat scanner probes only tracking the position of a ship or object the first time you scanned it, and not updating to their new position if they moved for subsequent scans.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-15.1
Defect Fixes:
When stealing from the ESS Main bank, the buff bar icon above the HUD will now be present again.
A live fix was deployed to the Insurgency backend service yesterday afternoon, Suppression stage 5 will now stop solar systems from progressing or gaining corruption after Corruption level 4.
Fixed an error on the Insurgency Guide Page that incorrectly claimed that the suppression 2+ bonus was 3% to LP gains per additional level of suppression instead of the correct amount of 5% LP gains.
Fixed an error with the German and French news window items having swapped text.
The “Always use English voice” option now behaves as intended. You may need to toggle this setting if you have changed it recently.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-14.1
Features & Changes:
Added an icon to the Insurgency map for the Ice Refinery Heist when it is available in a system.
Structures & Deployables:
Factional Warfare leaders from all sides have pointed out that the lack of office space in NPC stations has made it difficult to stage adequately, especially where citadels are forbidden. Accordingly we have increased available office space across 69 stations in Factional Warfare systems. 🤝 We thought this would be a nice thing to do heading into the holidays. The stations are as follows:
24th Imperial Crusade
The following stations have increased office space from 16 to 24:
Asghed III - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Halmah IV - 24th Imperial Crusade Assembly Plant
Tararan IV - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Mehatoor VI - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Dihra V - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Arzad VIII - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Tzvi VI - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Huola VI - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Kamela V - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Kurniainen IX - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Oyonata VI - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Tannakan VII - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Gammel III - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Iesa IV - 24th Imperial Crusade Testing Facilities
Myyhera III - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Sasiekko III - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Sosala IV - 24th Imperial Crusade Logistic Support
Amarr Navy
The following station has increased office space from 24 to 32:
Mehatoor III - Amarr Navy Anchorage
State Protectorate
The following stations have increased office space from 16 to 24:
Onnamon IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Eha III - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Innia II - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Aivonen VI - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Enaluri II - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Enaluri V - State Protectorate Assembly Plant
Asakai II - State Protectorate Testing Facilities
Nisuwa VII - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Rakapas II - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Hykanima I - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Elanoda IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Nourvukaiken V - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Ishomilken V - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Usi III - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Sujarento IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Oshaima IV - State Protectorate Logistic Support
Caldari Navy
The following station has increased office space from 24 to 32:
Onnamon VII - Caldari Navy Anchorage
Federal Defense Union
The following stations have increased office space from 16 to 24:
Fliet III - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Caslemon III - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Parts I - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Villore VI - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Esesier IX - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Orvolle VII - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Covryn III - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Uphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Eugales V - Federal Defense Union Assembly Plant
Moclinamaud VII - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Mercomesier III - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Intaki II - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Ostingele IV - Federal Defense Union Testing Facilities
Aidart IV - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Jufvitte IV - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Costolle V - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Ouelletta II - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Federation Navy
The following station has increased office space from 24 to 32:
Intaki V (Intaki Prime) - Federation Navy Anchorage
Tribal Liberation Force
The following stations have increased office space from 16 to 24:
Dal I - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Lulm IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Olfeim IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Abudban IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Ofstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Gukarla V - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Orfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Anher I - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Hek VII - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Ebolfer V - Tribal Liberation Force Testing Facilities
Eszur III - Tribal Liberation Force Assembly Plant
Floseswin IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Amo II - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Auner VI - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Hadozeko II - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Republic Fleet
The following station has increased office space from 24 to 32:
Amo III - Republic Fleet Anchorage
User Interface:
Added a new in-game news item highlighting the Ice Refinery Heist and the AIR Daily Goals.
The “start guidance” button in the Selected Item window for the Ice Refinery Heist Guided Entities now provides helpful feedback when the button is disabled.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed a defect where the Shield effect was disappearing sometimes in the Ice Refinery Heist activity.
Updated collision for some of the assets in the Ice Refinery Heist activity.
Increased brightness on the Data Link in the Ice Refinery Heist Activity.
Fixed typo on Muninn registry decal.
Fixed faction decals from showing up incorrectly on various ships with Deathglow Remnant SKIN fitted.
Fixed incorrect coloring on Deathglow Remnant SKIN license icon.
Fixed incorrect coloring on Hurricane and Vexor Deathglow Hunter SKIN.
Removed erroneous VFX appearing on multiple Rattlesnake SKINs.
Removed censored Guristas decal from appearing on Gila when using Chinese language setting.
