Patch Notes For November 2019 Release

Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-12-02.1
Released On Monday, December 2nd 2019
Features & Changes:
- The Black Friday Tax Haven event is over, Sales Tax is now set to 5%.
Defect Fixes:
- Adjusting mass of all Dreadnoughts within the Observatory Flashpoint dungeon.
User Interface:
- Fixing the skills header in the Zirnitra Show Info traits tab.
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-29.1
Released On Friday, November 29th 2019
Features & Changes:
- A temporary reduction of 50% has been made on the sales tax for the Regional Market during the Black Friday Tax Haven.
- Sales Tax is now set to 2.5%, reduced from its previous value of 5%. This reduction lasts from 11:00 UTC on Friday 29 November, ending on 11:00 UTC Monday 2 December
User Interface:
- We've made changes to when a Saved Location folder is shown in full in the locations sub-menu of the in-space context menu and when it is collapsed. In most cases this should mean that pilots have to navigate through one less sub menu to access their saved locations:
- Previously each folder (personal or shared) would be collapsed into a sub-menu if it contained more than 8 base items (locations or sub-folders)
- Now, the entire locations sub-menu can contain up to 30 items before any folder is collapsed.
Defect Fixes:
- Readjusting rare rates in loot table, to compensate for overdropping in the new Observatory Flashpoint dungeon.
Login Campaigns:
- Fixed an issue where after upgrading to Omega, it was not possible to claim today's login reward if you'd already claimed the day's alpha reward.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where Saved Locations could not be moved or copied between folders or sub-folders if dropped directly onto the header.
- Added a message when attempting to use the Open Location Menu shortcut when you do not have any locations in the system.
- Fixed an issue where the Locations tab of the People & Places could sometimes fail to load your saved locations.
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-28.1
Released On Thursday, November 28th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where you could choose "Avoid" the entire universe through the saved location menu, causing problems with Saved Locations, Agents and Assets
User Interface:
- Corrected a misleading error message shown when attempting to drag a Saved Location to a trade window
- Saved Locations in a separate group window now correctly update when locations are added, removed or edited, or you change system, even if the People and Places window is closed
- Fixed an issue where the contextual menu could not be opened by right-clicking the icons of offline Personal Folders, offline Shared Folders, or Saved Locations.
- Fixed some issues where the buttons in People & Places would extend beyond the windows minimum size in some languages.
Text & Description:
- Corrected some lingering uses of the old "Bookmarks" terminology to describe Saved Locations
- Fixed some text issues with the new Location context menus and tooltips
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-27.1
Released On Wednesday, November 27th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Shared folders set to offline will now correctly update when edited or removed by an admin
- Markers for shared locations are now enabled by default in the map
- Fixed an issue where the Empire side of the of the Dreadnought Dungeon would not give an ISK payout.
- Fixed an issue where the Info Panel would disappear when logging out and in during the Dreadnought dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where the Info Panel would overlap when logging out and in during the Dreadnought dungeon.
- Fixed an issue where the Ultratidal Disintegrator damage and tracking was too high.
- Fixed an issue where the Empire side of the Observatory Flashpoint dungeon would sometimes not give an ISK payout.
- Corrected the resetting of antialiasing on window resize.
- Adjusted the display range of the fog in asteroid fields.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where editing the "Location Administrators" Access List group would cause "no label" messages to be added to their title and description
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-26.1
Released On Tuesday, November 26th 2019
Features & Changes:
A number of balancing updates have been introduced as part of the Rapid Fire update:
Stabber Fleet Issue
- Ship Bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire has been increased to 7.5% per skill level (previously 5%)
Tempest Fleet Issue
- Ship Bonus to Large Projectile Turret rate of fire has been increased to 7.5% per skill level (previously 5%)
- Ship Bonus to Cruise Missile and Torpedo explosion velocity has been increased to 7.5% per skill level (previously 5%)
- Added new Ship Bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile explosion velocity per skill level (7.5% per skill level)
- Removed Ship Bonus to Small Projectile turret damage per skill level
- Added new Ship Bonus to Small Projectile turret rate of fire per skill level (5% per skill level)
- Maximum Velocity attribute has been decreased to 235 m/sec (previously 250 m/sec)
- Signature Radius attribute has been increased to 125 m (previously 115 m)
- Ship Bonus to Medium Projectile Turret optimal range has been decreased to 7.5% per skill level (previously 10%)
Angel Cartel Ships
- Angel Cartel Role Bonus to Warp Speed and Warp Acceleration has been decreased to 25% (previously 50%)
- All Medium Autocannons have had their Rate of Fire attribute increased by 3%, and their accuracy falloff attribute has been increased by 5%.
