Patch Notes - Version 19.09

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 19.09). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2021-10-13
Last update: 2021-11-03
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.
RELEASES: 2021-10-13.1 | 2021-10-14.1 | 2021-10-15.1 | 2021-10-19.1 | 2021-10-21.1 | 2021-10-28.1 | 2021-11-02.1 | 2021-11-03.1 NEW |
Patch Notes For 2021-11-03.1
Features & Changes
User Interface:
- Added a button to the NeoCom near the redeeming queue to make accessing the New Eden Store easier.
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allowed for mutated drones to be launched beyond the maximum bandwidth limit.
- Updated the meta level attribute of mutated drones and modules to 10 to match abyssal modules.
Patch Notes For 2021-11-02.1
Defect Fixes
- Resolved an issue that caused the content of Pirate Strongholds to stop responding. Previous instances of strongholds are no longer available, and instances will be in new locations after downtime.
- Fixed an issue that caused the names of several Crimson Harvest clothing items to appear incorrectly in English clients.
Patch Notes For 2021-10-28.1
Features & Changes
- The Crimson Harvest has begun! This Blood Raiders themed event runs until downtime on 9 November
- Limited time combat and hacking sites are appearing all over Highsec, Lowsec, Nullsec, and W-space, belonging to the opposing forces of the Blood Raider Covenant and the Order of St Tetrimon
- Crimson Gauntlet and Tetrimon Base combat sites can be found in most areas of space. These sites should be approached with caution, and capsuleers are advised to fly a battlecruiser, battleship, heavy assault cruiser, or even more powerful vessels if they wish to investigate these locations. Rewards for looting the battleship NPCs found at the end of the sites include items that can be traded for isk, skins, boosters, clothing and more!
- Crimson Harvest Network Node and Tetrimon Network Node data sites are also appearing across New Eden. These hacking sites contain network node structures that can be accessed for more great rewards!
- Advanced versions of the combat and hacking sites can be found within the areas containing the most heated fighting between Blood Raider and Tetrimon forces: the Blood Raider controlled systems within the Delve region and the low security systems within the Derelik region. These advanced sites are rarer and more challenging than the standard versions of the sites but they provide much greater rewards. Bringing a friend or two helps reduce the risk immensely, but beware of other capsuleers who may be searching for the same loot!
- The most elusive and valuable strongholds of the Blood Raiders and Order of Tetrimon can only be found by obtaining a rare escalation from the advanced combat sites.
- Both the Blood Raiders and the Order of Tetrimon are willing to reward capsuleers who attack their foes. Each character can choose between two options for the Agency challenges and reward track for this event. You will receive points for shooting the oppsoing side to the one you choose in the agency, and you will receive a reward track themed around your chosen faction. Be aware that although you will only receive agency challenges and points for shooting the opposing side to the one you choose, there is no penalty for shooting both sides and taking the loot from both their sites.
- During the Crimson Harvest a special set of login rewards are available each day that players log into the game. These rewards include new skins, new limited time boosters, and hundreds of thousands of skill points!
- Trick or Treat! During the Crimson Harvest all player ship explosions will have an increased loot drop rate, with an average of 90% compared the normal average of 50%. Wreck icons have also changed to reflect the season.
- A special Crimson Harvest themed Abyssal Proving Ground starts tomorrow, 29 October, and runs until 2 November. This event features a 4-player T1 Desteroyer Free-For-All format, with a special set of bonuses to webifier range, energy warfare strength and laser damage that lets every destroyer harness the power of a Blood Raider ship!
- 🤝 Updated aggression mechanics in the ESS. A PvP timer will now be initiated when establishing a Link to either the Main Bank or Reserve Bank.
- 🤝Increased Rogue Drone Mutaplasmid drop rate from the CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon (CRAB). The frequency of mutaplasmid drops has been increased, resulting in higher chances of multiple mutaplasmids dropping from each successful CRAB run.