Fixed m.isaligned corporation emblem on Bowhead
Fixed missing textures on models for Rokh and Abaddon.
Toggled VFX visibility off for various ship SKINs when Shader Quality settings are Low.
Fixed overlapping Killmarks decal appearing on multiple Gila SKINs.
Fixed registry decal for Mimir which was previously using the Bestla registry decal.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-12.1
Features & Changes:
The Ice Refinery Heist has been added as a new activity in the Pirate Insurgencies.
Large, fleet-oriented sites that will spawn when corruption or suppression reaches stages 3 and 4. The Ice Heist will share the LP reward with up to 30 pilots before being diminished.
The Ice Heist will allow T1, T2 and T3 ships of battleship size and below to enter. Depending on if you’re a pirate, opposing militia member, or a neutral player will determine where you land in the site. Neutral players will get a suspect timer on entering.
To succeed in the Ice Heist, players will need to be within 5,000m of the new guided tanker objects, and using the radial menu, right click menu, or selected items, start ‘guidance’ on the tanker and it will start flying towards their factions' loading bay/scaffolding for extraction.
Groups will earn 1 point for each tanker ship guided back to respective home bases.
The first side to reach 10 points will be rewarded and will increase corruption/suppression accordingly.
A tanker can only be guided by one player. The tanker will stop being guided if the ship guiding it is no longer within 10km or is destroyed.
Be aware that there are opposing NPCs which will focus ships which are guiding tankers.
AIR Daily Goals:
AIR now presents Daily Goals, a perfect opportunity to gain rewards for activities you’re already doing or have something to do when you’re unsure what’s next!
After each downtime, players are assigned a set of four daily goals, each aligning with distinct career paths: Explorer, Industrialist, Enforcer, and Soldier of Fortune.
The set of goals is the same for all players each day.
Successful completion of these goals rewards players with both ISK and EverMarks.
Players who accomplish at least two of the four daily goals are additionally granted Skill Points.
The AIR daily goal interface has been integrated into the AIR Opportunities window.
ISK rewards are taxed by the player’s corporation and EM rewards are duplicated, giving the same amount of EM to the player as well as the player’s corporation.
All unclaimed Corporation Projects and AIR Daily Goals rewards that are older than 30 days will be claimed automatically. This process will start in January 2024.
AIR Daily Goals replaces the Daily Challenges system.
Corporation Projects:
The Scan Signature project type has been updated. Now only the first successful scan of a particular cosmic signature by a particular character is recognized as a contribution to the project. This still allows multiple characters to contribute by scanning the same signature each, but each character can contribute to the project only once per particular signature.
Missions & NPCs:
The Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates epic arcs have been reset back to their original standing bonuses and cooldowns.
The final end of arc missions are now granting 30% faction standing bonuses again.
The missions are once again on a 90-day cooldown before they can be repeated.
Structures & Deployables:
Zarzakh has gained more office space and now has 64 office slots.
EVE Vanguard First Strike reward is now available and can be claimed in the NES until 2024-01-15.
Capsule Arkombine Arisen SKIN can be now applied to both regular Capsule and the Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant.
Defect Fixes:
AIR Opportunities:
Added missing tooltip description for the Pirate Insurgencies feature tag.
Fixed the Epic Arc Opportunity Images sometimes being too bright.
Accepted Missions are now automatically tracked in the Info Panel.
Fixed an issue where travel based objective chains would not be available when a mission was tracked in an offered state.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-08.2
Air Opportunities
AIR Opportunities ore anomalies were temporarily disabled while we investigated an ongoing issue. They have since been re-enabled.
Disabled opening AIR Opportunities on first dock.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-08.1
Features & Changes:
Factional Warfare:
Fixed an unintended interaction with direct enlistment where you could remote repair or provide remote assistance to someone who is directly enlisted with a militia with a PVP timer in the same corp as you, while you are not direct enlisted in the same faction as them. This is now treated as a criminal action in high security space.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Fixed a defect and exception where the stage value in the guristas FOB system could show an incorrect, very large number after a vanguard contract completed.
Air Opportunities
Update Post Downtime - We have disabled AIR Opportunities ore anomalies temporarily while we investigate an ongoing issue.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-07.1
Features & Changes:
The EVE Vanguard: First Strike event begins today and runs until December 11th!
During the First Strike event players in Vanguard will add corruption to the Guristas insurgency that is centered in Hevrice whenever they complete contracts. Players logged into the EVE Online client can see the effect of the Vanguard on the corruption levels within this Guristas insurgency through the insurgency UI.