- Barrage S, M, and L ammo increased falloff is now 50% (previously 40%)
- Hail S, M, and L ammo reduced tracking speed is now 25% (previously 30%)
Assault Damage Control
- All Assault Damage Control modules have had their Activation time / Duration attribute decreased by 10%
- Shareable Bookmarks have now been released:
- All existing personal, corporate locations as well as location vouchers have been converted to the new system.
- For all the details, check out the dev blog.
- Added a new shortcut to allow you to open the Saved Locations context menu directly in space.
- Introducing the T2 High-Grade Implant Set, Mimesis. Now available in a DED LP Store near you.
- Introduced a new Tech 1 capital weapon for the Triglavian Dreadnought: Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator. As ammunition, it takes a set of newly introduced extra-large Tetryon, Baryon, and Meson exotic plasma.
- New Components - We have added three new capital component types for use in capital Triglavian ship production
- Capital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting
- Capital Radiation Conversion Unit
- Capital Absorption Thruster Array
Missions & NPCs:
- CONCORD has established observatories to study Triglavian Stellar Accelerators. Capsuleers are asked to assist local Empire forces in defending these vital intelligence structures from assault by the Collective.
New Player Experience:
- New Capsuleers are now added to a login campaign built to help support them through their first few days in New Eden, complete with minor rewards.
Precursor Dreadnought (per level):
- 4% bonus to all armor resistances
- 5% bonus to Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator maximum damage multiplier bonus
- 3% reduction to Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator cycle time
- 100% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer repair range
- 50% reduction in Energy Neutralizer cap need
- 50% reduction in Remote Armor Repairer cap need
- 50% reduction in Smart Bomb cap need
Slot Layout:
- 3 High Slots
- 4 Mid Slots
- 8 Low Slots
- 1 Turret Hardpoint, 0 Launcher Hardpoints
- 3 Rig Slots
- 400 Calibration
- 935,000 Powergrid
- 840 CPU
- Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 58,800 / 170,000 / 130,000
- Base shield resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 0 / 20 / 40 / 50
- Base armor resistances (EM/Therm/Kin/Exp): 50 / 35 / 25 / 20
- Capacitor (amount / recharge rate) : 56,000 / 4,200s
- Mobility (max velocity / agility / mass): 75 / .044 / 1,100,000,000
- Warp Speed: 1.5 au/s
- Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 102km / 78 / 7
- Sensor strength: 43 Radar
- Signature radius: 10km
- Cargo capacity: 2,400m3
- Introduced two new skills: Precursor Dreadnought and Capital Precursor Weapon. These will be required for operation of the Triglavian dreadnought and its capital-sized weapon respectively.
- Introduced a new Tech 1 capital weapon for the Triglavian Dreadnought: Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator. Additionally, added three new, scaled-up tech 1 ammunition variants for the Disintegrator.
- Range: 52km
- Rate of Fire: 13 seconds
- Tracking Speed: .02
- Ammunition: XL Exotic Plasma
- Tetryon: 532 Explosive, 1,204 Thermal damage at -30% range
- Baryon: 644 Explosive, 980 Thermal damage at +10% range
- Meson: 476 Explosive, 756 Thermal damage at +80% range
User Interface:
- Created progression messaging interface for the new Observatory Flashpoint dungeon
- The Seasonal Login Rewards window has been updated and integrated with the New Player Daily Login Rewards UI. Pilots with rewards to claim in both will now be able to claim these rewards in one unified location.
- Improved the Neocom Icon for the Daily Login Rewards Window.
Login campaigns:
- Launching the Black Friday campaign to all users. The campaign will run between November 27th and December 3rd.
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed the missing SFX on the TriGlavian ships when transitioning to and from the attacking modes
- Fixed the consumption of resources by Control Towers, as they were incorrectly not consuming fuel blocks.
- Fixed an issue where the Entropic Disintegrator was being counted towards stacking penalties
- Fixed the VFX animation on the Damavik that was playing the wrong animation when the character logged in while in space
- Fixed the animation on the Damavik when going to warp while attacking
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where stacked Blueprint Originals would use the Blueprint Copy icon.
- Fixed numerous text overflow issues in The Agency and Project Discovery.
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-21.1
Released On Thursday, November 21st 2019
Defect Fixes:
- New players will now be automatically added to the help chat associated with the language the client is set to.