Missions & NPCs:
- 🤝CONCORD has significantly increased (20%) the wanted bounty for each of the new Rogue Drone threats discovered by CRAB deployments
- Rogue Drones summoned by the CRAB have been observed to exhibit a change in tactics.
- Rogue Drones will be keeping inside the scanning perimeter of the CRAB, and also remembering which ships have been threatening them such that any new ships arriving at the CRAB will be less likely to garner their attention.
Structures & Deployables:
- 🤝 Reduced Bill of Materials for the CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon:
- 1,316,000 x Tritanium (previously 2,416,000)
- 402,000 x Pyerite (previously 502,000)
- 183,100 x Isogen (previously 310,400)
- 2440 x Zydrine (previously 2,840)
- 420 x Megacyte (Unchanged)
- 2 x Broadcast Node (Unchanged)
- 1 x Self-Harmonizing Power Core (previously 2)
- 1 x Sterile Conduits (Unchanged)
- 1 x Wetware Mainframe (Unchanged)
User Interface:
- The icon for Solar System Interference has now been moved to a mouse-over tooltip of the Solar System name in the location info panel.
- Added an icon for the Link Bonus Effect that appears in the status bar when linking to a CRAB.
Patch Notes For 2021-10-21.1
Defect Fixes
- Adjusted Radical Fighter Support Unit Mutaplasmid mutation ranges
- Removed several turret graphics from new Rogue Drone entities
- EVE now starts on macOS with case sensitive file systems.
- Fixed a freeze issue of the Native Mac Client on some AMD Radeon hardware
User Interface:
- Temporarily removed DBS information from other content cards within The Agency. DBS information can still be found in the ESS section of The Agency.
- Updated Acounting & Broker Relations skill descriptions with the adjested tax values.
Patch Notes For 2021-10-19.1 - SUMMON THE SWARM
Features & Changes
Structures & Deployables:
The CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon is now available for use by capsuleers. This new deployable creates a flashpoint of PVE gameplay for capsuleers with new rewards available. The deployable has 4 phases: Deployment, Linking, Scanning, and Rewards.
- Attributes
- Anchoring III required to deploy, with restrictions in deployment locations.
- Limited to Null and Low Security space.
- Activation delay: 20 seconds
- Maximum lifetime: 1 hour
- Shield / Armor / Structure: 50,000 HP / 50,000 HP / 50,000 HP
- Deployment & Linking
- Once deployed, it will be globally visible via the Overview for anyone to warp to.
- After its initial Activation phase, it can then be Linked to by pilots in the following ships: Carrier, Dreadnought, Supercarrier, Titan.
- For the ship that begins the linking phase, it will be locked in place in space for a duration of four minutes.
- While linking, the following will be in effect: Tether Blocked (Debuff), Cloaking Disrupted (Debuff), Warp Drive Disabled (Debuff), Resistance Bonus of 10% (Buff to all resistance profiles, Shield/Armor/Structure).
- After linking the above four statuses will clear after a duration of 60 seconds.
- Scanning Phase
- After Linking, the CRAB will begin to broadcast a signal in the solar system that will attract the attention of Rogue Drone NPCs.
- When Rogue Drones are in proximity of the CRAB, they will block the scanning progress and attack hostile threats in proximity to the CRAB.
- The Rogue Drones must be destroyed to clear the perimeter so that the CRAB can continue its Scanning.
- After 10 minutes of uninterrupted scanning, the CRAB will complete its analysis of the Rogue Drones and will have salvaged enough technology to reward players with new Mutaplasmids.
- Reward Phase
- After successful scanning, the CRAB will have mutaplasmids from Rogue Drones inside of its cargohold .
- For two minutes after scanning, the ship that initiated the CRAB during its linking phase will have exclusive access to the cargo hold of the CRAB.
