Patch Notes - Version 20.05

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.05). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2022-05-10
Last update: 2022-06-16
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.
RELEASES: 2022-05-10.1 | 2022-05-17.1 | 2022-05-24.1 | 2022-05-31.1 | 2022-06-07.1 | 2022-06-16.1 NEW |
Patch Notes For 2022-06-16.1
Features & Changes:
The Gallente Federation Day events have begun including the the Federation Grand Prix! This is the 239th Federation Day, an annual celebration of the founding of the Federated Union of Gallente Prime. The festivities across Federation space will run until downtime on June 28nd.
The Federation Grand Prix has returned! Head to the starting line site above Gallente Prime in the Luminaire system to join in!
- This event challenges capsuleers to travel across New Eden to a series of landmark locations, with three courses beginning and ending in Luminaire.
- The first journey around each of the three Grand Prix courses has no time limit, and completing the first loop around all three tracks will unlock all the season rewards including new Luminaire Zenith SKINs, Quafe Zero and new Grand Prix boosters, and new racing jackets!
- Once the first journey around the circuits is complete, optional time trials become available to test your speed.
- The top ten fastest Capsuleers for each of the three "extra lap" time trials will have their names added to a landmark in Luminaire for permanent bragging rights.
- The first of the three routes can be completed entirely within high security space, and the second and third routes require competitors to enter lowsec space with optional journeys through nullsec.
- WARNING: The Federation Grand Prix routes can be dangerous hostile capsuleers may set up gate camps or smartbomb traps throughout the route. Competitors are encouraged to only fly ships they feel comfortable potentially losing. Careful warping and skillful evasive flying may be required to complete these routes.
Daily Login Gifts are available to all capsuleers including skillpoints, skins, fireworks, and a special Gallente Federation Day Expert System that allows everyone to try out Gallente ships!
A special warp velocity bonus will apply to all capsuleers travelling within the Gallente Federation regions.
The Federation Navy parades have returned and can be found within the Luminaire, Villore, Dodixie, Lirsautton, Alentene, Orvolle, and Octanneve systems. Capsuleers can receive skill points for completing daily challenges to visit these parades and launch fireworks alongside the other revelers.
Federal Mining Expedition sites have returned and can be found within the Kiartanne, Algintal, Osnins, and Mallugier constellations for the duration of this event
To celebrate Federation Day, new Strategic Materiel Defender SKINs for the Gallente industrial ships have been added to the Federal Strategic Materiel loyalty point store
A new Gallente landmark site can be found within the Ratillose system, and the Operation Highlander Battlefield site in Luminaire has been updated.
A special Gallente Federation Day abyssal proving ground event will be running from June 24th to June 27th, with a Thorax FFA format
Join the community-run celebrations in Luminaire starting at 18:00 EVE Time on Saturday June 25th.
Patch Notes For 2022-06-07.1
Features & Changes:
The voting period for the 17th Council of Stellar Management has begun and will run until 11:00 UTC on June 14th! All Omega accounts more than 60 days old are eligible to vote. Learn all about the candidates and vote here.
- To celebrate the CSM election, special daily login gifts will be available over the next week including skillpoints, boosters, and the special edition Council Diplomatic Shuttle.
- A limited time CSM Election Voter Information Station landmark site full of information about the CSM and the election can be found in Alentene, Amarr, Arnon, Dodixie, Hatakani, Hek, Jita, Khanid Prime, Luminaire, New Caldari, Pator, Rens, Sobaseki, Tanoo, Tash-Murkon Prime, Teonusude, and Yulai for the duration of the voting period.
Patch Notes For 2022-05-31.1
Features & Changes:
- Added Korean voiceover to the NPE
- Added the NPE intro video to the Korean client with Korean voiceover.
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Added the "Copy to Clipboard" option that was unintentionally removed back to the fitting management window.
Patch Notes For 2022-05-24.1
Features & Changes:
- The Capsuleer Day event has ended for this year. We hope you enjoyed the festivities. Capsuleer Day will return in 2023 for EVE's 20th Birthday!
Defect Fixes:
New Player Experience:
- Elias' conversation portrait will now appear correctly when the Low Quality Characters setting is enabled.
- Resolved several whitespaces that were found to be in many items (Type) names. These type names which are then exported through the Static Data Export caused difficulty for third party developers in terms of support. A new static data export for this patch will also be deployed.
User Interface:
- Resolved an issue with importing some fittings with certain modules in the fit, such as the 'Medium Industrial Core II' module for example.