Insurgency systems will now use a triangle instead of square at Corruption level 5 in the autopilot route display.
AIR Opportunities:
AIR Opportunities now opens by default when a player is docked for the first time after downtime.
The Opportunity Details page of Pirate Insurgencies now displays Corruption and Suppression information.
The search/filter/sort header now sticks to the top of the page when scrolling.
Feature pages now include an info icon with a tooltip explaining which opportunities are listed there.
Feature tags now include their feature icon.
Factional Warfare and Pirate Insurgencies opportunities no longer show non-relevant faction sites.
Rewards tab introduced with one unified area to claim all unclaimed rewards for opportunities.
AIR Opportunities now displays how many opportunities the player has in their Active and Rewards tabs.
The claim button in the Opportunity Details page of Corporation Projects now plays an animation when players claim their reward.
Corporation Projects:
New Project Hangars role.
Corporation members with this role will have access to their corporation's Project Hangars.
Project Creation summary.
Each collapsed subsection of the project creation form will now display a summary of what was authored in that section.
Updated the details page for Corporation Projects to include a section that shows the ISK value per contribution.
Info panel entries for corporation projects now show their progress even when collapsed.
Homefront Operations:
Unique Transmissions will no longer appear after a character has first viewed it.
The cost of Domination Ballistic Control System in the Malakim Zealots Loyalty Store has been increased to 64,000 LP´s and 25,714,300 ISK to match the same price as the Dread Guristas Ballistic Control Systems.
The support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 has ended and it is no longer possible to start the client on those operating systems.
User Interface:
Insurgency systems experiencing Level 5 Corruption will show up as triangles in the route instead of squares. Waypoints will still be crosses.
The updated Settings Menu introduced in Havoc is no longer full-screen. It now opens windowed and center aligned.
If players skip the character select screen when logging in and have unclaimed daily gifts, the Daily Login Campaigns Neocom icon will now blink blue momentarily when a player is docked for the first time in a session.
Defect Fixes:
AIR Opportunities:
Agent missions that are in the offered state (not accepted) are no longer auto-tracked after settings are cleared.
Horizontal card scrolling is no longer misaligned for the Epic Arcs and Introductions sections of the Opportunities home page.
Corporation Projects:
Fixed an issue where some players were unable to claim their contribution rewards for Corporation Projects.
New Player Experience:
Improved off-path handling throughout the experience.
Added additional highlight banners to make instructions clearer.
The Dock button in Selected Items will now stop blinking when warping to the station following the mining experience.
Skipping the tutorial during a camera animation will no longer disable camera controls for the remainder of the session.
User Interface:
Fixed an issue where several words were divided in the Settings Window for the German language.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-06.1
Defect Fixes:
Ship decals no longer misbehave when zooming in and out.
Addressed multiple issues with applying SKINs and switching ships in Upwell hangars.
Faction emblems no longer appear on traitor NPC hulls.
Fixed multiple issues with errant VFX, decals, and blinkies on various SKINs.
Metamorphosis blueprint no longer has an image of the Sunesis.
Minor tweak to audio triggers when other capsuleers enter/exit wormholes.
Fixed an issue where new Alliance Tournament VFX were erroneously appearing on older Alliance Tournament ship models.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-05.1
Features & Changes:
Winter Nexus Event!
The Winter Nexus event has returned to New Eden! This in-game event will run until downtime on January 4th 2024.
Volatile Ice Storms have begun to appear across highsec, lowsec, and nullsec space. These ice storms spread out across the stargate network two jumps from a central system, and occasionally move from system to system just like metaliminal storms. These storms provide bonuses to ship thermal resistances and module overheating for all capsuleers flying within them. Sansha's Nation and Outer Ring Excavations have both mobilized to take advantage of the novel forms of stellar ice found within these storms.
Wightstorm combat anomalies have begun appearing within the Volatile Ice Storms. These sites are full of hostile Sansha's nation vessels, and CONCORD advises capsuleers bring a battlecruiser ship or better when attempting to engage with these forces. The Wightstorm Forward Base site found within storms that originate in highsec space appears to be guarded by the weakest Sansha fleets, with the nullsec Wightstorm Transit Site posing an intermediate challenge and the lowsec-based Wightstorm Muster Point offering the greatest challenge for the greatest rewards.
Wightstorm data signatures can also be found within Volatile Ice Storms. These Sansha's Nation data sites can be hacked by enterprising capsuleers equipped with scan probes and data analyzer modules.