- After these two minutes pass, the CRAB will self-destruct with the generated mutaplasmids always safely being found in the wreckage (it will be a 100% chance to drop its contents when it self-destructs).
- Solar systems have a new property, "Signal Interference".
- Using the new CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon repeatedly in the same solar system will saturate a system with interference preventing the CRAB from being able to broadcast a signal that can be isolated. In practical terms, the CRAB will not be able to be linked to if interference is too high as the Rogue Drones cannot locate it.
- Over time, Signal Interference will decay back down to a quiescent state. This state of decay is always ongoing and not attached to server downtime.
- The time for a full recovery of a solar system with maximum signal interference is approximately 25 hours.
- The User Interface has been updated to show Signal Interference in locations where appropriate.
- Capsuleers now have a reserve of Complex Encryption Qubits (CEQs).
- CEQs are used when initiating a link to the CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon.
- Over time CEQs will regenerate back to their full reserve, and the regeneration is always ongoing and not attached to server downtime.
- The time for a full regeneration of CEQs is approximately 22 hours.
- As CEQs are only required by the CRAB, your current reserves will be visible in a tooltip on mouse-over of the CRAB in your inventory.
The three month planned tax relief period has concluded, with new market tax changes being applied after review:
- Sales Tax: 8%
- Brokers Fee: 3%
Base Unmodified Taxes:
- Sales Tax: 2.5% -> 8.0% (Previously 5.0%)
- Brokers Fee: 2.5% -> 3.0% (Previously 5.0%)
- Total Taxes: 5.0% -> 11.0% (Previously 10.0%)
Minimum Taxes (Modified by Skills, Standings, etc):
- Sales Tax: 1.125% -> 3.6% (Previously 2.25%)
- Brokers Fee: 0.5% -> 1.0% (Previously 3.0%)
- Total Taxes: 1.625% -> 4.6% (Previously 5.25%)
- New Rogue Drone Mutaplasmid technology is being discovered across New Eden by deployment of the new CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacons.
- These new Mutaplasmids that mix elements from both Triglavaian and Rogue Drone technology have different characteristics.
- New Mutaplasmids that can modify Drones come in four variations (Durability, Firepower, Navigation, Projection). Each variation will favor positively one attribute, with all other attributes having unknown results.
- The Durability variations for example, will favor the Shield/Armor/Structure attributes positively, with no negative chances with the other attributes rolling between negative/positive changes.
- New Mutaplasmids available:
- Exigent Heavy Drone Durability Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Heavy Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Heavy Drone Navigation Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Heavy Drone Projection Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Light Drone Durability Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Light Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Light Drone Navigation Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Light Drone Projection Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Medium Drone Durability Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Medium Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Medium Drone Navigation Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Medium Drone Projection Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Sentry Drone Durability Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Sentry Drone Firepower Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Sentry Drone Navigation Mutaplasmid
- Exigent Sentry Drone Projection Mutaplasmid
- Radical Drone Damage Amplifier Mutaplasmid
- Radical Fighter Support Unit Mutaplasmid
Science & Industry:
- Added a new Blueprint for the CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon.
- Available from CONCORD and DED LP Stores
- 5-Run BPC, Cost to purchase is 20,000,000 ISK & 20,000 LP
- Bill of Materials:
- 2,416,000 x Tritanium
- 502,000 x Pyerite
- 310,400 x Isogen
- 2,840 x Zydrine
- 420 x Megacyte
- 2 x Broadcast Node
- 2 x Self-Harmonizing Power Core
- 1 x Sterile Conduits
- 2 x Wetware Mainframe
- Time per run: 3 hours 20 minutes
- Changed the 'Rogue Drone Specialization' skill name to 'Mutated Drone Specialization'.
User Interface:
- Solar System Signal Interference option can be found in the Update Location Settings menu, allowing signal interference to be shown in the location info panel when it is present.
- Show Information window for solar systems now includes Signal Interference.
- Map (both versions) now include Signal Interference under Statistics.