Patch Notes For 2022-05-17.1
Features & Changes:
- A billboard video has been added to the rotation advertising the Anger Games 5 player run PVP tournament
Defect Fixes:
New Player Experience:
- Conversation guidance during the skills introduction will now appear correctly.
- Fixed an issue with the target painting from the Smuggler Rapier NPC
- Changing active division no longer results in the Wallet turning black.
- The Sell Items window no longer has overlapping elements.
Patch Notes For 2022-05-10.1
Features & Changes
Defect Fixes
Features & Changes:
Structures & Deployables:
Upwell Structures have undergone two major updates to their reinforcement gameplay mechanics. FLEX Structures and NPC Structures remain unchanged in mechanics and gameplay.
For all Upwell Structures, the Damage Cap limit for Shields has effectively been removed through an increase of the limit.
- The attribute in game is still visible as "Shield Damage Limit (per second)" but is now higher than the shield capacity of the structure.
- This results in the ability to rapidly deplete the structures shields without the damage cap limiting incoming DPS.
For all Medium Upwell Structures, the Hull Reinforcement phase has been removed. This means that medium structures will have a maximum of 1 reinforcement cycle after a successful attack depleting the structures shields. After depletion of the Armor HP during its armor vulnerable phase, the structure will immediately enter the hull vulnerable phase and continue to sustain damage from an attacking fleet.
The armor reinforcement timers have been updated to the following durations:
Structure Size | Wormholes | Nullsec | Lowsec | Highsec |
Medium | Defenders next chosen hour after 2.5 days ± 1.5 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 3.5 days ± 1.5 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 3.5 days ± 1.5 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 4.5 days ± 1.5 hours |
Large | Defenders next chosen hour after 24 hours ± 3 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 24 hours ± 3 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 24 hours ± 3 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 24 hours ± 3 hours |
FLEX | N/A | None | N/A | N/A |
- War HQ structures have a hull timer of 24 hours. For medium structures, this rule is applied to the armor timer instead.
The hull reinforcement timers have been updated to the following durations:
Structure Size | Wormholes | Nullsec | Lowsec | Highsec |
Medium | None | None | None | None |
Large | Defenders next chosen hour after 1.5 days ± 3 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 2.5 days ± 3 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 2.5 days ± 3 hours | Defenders next chosen hour after 4.5 days ± 3 hours |
FLEX | N/A | Defenders next chosen hour after 30 minutes ± 30 minutes | N/A | N/A |
Developer Comment:
🤝 After inviting players to discuss the upcoming changes for the Siege Green update, we've added an additional 24 hours onto the reinforcement time for medium structures in Wormholes, Pochven, Low-Sec, and Null-Sec. We have also heard your feedback on the 'jitter' randomness of the end result of the vulnerable window and we're reducing the random jitter time from +/- 3 hours down to +/- 1.5 hours for the medium structure armor reinforcement timer.
Hitpoint values of Upwell Structures have been adjusted by the following values:
- All Medium Upwell Structures have received 100% more Shield Hitpoints.
Structure Name | Shield Hitpoints |
Astrahus | 3,600,000 (previously 1,800,000) |
Raitaru | 2,400,000 (previously 1,200,000) |
Athanor | 2,400,000 (previously 1,200,000) |
- All Large and Extra-Large Upwell Structures have received 25% more Shield Hitpoints.
Structure Name | Shield Hitpoints |
Fortizar | 6,750,000 (previously 5,400,000) |
Keepstar | 33,750,000 (previously 27,000,000) |
Azbel | 4,500,000 (previously 3,600,000) |
Sotiyo | 22,500,000 (previously 18,000,000) |
Tatara | 4,500,000 (previously 3,600,000) |
'Draccous' Fortizar | 6,750,000 (previously 5,400,000) |
'Horizon' Fortizar | 10,125,000 (previously 8,100,000) |
'Marginis' Fortizar | 6,750,000 (previously 5,400,000) |
'Prometheus' Fortizar | 10,125,000 (previously 8,100,000) |
Upwell Palatine Keepstar | 67,500,000 (previously 54,000,000) |
- All Medium Upwell Structures have had their Structure (Hull) hitpoints reduced by 75%.
Structure Name | Hull Hitpoints |
Astrahus | 1,800,000 (previously 7,200,000) |
Raitaru | 1,200,000 (previously 4,800,000) |
Athanor | 1,200,000 (previously 4,800,000) |
- The Standup Point Defense Battery modules can now only be activated with the Standup Flak Round I charges loaded into the module for it to use.