Volatile Ice Field anomalies can also be discovered within Volatile Ice Storms. These fields of newly discovered stellar ice have recently been captured by ORE and Mordu's Legion forces who have driven away the Sansha harvesting fleets. These ice fields can be accessed through a special ORE-commandeered acceleration gate that only allows medium and small mining and hauling ships to enter (Expedition Frigates, Mining Barges, Exhumers, Industrial Ships, Blockade Runners, Deep Space Transports, and the Porpoise). The volatile ice found within these fields cannot be reprocessed by standard facilities, however Outer Ring Excavations has set up mobile ice collection operations within each of these ice fields and is willing to trade with capsuleers who contribute to their mining operation. Capsuleers can trade seven units of volatile ice with the ORE representatives in the ice fields to receive a package of valuable salvage and items that ORE forces collected from the wrecks of Sansha ships. Rumors suggest that other valuable Sansha salvage has frozen directly into some of the ice chunks and can be occasionally picked up along with the ice by normal mining activities.
Rewards that can be found by capsuleers within all of these sites include valuable Overseers' Effects, hundreds of festive ship SKINs, limited-time Cerebral Accelerators, character apparel, special Sansha's nation combat boosters, Sansha's Nation pirate implant blueprints, and rare faction modules.
Limited-time Ice Storm filaments are now available that will instantly transport capsuleers into one of these volatile ice storms. Each filament clearly states in its description how many capsuleers it can transport and whether it will take them to a highsec, lowsec, or nullsec storm.
A new Yoiul Festival seasonal challenge track can be found within the Agency. These challenges can be completed over the course of the event by engaging with the combat, hacking, and ice mining sites within the Volatile Ice Storms. Completing these challenges will provide players with points that will progress them along a reward track consisting of new exclusive Aurora Universalis skins, Sansha combat boosters, and ice storm filaments.
A new set of daily login gifts are available over the course of the Winter Nexus event including snowballs, ice storm filaments, new Aurora Universalis skins, Sansha combat boosters, EverMarks and up to 650.000 skill points. Players can receive all of these rewards by logging in everyday between now and January 4th.
An expert system has been included which will allow all players, including alpha accounts, the ability to fly an Endurance and fit an Ice Mining Laser to mine ice for 4 days.
CONCORD has updated the security ratings of Villore, Bereye, Hek, and Parchanier to 0.9, 0.9, 0.8, and 0.9, respectively, following another security audit in these systems. CONCORD does not expect further updates in the foreseeable future.
Several empire intelligence networks have been alerted to reported sightings of high-profile members of Arkombine arriving at The Fulcrum in Zarzakh.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Fixed an exception which prevented the corruption score from updating in the info panel for the solarsystem whenever pirates captured an insurgency site.
Patch Notes For 2023-12-04.1
Features & Changes:
Winter Nexus Themed Character Select and Wreck Icons
In preparation for Winter Nexus, the Character Select Screen is updated, and present icons tagging wrecks of your helpless victims as you claim your bounties!
Patch Notes For 2023-12-01.1
Features & Changes:
Office spaces in Zarzakh have been increased from 24 to 48
Defect Fixes:
The Traits tab on the Aligator is once again visible.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-30.1
Features & Changes:
Security audits continue throughout core Gallente space, with CONCORD reporting that the security ratings of Villore, Arnon, and Parchanier have all increased to 0.8. Bereye, the Federation’s Judicial Branch capital, received an increase in Federal garrison numbers and saw its security rating rise to 0.8 as well. In the Minmatar Republic, Hek’s security rating rose to 0.7 as RSS paramilitary police troops arrived in large numbers.
Evermarks can be donated again
Prize ships for Alliance Tournament XIX winners have been added:
The new Assault Ship, named: Shapash
The new Heavy Assault Cruiser, named: Cybele
More details about the ships can be found in the Alliance Tournament XIX Wrap-up news article that will go live shortly.
Defect Fixes:
Fixed a minor memory leak.
Fixed a problem where sounds were not playing after enabling audio (without restarting the client).
Patch Notes For 2023-11-28.1
Features & Changes:
The continuing chaos brought upon by the Pirate Insurgencies has encouraged the Gallente Federation to carry on with their security audits, with Villore’s rating increasing further to 0.7. Navy strongholds, installations, and outposts have been constructed in Arnon and Parchanier to increase their defensive power as well, raising their security to 0.7.