- A Tooltip is available on mouse-over of the CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon in inventory view.
- This tooltip will detail the capsuleers currently available CEQs.
- CEQs displayed will be shown in notches according to how many times you may activate a link to the deployable.
- This tooltip will also inform you whether you are able to initiate a link to the beacon in the solar system at the time of checking.
Defect Fixes
New Player Experience:
- Fixed an issue where some players were incorrectly moved to their Home station during the start of the NPE.
Patch Notes For 2021-10-15.1
Defect Fixes
Mac client:
- Fixed several keyboard shortcuts like Cmd+A, Cmd+C, and Cmd+V not working in some in-game windows, such as personal assets.
- Fixed an issue with fullscreen clients in Windows, where the refresh rate of the screen was set incorrectly after alt-tabbing, leading to too low FPS and longer delays at alt-tabbing.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue with a character model not being removed when minimizing the Character Sheet.
Patch Notes For 2021-10-14.1
Features & Changes
- New Landmarks can be found in the Yulai, Komo, Skarkon, and Wirashoda systems.
Defect Fixes
Mac client:
- Fixed an issue, where a special key in some keyboard layouts was triggering the "Select All" shortcut incorrectly.
- Fixed a crash for low-end Macs with Intel graphic chips in heavy scenes.
- Fixed a rare crash on some Macs.
- Fixed an issue with Concord Loyalty Point Store missing items.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Encounter Surveillance Systems to appear outside of intended systems.
Patch Notes For 2021-10-13.1 - EVE X Apple
Features & Changes
Defect Fixes
Features & Changes
Native Mac Client:
- The Native Mac Client is now the default client on Mac for Tranquility. It is essential to be running the latest version of the launcher for the patch and the migration (see below) to be applied correctly.
- MacOS 10.13 has been deprecated.
- Migration from Wine to Native Mac client:
- The install location of the EVE Client on MacOS is now different as it no longer needs Wine. Due to this, you might see a popup asking for access to the documents folder (for saving logs and screenshots), which you need to accept.
- All client resource files are migrated automatically by the launcher to the new location. The files are then verified to ensure that they are all valid and unneeded files are removed. The verification can take some time, depending on the disk speed. Just sit back and relax.
- Client settings for Tranquility are being copied from the Wine client to the Native Mac client.
- The launcher will clean up the remaining folders from the old Wine client in a future launcher update.
- The default keyboard shortcuts have been changed significantly compared to the Wine client:
- Note: You might need to reset to default shortcuts if you had modified shortcuts for the Wine client.
- Following text formatting and copy/paste shortcuts have been changed to mostly use Command (Cmd) instead of Control for consistency with the default macOS experience and also to avoid clashes with other shortcuts:
- Cmd+C, Cmd+V, Cmd+X, Cmd+A: Copy, paste, cut, and select all - are now using standard commands on macOS.
- Cmd+Left, Cmd+Right - move cursor to the start or end of the line.
- Opt+Left, Opt+Right - move cursor one word left/right.
- Cmd+B, Cmd+I, Cmd+U - bold/italic/underline.
- F11 (Map Browser) has been remapped to Opt+B. This is due to an OS shortcut clash that can occur on some macOS systems where the OS will block F11 to the client due to the 'Show Desktop' shortcut. This option can be changed in 'Mission Control' on macOS if you wish to use F11 in the client.
- The client now supports left and right option modifier keys. This brings the macOS client in line with the Windows client, with shortcuts mappings now working correctly. For example: left opt + A will open the character sheet, while right opt can be used for alternative character input for that key.
- The moving between targets shortcut (on Windows: Alt+Left / Alt+Right) has been remapped to Ctrl+, / Ctrl+. to avoid clashes with MacOS shortcuts.
- The default shortcut for stopping your ship has been remapped to Shift+Space.
- Several other default keyboard shortcuts were modified for the Mac client and can be found in the ESC - Shortcuts window.