- Skillplans have been enabled for the MacOS client.
User Interface:
- The Compression & Decompression windows have had some small animations added to the completed messaging.
Science & Industry:
Several Construction Components have had their blueprints updated. These components are used in the manufacture of Faction ships, Capital, and Supercapital ships.
Outcome quantity has been increased for the following blueprints:
- Life Support Backup Unit Blueprint output changed to 3 units. (previously 1)
- Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal Blueprint output changed to 3 units. ( previously 1)
Input quantity has been reduced for the following blueprints:
Component Blueprint | Input type & Quantity |
Core Temperature Regulator | Water: 100 units (previously 1250) |
Capital Core Temperature Regulator | Core Temperature Regulator: 70 units (previously 250) |
Programmable Purification Membrane | Hermetic Membranes: 100 units (previously 350), Gel-Matrix Biopaste: 300 units (previously 1000) |
Neurolink Protection Cell | Miniature Electronics: 100 units (previously 2000), Genetic Safeguard Filter: 5 units (previously 20) |
A significant update to the build material requirements of ship blueprints has been made. This update affects the blueprints of Faction, Pirate, Capital, and Supercapital ships in the following way:
- Note that Ship Materials (Reprocessing) have also been updated according to the new Blueprint values.
Frigates & Destroyers
- Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced.
- Damavik input requirements are now 5/10 (previously 10/20)
- Skybreaker input requirements are now 5/10 (previously 10/20)
- Kikimora input requirements are now 10/20 (previously 20/40)
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced.
- Rodiva input requirements are now 19/30 (previously 75/150)
- Vedmak input requirements are now 25/50 (previously 100/200)
- Stormbringer input requirements are now 25/50 (previously 100/200)
- Stratios input requirements are now 33/66 (previously 66/132)
- Pirate Faction Cruiser input requirements are now 30/60 (previously 60/120)
- Navy Issue Cruiser input requirements are now 25/50 (previously 50/100)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements have been reduced to 4 (previously 10) per type.
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced.
- Drekavac input requirements are now 55/110 (previously 220/440)
- Navy Issue Battlecruiser input requirements are now 50/100 (previously 100/200)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit input requirements have been reduced to 8 (previously 20).
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced.
- Thunderchild input requirements are now 100/200 (previously 400/800)
- Leshak input requirements are now 110/220 (previously 440/880)
- Nestor input requirements are now 132/264 (previously 264/528)
- Pirate Faction Battleship input requirements are now 120/240 (previously 240/480)
- Navy Issue Battleship input requirements are now 100/200 (previously 200/400)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit input requirements have been reduced to 16 (previously 50) per type.
Industrials & Freighters
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced.
- Orca input requirements are now 100/200 (previously 400/800)
- All other Freighters now have their input requirement set at 200/400 (previously 800/1600), this includes the Bowhead.
Core Temperature Regulator inputs have been reduced for the Orca to 25. (previously 50)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit input requirements for Tech 1 Freighters have been reduced to 16 (previously 50).
Trigger Neurolink Conduit input requirements for Jump Freighters have been reduced to 32 (previously 100).
Capital Industrials
- Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced for the Rorqual to 200/400. (previously 800/1600)
All Capital input types required to construct the Rorqual have been reduced, aside from the Capital Core Temperature Regulator which remains at 1.
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 5 (previously 9).
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 5 (previously 9).
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 5 (previously 7).
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 10 (previously 11).
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 10 (previously 11).
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 5 (previously 9).
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 10 (previously 11).
- Capital Drone Bay reduced to 5 (previously 6).
- Capital Computer System reduced to 30 (previously 33).
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 40 (previously 44).
- Capital Clone Vat Bay reduced to 30 (previously 33).
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 15 (previously 33).
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 15 (previously 17).
- Capital Cargo Bay reduced to 20 (previously 22).
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal inputs have been reduced for Carriers to 200/400. (previously 800/1600)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Carriers have been reduced to 32 (previously 100).
Interlink Communicator(s) input requiremens for Carriers have been reduced to 2 (previously 5).
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal input have been significantly reduced to 200/400 for all Dreadnoughts, this includes pirate faction variants and the Zirnitra.
- Previously the input requirements of Life Support Backup Unit(s) & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal(s) was 800/1600 for regular Dreadnoughts, 1600/3200 for pirate faction variants and 3200/6400 for the Zirnitra.