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-19.1
Released On Tuesday, November 19th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Plastic Wraps for Courier Contracts can no longer be repackaged
- Fixing animations on several Triglavian ships
- Adding some fixes for Korean localization
User Interface:
- The success message shown in the reprocessing window now correctly refer to the Item Hangar, and will not incorrectly update if the output location is changed after the operation is completed
- Agents in Space will no longer incorrectly show the "Dock" option in their contextual menus
- Updated Traits tab for Interceptors to correctly reflect bonuses
- UI header background no longer extends 2 pixels out of bounds
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-15.1
Released On Friday, November 15th 2019
Features & Changes:
- Added a Korean Help Chat Channel
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-14.1
Released On Thursday, November 14th 2019
Defect Fixes:
- Corrected availability of Firestorm SKIN in LP store
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-13.1
Released On Wednesday, November 13th 2019
Features & Changes:
- Added Fuel Consumption Bonus to Venture for Industrial Cynosural Fitting
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where new clients set to Korean language didn't play the Korean version of the intro movie
User Interface:
- Fixed a problem with loading blueprints in the industry window, which are located in a remote container. This fixes also an issue with interacting with industry jobs where the blueprint is in such a location
- Fixed an issue that caused the minimum size of chat windows to increase
- Fixed an issue that caused the Selected Item Window and Drone Window to reset to size larger than their minimum on jumping or undocking
Patch Notes For November 2019 Release - 2019-11-12
Released On Tuesday, November 12th 2019
Features & Changes:
- Micro Jump Field Generator reworked to move a maximum of 25 capsuleer ships. All fighters, drones, probes and bombs will always be moved
- Bosonic Field Generator signature resolution increased to 10,000 (was 2000)
- Dromi I and Standup Dromi I web amount reduced to 10% (was 15%)
- Dromi II and Standup Dromi II web amount reduced to 15% (was 20%)
- Ansiblex Jump Gate and Tenebrex Cyno Jammer must now be anchored at least 500km from other Upwell Structures
- Korean language localization deployed
- Localization of the New Eden Store for supported languages
- The minimum increment for placing bounties on individual characters has been increased from 100,000 ISK to 1 million ISK
- The skill requirements for Tech 1 light combat drones have been reduced to make them more quickly accessible to new capsuleers:
- The prerequisite to train the Light Drone Operation skill has been reduced from Drones 3 to Drones 1
- The level of the Drones skill required to use Tech 1 light combat drones has been reduced from 3 to 1
- The level of the Drones skill required to use faction and integrated light combat drones has been reduced from 3 to 2
User Interface:
- Updated the default window and sizes for new users and added a new low and medium resolutions layout so that windows are an appropriate size regardless of your starting resolution. These updated and new layouts are designed to fix some long standing issues with the previous window layouts and sizes:
- Expanded the Overview's width to avoid columns being obscured and significantly increased its length to allow more entries to be shown by default
- Expanded and realigned the Selected Item Window so all buttons are shown in large mode by default for most items, and items with a large amount of buttons or a long title no longer cause the window to expand in size and move down the overview when attached
- Moved the Drone Window and the Target List anchor to accomodate the newly expanded Overview and Selected Item Window
- Expanded the Chat Window so that you can see many more messages by default
- Added the 'One Way Move' warning prompt when moving items to a corporation owned container
- Reorganised Watchlist and Drone HP bars to "Structure - Armour - Shield
- Updated Watchlist and Drone HP bars to deplete from right to left
New Player Experience:
- The tutorial now teaches players about ISK and the wallet
- The tutorial now teaches players how to loot
- New Caldari pilots are now rewarded with blasters instead of railguns during the tutorial
- Several text improvements to Aura's dialogue
- Tutorial NPCs now always drop Metal Scraps
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue which could prevent missing Rigs from being fit to a ship from a saved fitting
- Fixed an issue where simulated structure service modules could not be put offline via the context menu
- Fixed an issue where fitted modules were not correctly refit when fitting a ship from a saved fitting
- Fixed an issue that could cause ship's to get stuck in the pre-warp state after being moved by a Micro Jump Field Generator
- Fixed an issue where a corporation or alliance enlisting in Factional Warfare would not be correctly processed after downtime
- Addressed issue causing T2 Triglavian wrecks to drop T1 components
- Fixed environment VFX on the War Monument tin C-J6MT
- Corrected the orientation of Sleeper structures in several dungeons
- Fixed camera pan movement maintained during a Setting's menu graphic refresh
- Fixed LOD issue with the Triglavian Twilight Skin on Empire ships
- Removed unused resources from the client to reduce application footprint
- Realigned starboard holograms on Permaband premium Skin for the Sabre
- Fixed burnout holograms on Permaband premium Skin
Science & Industry:
- The skill requirements used for manufacturing the Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon II have been adjusted to bring them in line with other projectile weapons
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the Pointer Window would stop highlighting when CTRL was held continuously
- Fixed an issue where reprocessing would appear to succeed after moving the items to a different location
- Fixed an issue where the Agency window's default position would be in the bottom right corner
- Removed the unnecessary "Find in Contracts" button from the show-info window of some monument objects