Patch Notes - Version 21.05 # 2

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 21.05#2). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2023-06-13
Last update: 2023-11-09
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by the player's feedback or suggestions.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-09.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-06.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-01.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-19.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-18.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-12.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-10.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-06.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-05.1Patch Notes For 2023-10-03.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-28.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-27.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-26.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-19.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-18.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-14.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-13.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-12.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-06.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-05.1Patch Notes For 2023-09-04.1Patch Notes For 2023-08-31.1Patch Notes For 2023-08-29.1Patch Notes For 2023-08-24.1Patch Notes For 2023-08-22.1Patch Notes For 2023-11-09.1
Features & Changes:
Added a new video to the billboard rotation for the upcoming LP donation pause.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-06.1
Features & Changes:
Crimson Harvest has concluded.
Thank you for participating in the Crimson Harvest Event. The last day of the Crimson Harvest DLI will be Tuesday, November 7th.
Patch Notes For 2023-11-01.1
Defect Fixes:
An issue where destruction details disappeared when zooming out on wrecks has been fixed.
An issue where volumetric clouds near your ship didn't correctly obscure the sun, has been fixed.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-19.1
Features & Changes:
Crimson Harvest
The Blood Raiders and the Order of Tetrimon both hate cherry pickers, so they added a completion timer to Crimson Harvest Hacking Sites.
Sites will now complete 10 minutes after a player has entered the room. If a player is there for more than 10 minutes the site will complete when they leave the room.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-18.1
Features & Changes:
Missions & NPCs:
The Angel Cartel and the Guristas Pirates are preparing to allow Capsuleers to enlist in their soon to be launched insurgency campaigns and have decided to extend Capsuleers the opportunity for absolution from past transgressions if they show they are willing to work with them.
The base standing increase from successfully completing the Angel Cartel and Guristas Epic Arc have been increased from 30% to 45%.
The cooldown for running the Arc has been reduced from 90 days to 14 days.
This cooldown is retroactive, i.e. if you ran an epic arc on the 1st of October (17 days ago) you’ll be able to run it right away! (instead of in 73 days).
If you ran the epic arc on the 14th of October, your new cooldown is 10 days (instead of 86 days).
This is a temporary amnesty from the Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates, the Epic Arcs will return to their old values in December.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-12.1
Features & Changes:
Loyalty Point store
The cost of capital ship BPCs in the Serpentis Loyalty Point store has been adjusted and is now as follows:
Vanquisher Blueprint: 150,000,000 LP & 150,000,000,000 ISK.
Vendetta Blueprint: 100,000,000 LP & 100,000,000,000 ISK.
Vehement Blueprint: 25,000,000 LP & 25,000,000,000 ISK.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-10.1
Defect Fixes:
Crimson Harvest
Hacking sites will now remain scannable until all containers have been hacked.
Last year's Crimson Harvest SKINs that drop in event sites can now be sold on the Market.
Amarr Empire Faction Warfare NPCs will now correctly guard the "Amarr Supply Cache" Faction Warfare objective and no longer warp off constantly.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-06.1
Features & Changes:
Crimson Harvest DLI
The DLI campaign has been extended by 1 day to unlock the booster to those who reach it.
Defect Fixes:
Crimson Harvest:
Fixed an issue which could cause the bosses HP bar to be removed from the Opportunities info panel after another NPC enters or leaves the site.
Additional unintended VFX no longer appear on the Vedmak Deathglow Remnant SKIN.
Crimson Harvest hacking sites have had their loot drops adjusted to account for the extra can(s) in the site.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-05.1
Features & Changes:
The Crimson Harvest has begun! This Blood Raiders themed event runs until downtime on Monday November 6th 2023.
Limited time combat and hacking sites are appearing all over Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec, and W-space, belonging to the opposing forces of the Blood Raider Covenant and the Order of St Tetrimon.
Crimson Gauntlet and Tetrimon Base combat sites can be found in most areas of space. These sites should be approached with caution, and capsuleers are advised to fly a battlecruiser, battleship, heavy assault cruiser, or even more powerful vessels if they wish to investigate these locations. Rewards for looting the battleship NPCs found at the end of the sites include items that can be traded for isk, skins, boosters, clothing and more!
Crimson Harvest Network Node and Tetrimon Network Node data sites are also appearing across New Eden. These hacking sites contain network node structures that can be accessed for great rewards!
The Blood Raiders are capitalizing on the chaos erupting all over New Eden and are setting up more advanced bases in the warzone. Tetrimon loyalists are also deploying in the area to match their forces. These advanced versions of the combat and hacking sites can only be found within the areas containing the most heated fighting between Blood Raider and Tetrimon forces: the Blood Raider controlled systems within the Delve region and within the Eugidi, Angils and Hed constellations. These advanced sites are rarer and more challenging than the standard versions of the sites but they provide much greater rewards. Bringing a friend or two helps reduce the risk immensely, but beware of other capsuleers who may be searching for the same loot!