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Dreadnoughts have been significantly reduced to 16 (previously 100).
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Pirate Faction Dreadnoughts have been significantly reduced to 8 (previously 100) per type.
Interlink Communicator(s) input requirements for all Dreadnoughts have been reduced to 2 (previously 5) per type.
All Capital input types required for the construction of most Dreadnoughts have been significantly reduced, aside from the Capital Core Temperature Regulator and the Neurolink Protection Cell which remains at 1.
For all non-pirate faction or the Zirnitra, the following change applies:
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 5 (previously 10)
- Capital Turret Hardpoint/Launcher Hardpoint reduced to 20 (previously 50)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 2 (previously 7)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 2 (previously 5)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 2 (previously 13)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 5 (previously 16)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 2 (previously 8)
- Capital Siege Array reduced to 20 (previously 45)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 2 (previously 4)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 5 (previously 20)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 4 (previously 20)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 3 (previously 10)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 4 (previously 14)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 4 (previously 20)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 4 (previously 20)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 4 (previously 14)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 3 (previously 10)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 4 (previously 20)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 5 (previously 20)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 2 (previously 4)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 5 (previously 8)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 4 (previously 7)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 5 (previously 8)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 2 (previously 8)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 2 (previously 7)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 5 (previously 31)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 4 (previously 14)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 4 (previously 16)
- Capital Launcher Hardpoint reduced to 20 (previously 44)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 5 (previously 18)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Siege Array reduced to 20 (previously 33)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 5 (previously 8)
- Capital Turret Hardpoint reduced to 20 (previously 44)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 4 (previously 7)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 5 (previously 31)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 2 (previously 8)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 2 (previously 16)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 5 (previously 9)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 2 (previously 11)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 4 (previously 7)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 4 (previously 16)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 5 (previously 19)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Siege Array reduced to 20 (previously 33)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 90 (previously 98)
- Capital Turret Hardpoint reduced to 500 (previously 518)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 80 (previously 84)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 300 (previously 336)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 90 (previously 98)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 180 (previously 182)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 150 (previously 154)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 110 (previously 112)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 80 (previously 84)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 180 (previously 182)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 220 (previously 224)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 110 (previously 112)
- Capital Siege Array reduced to 390 (previously 392)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 5 (previously 10)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 2 (previously 7)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 5 (previously 30)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 2 (previously 7)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 2 (previously 5)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 2 (previously 15)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 2 (previously 10)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 4 (previously 15)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 2 (previously 13)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 5 (previously 16)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 2 (previously 18)
- Capital Siege Array reduced to 20 (previously 45)
Force Auxiliaries
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal input have been reduced to 200/400 for all Force Auxiliaries, this includes pirate faction variants.
- Previously the input requirements of Life Support Backup Unit(s) & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal(s) was 600/1200 for regular Force Auxiliaries and 1200/2400 for the pirate faction variants.
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Force Auxiliaries have been reduced to 32 (previously 75).
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Pirate Faction Force Auxiliaries have been reduced to 16 (previously 75) per type.
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal input have been reduced to 400/800 for all Supercarriers, this includes the Revenant and Vendetta.
- Previously the input requirements of Life Support Backup Unit(s) & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal(s) was 2500/5000 for Supercarriers and 5000/10000 for the Revenant and Vendetta.
Capital Core Temperature Regulator input amount reduced to 10 (previously 15)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Supercarriers have been reduced to 64 (previously 250).
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Revenant and Vendetta have been reduced to 32 (previously 250) per type.
Interlink Communicator(s) input requiremens for all Supercarriers aside from the Vendetta have been reduced to 125 (previously 250) per type.
Interlink Communicator(s) input requiremens for Vendetta has been reduced to 75 (previously 250) per type.
Life Support Backup Unit & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal input have been reduced to 800/1600 for all Titans, this includes pirate faction variants.
- Previously the input requirements of Life Support Backup Unit(s) & Auto-Integrity Preservation Seal(s) was 2500/5000 for regular Titans and 5000/10000 for the pirate faction variants.
Capital Core Temperature Regulator input amount reduced to 20 (previously 40)
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Titans have been reduced to 128 (previously 500).
Trigger Neurolink Conduit(s) input requirements for Komodo, Vanquisher and Molok have been reduced to 64 (previously 500) per type.
Interlink Communicator(s) input requiremens for all Titans have been reduced to 250 (previously 500).