- SpaceMouse is supported on the Intel Native Mac Client, but is currently unsupported on M1 based systems.
- As previously communicated, the "Personal Skill Plans" feature and the Recommendations feature are currently not supported on the native Mac client. These will be supported in a future update. Certified Skill Plans and regular skill training are working as expected.
- The client will automatically throttle framerate if thermally required by the system.
- The mouse cursor on Mac now has a higher resolution.
- The EVE Client logo has been updated for the Mac client.
Game Systems:
- Adjusted thresholds for the Dynamic Bounty System.
- Made several improvements to the Skill Plan system:
- Added 'Hide Trained Skills' toggle that removes all trained skills from the view.
- Skill Plan can now also be stopped tracking by pressing a button located under a Skill Plan tracker.
- 🤝The functionality to 'Clear Skill Plan' now also removes a title and description.
- Made small visual improvements to the Skill Plan card and the overview making it easier to see which plans have been completed.
- Improved the messaging in the notification window to clarify when missing skills can be injected remotely or need to be purchased from the market.
New Player Experience:
- Pressing the Escape key no longer skips the introduction video.
- Balin Ferrus can no longer be targeted within the combat scene.
- Removed the option to enable/disable the EVE Input Method Editor (IME) in the game settings or via right-click menu. EVE always uses the OS IME, and this legacy option is no longer available.
- A new 'Rogue Drone Specialization' skill is available for direct purchase for 65,000,000 ISK.
- +2% damage to drones requiring Mutated Drone Specialization per skill level
- The following pre-requisites must be met to begin training:
- Amarr Drone Specialization Level I
- Caldari Drone Specialization Level I
- Gallente Drone Specialization Level I
- Minmatar Drone Specialization Level I
- The position of the windowed EVE client is now persisted. This was enabled by a larger refactoring of the window management system.
- Improved the default client settings:
- The default resolution is now determined together with the default graphical settings based on the GPU.
- UI scaling is by default now determined based on the client resolution.
- Anti-aliasing is disabled by default on 4k and above resolutions.
User Interface:
- 🤝Added the ability to center current probe formation on your own ship.
- Added EVE Academy tutorial videos on trading and fitting.
- Updated the Ore Availability information tooltip that is found under the Agency > Resource Harvesting > Asteroid Belts section.
- This section now details the available ore across High, Low, and Null security space.
Defect Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allowed Mobile Covert Cynosural Beacon in Encounter Surveillance System.
- Fixed an issue that caused Advanced Spaceship Command skill to not affect Zirnitra.
- Fixed an issue that caused ECM to not work on Marauders with an active Bastion module.
- Fixed an issue where a blinking light was not properly animating on the Kirin ship.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Jita 4-4 Trade Hub from using all possible docking animations.
- Fixed an issue that caused the brigthness of some icons to be too high.
- Adjusted cloud cover in the New Player Experience.
- Fixed a range of typos across all languages.
- Added Industry Tab to Strong Veilguard Booster.
- Updated Descriptions on Unstable and Gravid Assault Damage Control Mutaplasmids.
- Updated messaging around a Capsuleer disconnecting from the ESS.
- Added missing localization lines for various languages in the New Player Experience Introduction video.
New Player Experience:
- Fixed incorrect guidance when losing a set destination to a Career Agent within that Agent's solar system.
- Fixed an issue that caused the framerate to became unstable when tabbing in and out of a full-screen client.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue with opening an information panel via the Planetary Industry Agency window.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from properly managing their drones when multiple types of drones were loaded in the drone bay.
- Fixed an issue with the Fitting Simulation window not handling the items correctly if there are four or more items in the cargo hold.
- Fixed an issue in the Probe Scanner window where the Probe Size does not scale properly when the window is reduced.
- Fixed an issue where various in-game windows could be dragged off-screen, making them irretrievable.