The most elusive and valuable strongholds of the Blood Raiders and Order of Tetrimon can only be found by obtaining a rare escalation from the advanced combat sites.
Both the Blood Raiders and the Order of Tetrimon are willing to reward capsuleers who attack their foes. Each character can choose between two options for the Agency challenges and reward track for this event. You will receive points for shooting the opposing side to the one you choose in the agency, and you will receive challenges themed around your chosen faction. Be aware that although you will only receive agency challenges and points for shooting the opposing side to the one you chose, there is no penalty for shooting both sides and taking the loot from both their sites.
Every day of the Crimson Harvest will bring devilish login rewards. Alpha and Omega players get separate rewards, with Omegas enjoying both sets every day, and upgrading at any time during the event unlocks all previous Omega rewards. The treats on offer include boosters, SKINs, EverMarks, a generous amount of Skill Points and more. Get prepared and plan ahead, as not only will there be rewards given every day to those logging in, the 25th login during Crimson Harvest will be rewarded with 250.000 skill points for Omega and 75.000 for Alpha capsuleers.

Defect Fixes:
The Mamba, Mekubal and Metamorphosis can no longer enter NVY plexes in Factional Warfare.
Removed a duplicate light drone trait element from the Mamba.
The Zarzakh gate will now list what ships can enter when you try to take a capital ship through.
Patch Notes For 2023-10-03.1
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
The Character Select Screen has been updated to the Crimson Harvest theme for the upcoming Event.
In addition to the Character Select Screen update, PvP kills will drop loot at a higher rate, around 90% instead of the regular 50%. Find the pumpkin icon tagging the wrecks of your helpless victims and claim your bounties!
The Deathless continue to gain influence and mastery over the system of Zarzakh and have erected Deathless Retribution Emplacements around the ancient jovian stargates, The Fulcrum and the Deathless Construction Site at the sun. These new missile battery based sentry towers will attack any capsuleer with a retribution timer in their presence. The emplacements also have a limited amount of electronic warfare ability, and will target paint and attempt to break the locks of ships which incur their wrath.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-28.1
Features & Changes:
The Deathless is asking for help from Capsuleers to power up ‘The Fulcrum’ and unlock more of Zarzakh’s secrets. Capsuleers who choose to assist him will be given Deathless circle reward tokens which can be exchanged in loyalty point stores for early access to the new destroyer designs recently completed by the Guristas Pirates and the Angel Cartel, or sold for a profit at Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates NPC stations.
Venture into drifter hives, destroy the ancient drifter guardians at the end and collect elements from different hives to combine them into Coalesced Elements. Be aware that these sites are intended for groups of well equipped capsuleers and are very dangerous. Alternatively, entrepreneurs may be able to acquire them from the market from capsuleers who have already adventured deep into these hives.
In all classes of wormhole space, probe down sleeper relic and data sites using the “Forgotten” and “Unsecured” site name prefix, and acquire Element Containment Vessels from relic sites, and Element Control Data from data sites. Be aware that these sites are guarded by Sleeper NPCs unlike other relic and data cosmic signatures so be prepared for combat.
Once you have a Coalesced Element, an Element Containment Vessel and an Element Control Data item, travel to Zarzakh, and use the ‘access’ option now available to deposit all 3 together into the Fulcrum to recieve your reward - a deathless circle loyalty token.
Your Deathless circle loyalty token can then be taken to any Angel Cartel or Guristas Pirates station, and used in the Loyalty point store for a 1 run BPC of the Mekubal or Mamba respectively.
Alternatively, The Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates will also reward capsuleers 5 million ISK for each Element Containment Vessel and Element Control Data they sell to them inside their stations, or 50 million ISK for each Deathless Circle Loyalty token.
For those who wish to oppose The Deathless - The Society of Conscious Thought is also awarding 5 million ISK for each Element Containment Vessel and Element Control Data brought to their stations in Geminate.
Defect Fixes:
Escalations can no longer spawn in Zarzakh.
Note that it’s still possible for an escalation to take you through Zarzakh, escalations should always at most be 10 jumps from your destination. You may need to travel through Zarzakh if you see an escalation with an unusually high amount of jumps, we’re hoping to have a fix for this in a later release.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-27.1
Defect Fixes:
EverMarks removed from the Mysterious GalNet Crate. EverMarks as items still remain in capsuleer inventories. Should you want them converted to regular EverMark currency you can contact support.
Added a number of missing localization for SKINs.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-26.1
Defect Fixes:
Fixed an issue with the Tech level icons of some Zarzakh NPCs.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-19.1
Features & Changes:
The four ancient Jovian stargates located in the Alsavoinon, G-0Q86, H-PA29, and Turnur systems appear to have connected with their stargate pairs at their destination location. This system has been assigned a system name that was discovered by capsuleers during the investigation: Zarzakh. The system is now viewable on the map.