The Minmatar Republic, in response to the Angel Cartel insurgencies, has similarly built military facilities in Hek, raising its security status to 0.6.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-24.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an insurgency bug where after the pirates won, a FW Ihub could be invulnerable until downtime after the pirates gave it back.
Fixed multiple issues with decals and emblems not displaying properly across several ships.
Fixed an issue where Aurora VFX was appearing on other SKINs.
Fixed the glowmap on the Thrasher Fleet Issue’s boosters.
Adjusted the lifetime of GPU particles for missile impact smoke.
Fixed the gold sheen on the Alliance Tournament Monument in Manarq.
Fixed the Praetor I’s shader issues in preview windows.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-23.1
Features & Changes:
Pirate Insurgencies:
Increased the amount of suppression gained when the empire militias complete insurgency sites by 33%.
Decreased forecasting time for future insurgencies from 48h to 24h.
When a former insurgency FOB system ends the period of pirate occupancy after a pirate victory, it will now start at 100 points over the victory point threshold required to make the IHub vulnerable, instead of 500 points over the threshold.
Pirate insurgencies will now only spread within the empire space controlled by their primary insurgency enemies. This means that the Angel insurgency will no longer spread into Caldari/Gallente regions, and the Guristas insurgency will no longer spread into Amarr/Minmatar regions.
The factional warfare HQ systems for each empire (Onnamon, Intaki, Mehatoor, and Amo) have a base suppression level of 2 and can never drop below that level.
The dramatic appearance of the pirate insurgencies has caused the Gallente Federation to begin a security audit of some potentially vulnerable key systems. The Federation Senate headquarters system of Villore has been deemed insufficiently secure given its proximity to the warzone and relatively low security levels. Multiple new Federation Navy facilities have begun appearing in the Villore system and this increased Navy presence has caused the security status of Villore to increase from 0.5 to 0.6.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-22.1
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Fixed a rare issue where solarsystem info panel would fail to display if the corruption/suppression service timed out when a client was trying to connect.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-21.1
Features & Changes:
Insurgency Sites will now give suspect timers to neutral players who are not enlisted with an appropriate militia for the campaign, similar to existing Factional Warfare complexes.
For Angel Insurgencies, players who are not in the Minmatar Militia, Amarr Militia or Angel Cartel will get a suspect timer for entering outpost raid sites.
For Guristas Insurgencies, players who are not in the Caldari Militia, Gallente Militia or Guristas Pirates will get a suspect timer for entering outpost raid sites.
It’s no longer possible to enter a gated insurgency site with a Warp Core Stabilizer fitted.
Added a note that says “There currently are no active Insurgencies” for the Insurgency Systems agency page if no insurgencies are in the active state.
There is now a pop-up warning when activating a stargate which would take you to a corruption 5 pirate insurgency system.
Insurgencies will now display “LAWLESS” next to the security status in the solarsystem info panel when corruption 5 has been reached.
Corruption 5 High and Low Security systems will now appear in bright red on the autopilot route, and Lawless is included in the tooltip.
Science & Industry:
Added missing Nanite Engineering skill requirement to manufacture the Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II blueprint. The small, large and capital variations all required this skill at 1. This will mean that it will now benefit from the 1% time reduction bonus per level.
Defect Fixes:
Corporation Project:
Corporation Statistics are no longer cut off in Japanese.
Fixed an issue where some clients have been unable to see their contribution progression to Corporation Projects in the UI.
Faction NPC police will no longer block capture timers for pirate players if they are spawned inside Highsec complexes.
Homefront Operations:
It's no longer possible to remote repair the acceleration gates and receive payouts for it.
The Mining Ambush dungeon will no-longer send misleading chatter if the site is contested by both sides fairly equally and one side wins shortly before the other side kills enough cruisers and battleships to cause them to flee.
The evemail message you receive for capturing a dungeon while under the effects of suppression will now correctly contain the bonus LP you got and not just the flat value.
New Player Experience:
Improved off-path handling throughout the experience.
Removed the QA option from the context menu of enlistment opportunities.
Tracked Homefront Operation, Factional Warfare, and Pirate Insurgency opportunities will no longer be untracked when they become 6 or more jumps away.
The opportunity timer will now visibly count down when the tooltip is open.
Fixed an opportunity info panel issue where the jump count and button could disappear from the entries.
User Interface:
Fixed an Issue where the enlistment window could appear blank if a player has stacked it or docked it in another window.
Fixed text being obscured by the icons to swap factions and to the insurgency dashboard in the FW Map window.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-20.1
Features & Changes:
When a system is at corruption or suppression level 5, more sites will now spawn aside from the Open ADV-1 and Open ADV-5.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-16.1
Defect Fixes:
Corporation project:
Corporation projects with payment option can now be created with non-ASCII characters.