Many Capital input types required for the construction of Titans have been reduced.
For non-Pirate Faction Titans the following change applies:
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 80 (previously 100)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 300 (previously 400)
- Capital Clone Vat Bay reduced to 500 (previously 556)
- Capital Doomsday Weapon Mount reduced to 500 (previously 556)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 500 (previously 556)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 500 (previously 556)
- Capital Jump Bridge Array reduced to 500 (previously 556)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 50 (previously 100)
- Capital Launcher Hardpoint reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 100 (previously 200)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 250 (previously 500)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 50 (previously 100)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 200 (previously 400)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Clone Vat Bay reduced to 635 (previously 700)
- Capital Doomsday Weapon Mount reduced to 635 (previously 700)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 635 (previously 700)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 635 (previously 700)
- Capital Jump Bridge Array reduced to 635 (previously 700)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 1200 (previously 1260)
- Capital Turrent Hardpoint reduced to 4500 (previously 4750)
- Capital Armor Plates increased to 3400 (previously 3465)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 1200 (previously 1260)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 1800 (previously 1890)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 1500 (previously 1575)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 1200 (previously 1260)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 1800 (previously 1890)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 600 (previously 630)
- Capital Jump Bridge Array reduced to 620 (previously 670)
- Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 100 (previously 200)
- Capital Turret Hardpoint reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Sensor Cluster reduced to 200 (previously 400)
- Capital Armor Plates reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Capacitor Battery reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Power Generator reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Shield Emitter reduced to 50 (previously 100)
- Capital Jump Drive reduced to 300 (previously 600)
- Capital Construction Parts reduced to 250 (previously 500)
- Capital Computer System reduced to 200 (previously 400)
- Capital Clone Vat Bay reduced to 620 (previously 670)
- Capital Doomsday Weapon Mount reduced to 620 (previously 670)
- Capital Ship Maintenance Bay reduced to 620 (previously 670)
- Capital Corporate Hangar Bay reduced to 620 (previously 670)
- Capital Jump Bridge Array reduced to 620 (previously 670)
Defect Fixes:
- Increased the minimum distance away from a Control Tower that a CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon must be deployed at to 30,000 km (from 2,000 km)
Ship boosters are now looking a bit better (less flat) at low graphical settings (with low shader quality).
- The intro movie now starts more smoothly, with less stutter.
- Improved the speed of loading ship models (both player and NPC), which should improve fps, whenever many ships are being loaded at the same time.
New Player Experience:
- The Miner module will now correctly be highlighted for Amarr characters in the mining section of the NPE.
- Stopped an unnecessary warning message from appearing if warping away from the mining site.
- Removing an unnecessary checkbox in the pop-up that appears when attempting to unfit required modules.
User Interface:
- Cleaned up Misplaced tooltip in the Mining Ledger Window
- Fixed an issue with inconsistent opacity in Compression and Decompression windows
- Gas Decompression window will now correctly update efficiencies while the window is open.
- Fixed an issue with filtering by Bounty Risk Modifier.
- Clarified message when attempting to sell PLEX in space.
- The minimum size of the Neocom has been reduced back down to 32px.
- The 'Show in World Map' buttons in Map Browser panels now work correctly.
- The small Start Conversation icon for completed Career Agents is now red again.
- Custom Overview Presets are now maintained after game relaunch.
- Mission Journal links can again be opened by others while in a fleet.
- Importing saved fits from a file will no longer fail if a fit with a Power Diagnostic System I was included.
- Standings will now be ordered alphabetically when sorting by reason.
- Conversation popups in the Explorer Career Path will now correctly overwrite one another if left open.
- Added a fade to prevent text overlapping with the conversation button for Agents in the Station Services panel.
- Removed an area of padding that would appear when hovering over portraits in the Agent Conversation window.
- Updated the Agency tooltip for Career Agents to match the new Career Path names.
Photon UI
- The Duel Invitation window is now working correctly.
- Stacked windows no longer reopen after passing through stargate.
- The Buy window content now shows correctly, the price is no longer overlapping the 'Buy' and 'Cancel' buttons.
- Stacked Chat tabs now blink when a new message is received.
- The Show Info window now fits all content correctly.
- The Manage Labels window now appears correctly content.
- The Ship's rename field is no longer cutting letters in the Ship Fitting window.
- The Corporation name and the Apply to Join button no longer overlap in the Office tab at the Station panel.
- The Find Member in Role section of the Corporation window no longer has overlapping content.