Although the stargates have registered their navigation data with the New Eden fluid router network, and additional information about the system has become available, the stargates remain in a locked state, preventing access to capsuleer traffic.
Mekubal class Destroyer from the Angel Cartel and the Mamba class Destroyer from the Guristas have been added to the ship tree and can be viewed in game.
User Interface:
Increased the minimum width of the Loyalty Point Store UI so that the purchase buttons for offers can no longer be hidden.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-18.1
Defect Fixes:
Mac client: Full screen clients are no longer being forced into native resolution at client start or entering full screen through Option + Enter.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-14.1
Defect Fixes:
We've made improvements to the chat service which increases its stability.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-13.1
Defect Fixes:
Fullscreen clients on a Mac with a notch for the camera will no longer be cut off at the bottom due to it being shifted downwards.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-12.1
Features & Changes:
The SCC surcharge for all industrial activities, such as manufacturing and invention, has been increased from 0.75% to 1.5%.
We have adjusted the System Cost Index formula to make it more volatile.
Defect Fixes:
Info Panel:
Tracked Homefront Operations and Combat Anomalies will now stay tracked after jumping to their system.
Anomalies in the current system to will no longer disappear from the Opportunities window, the Info Panel, and the Agency while in a station.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-06.1
Defect Fixes:
Homefront Operations:
Removing debug text that could appear in Metaliminal Meteoroid Amarr Mining sites.
Selecting Homefront Operations entries in the Agency will no longer add them to the Homefront Operations list in the Opportunities window.
Info Panel:
Tracked Combat Anomalies will now become untracked when two or more systems away.
After completion, Homefront Operations and Combat Anomalies will now be removed immediately from the Agency, the Opportunities window, and the Info Panel of everyone in that system.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-05.1
Features & Changes:
The Shadow War boosters have now expired.
The Society of Conscious Thought is now broadcasting the nearby location of the Ancient Jovian Gates to all capsuleers in the Solar Systems of Turnur, Alsavoinon, H-PA29 and G-0Q86.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Blueprint icons are showing correctly again.
Patch Notes For 2023-09-04.1
Features & Changes:
The Alliance Tournament monument in Manarq has been updated with the winners of Alliance Tournament XIX, Fraternity.
Patch Notes For 2023-08-31.1
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
Made various improvements to the SKINR tool UI:
Adjusted font and icon sizes.
Added background color for structure listings.
Added additional text.
Added a toggle for paint names.
Patch Notes For 2023-08-29.1
Features & Changes:
Upwell Structures can no longer be deployed near the discovered ancient Jovian gates due to extreme gravitational anomalies discovered in the vicinity around the gates.
It is recommended that any existing structures already anchored close to the stargates be removed or face potential destruction.
Defect Fixes:
The ‘Capital Ship Construction’ Skillbook has been returned to the market of all empire school stations.
Jovian gates will start out as cloaked if a player enters a grid with them, instead of uncloaking first, then recloaking if a player is out of range of their decloaking radius.
Removed several unneeded line breaks from the 'accept contract' message.
Fixed a driver crash for dx12, when trying to move the portrait part of the character sheet outside of the client window.
Patch Notes For 2023-08-24.1
Defect Fixes:
The Ishtar Gilded Predator SKIN is displaying its true colors.
Patch Notes For 2023-08-22.1
Features & Changes:
EVE Operation: Epiphany begins
Further investigations are under way into Jove Observatories and the activities of Angel Cartel and Guristas Pirates commanders.
User Interface:
The Loyalty Point Store UI has been given an overhaul.
The LP store window will now have a faction background based on the corporation LP store.
🤝 Removed the limit of 100 at a time for offers - now you can buy as many datacores from Factional Warfare Loyalty Point stores as you want in a single transaction!
The Loyalty Point, ISK and AK columns have been merged together. If the cost is 0 it will not be shown.
There is now a required items column.
When hovering over an offer, ISK/Loyalty Point/AK or specific required items you do not have will be highlighted in red.
🤝 You can now see the estimated item value of the Loyalty Point offer item when hovering the mouse cursor over it.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Packaged ships can now be multifit with alliance fittings using the right click menu.
The SCC surcharge is now included in the cost total in the buy window when placing a buy order in a citadel.
You can now apply saved filters in the hypernet window.
'Edit Profile Used by Structure' now opens on the right tab.
Fixed an exception when a player is in control of a Citadel and opens a conversation with an Agent and looks at ship restrictions for the mission.
Filtering industry blueprints by name should now be more responsive and no longer get stuck in some cases.
Fixed the column sorting behavior in the industry window.