Links to Corporation projects in the Wallet’s Transaction will now show the correct Project name when using non-ASCII characters.
The repair service in pirate FOBs is now working as intended.
The Insurgency Dashboard will now use your autopilot avoidance list and safety settings when displaying the ‘number of jumps’ an insurgency system is away from you, instead of always closest.
User Interface:
Font size changes in the Settings Window will update directly without having to relaunch.
Tooltip appears when hovering over a hyperlink.
Fixed elements of the Zarzakh agency page so that it is now formatted correctly, and text doesn’t go out of bounds or overlaps in different languages.
Fixed an issue causing the NPE to become unfocused when guided to accept a Career Agent mission.
Players will now be instructed to track a goal during the ACP Career Path introduction.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-15.1
Features & Changes:
Players will receive an EVE Mail Notification when leaving their player corp on their own volition.
The EVE Mail Notification received when getting kicked out from the corp now includes the information about 30 day auto claim for corporation project rewards.
Missions & NPCs:
The Amarr now mutually dislike The Deathless by -2.0 like all other empire factions.
The Guristas now hate the Caldari state by -9.0, instead of having neutral standings towards them.
Various other law enforcement and pirate organizations have adjusted their standings.
Insurgency Mining Ship has been added to the default overview profiles which include FW and Insurgency NPCs.
Pirate Insurgencies have been added to the Opportunities interface.
Tracked opportunities now display their ‘tracked’ icon by default within the Opportunities interface.
The Caldari State have held military control of the newly built Samanuni to Athounon gate for an extended period of time thanks to the efforts of loyalist capsuleers enlisted with the State Protectorate. Thanks to these efforts, Caldari stargate engineers have managed to upgrade and secure the connection and it will no longer be able to be disrupted by the Federal saboteurs if they are able to seize Athounon.
Samanuni has been removed from the autopilot blacklist.
The FW map has been updated to reflect that the Samanuni → Athounon gate connection is now permanently connected.
Players will no longer land inside the deathless shipcaster portal effect in the center when warping to it, and instead land outside it.
Defect Fixes:
Adding the missing ‘5x penalty to entosis link duration’ to the Azariel traits tab.
Fixed the Alligator Heavy Missile kinetic damage bonus not applying correctly.
Homefront Operations:
Corrected a few typos in conversations.
Hostile homefront NPCs should now show as red again instead of neutral.
Fixed Mordu battlecruiser NPCs incorrectly claiming they are based on the Talos instead of the Naga hull.
New Player Experience
Added a missing UI blink in the fitting window in Part 1 of the experience.
Updated the info panel objective at the end of Part 1.
Corrected a highlight banner at the end of Part 1.
Improved off-path handling throughout the experience.
The entire Info Panel will no longer disappear if the Opportunities info panel section becomes completely empty by traveling out of range of all tracked opportunities.
Changing the UI Scaling settings twice while no opportunities are tracked will no longer make tracking impossible.
The Opportunities home page will now display a consistent order of content sections when opened for the first time after logging in.
Players in stations will now have their Opportunities information updated every five minutes to remove opportunities that are no longer available in their current system.
Clicking the faction icon on Epic Arc opportunity cards will now open the opportunity details as intended.
Fixed some behavior NPCs being passive or showing as neutral instead of red.
Corporation Project
Factions will be prioritized over character, player corporation and player alliance names in the scroll down menu for Contribution Methods.
Contribution Methods for Defend and Capture FW Complexes now has a drop down menu for faction selection.
Remote Armor Repairing or Shield Boosting a capsuleer associated with a specific faction is now getting counted for projects in which faction is a requirement.
Search Filter for Unclaimed Rewards has been added to the Projects tab in the Corporation window.
Payment in ISK is getting copied over when duplicating a Corporation Project that contains ISK reward.
User Interface:
Fixed the hint when trying to enlist for a pirate faction and not having high enough standings claiming you need 0.0 standings instead of -2.0.
Mutaplasmid Items Show Info window now shows 2 decimal places for attributes they can affect, instead of none and rounding down, so players can easily see in game what the actual mutation numbers are.
Window will no longer scroll up after changing option from the drop-down menu in Settings Window’s "Display & Graphics" tab in the Settings Window
Patch Notes For 2023-11-14.1
Havoc Expansion Notes were given out early, as is the new custom with Expansions, and they can be found here: