Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel

Patch notes for EVE Online Citadel 1.16Released on Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Defect Fixes:
Bug fixes and changes to the backend system have made New Eden a better place for everyone.
Patch notes for EVE Online Citadel 1.15Released on Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Features & Changes
Missions & NPCs:
Recurring Opportunities are now live. Further information is available on EVE Updates.
Defect Fixes:
Force Auxiliaries will now cause correct spawning of NPCs inside the Core Garrison sites.
Third Party Developers:
Added a new CREST resource for market orders. If you're attempting to get all, or most of, the market orders for EVE we recommend you switch to using this new resource. Further information is available in this developer blog.
Patch notes for EVE Online Citadel 1.14Released on Friday, May 20, 2016
Defect Fixes:
User Interface:
Fixed an issue where Project Discovery would fail to load another Cell Sample image after submitting the first image in a session
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.13Released on Thursday, May 19, 2016
Defect Fixes
Reduced assembled size of all Force Auxiliary ships to ensure they can be assembled in a CSAA.
Force Auxiliary ships now correctly reduce in volume when packaged.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.12Released on Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Defect Fixes
The Triage Module drone damage penalty now fully removes drone damage instead of just reducing it.
Fixed an issue where Ewar and Logistics drones would fail to activate on a target when at a large range.
It is now possible to set up buy orders in citadels for a longer duration than immediate without training the Procurement skill.
It is no longer possible to attack targets in high-sec with fighters while controlling a Citadel, if the targets are not allowed to shoot back (like in the case of limited engagements).
Fleet warps are no longer affected by fleet members in Citadels.
Corrected capitalization in description of Target Illumination Burst Projector
User Interface:
Corporation hangars in Citadels can now also be reached through the E-menu (section Inventory) from the Neocom.
Corporations hangars display now appropriate icons for access restrictions in the inventory index.
Asset Safety wraps for a corporation are now showing up correctly after being delivered to another Citadel.
The right click menu for assembled ships in offices through the corporation assets window has been restored.
Third Party Developers:
The character location resource now works when the character is docked in a Citadel.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.11Released on Thursday, May 12, 2016
Features & Changes
User Interface:
You can now name ships after the fitting used in the ship fitting window. Or more precisely: We have added the ability to rename ship to the name of the ship fitting while fitting ships through the ship fitting window.... Say that quickly three times...
Removed the track option from right-click menu when docked in a Citadel.
Removed the Region option from Structure Browser when you are in a Wormholes, now the only option is Solar System.
Added in a number of Citadel related notification icons that were missing.
Disabled the "View Outside Structure" and "Enter Ship Hangar" shortcut when in control of a Citadel.
The daily downtime message has been changed to reflect the shorter official downtime. Read more about the new 15 minute short daily server downtime!
Defect Fixes
Fixed issue with POS EWar modules ignoring resistances.
Hitpoints and salvage difficulty of Citadel wrecks have been increased.
Fighters can no longer be launched when inside a POS shield.
Fighter abilities can no longer be activated when they, or their controller, is inside a POS shield. Recalling and moving fighters is unaffected by this change.
A ship with fighter squadrons still loaded in to its launch tubes can no longer be repackaged until the squadrons are unloaded back to the fighter bay.
Fixed an issue where if a clone spawned in a Citadel while a player was in control, the controlling player could lose control and the module would stop cycling.
Fixed an issue where the Point Defense Battery could kill a Capsule if it undocked at the start of the cycle before tethering was attached.
Allowed some Meta Capital Remote Shield Booster Blueprints to appear on the market.
Science & Industry:
Fixed an issue where Burst Projectors gave excessive materials when refining.
Remote activation of Skill Injectors is now possible. Check out the Skill Injector info page for additonal information about Skill Injectors.
User Interface:
Fixing an issue that could cause the sensor overlay to fail at loading sites when entering space.
Fixed an issue where the map could appear all white when in a Citadel.
Fixed an issue where the Show Info window for stations would not display correctly in the Citadel hangar view.
Fixed an issue where the "Configure Clone Facility" window would fail to load in when docked in a Citadel.
Fixed an issue where clicking the "Take Control" button too fast in a Citadel would have undesirable results.
Fixed an issue where a player in control of a Citadel could access the fleet options of ships like Use Fitting Service and Open Fleet Hangar.
Fixed an issue where selling from a corporation hangar would not always give an accurate price.
Fixed an issue where the advanced search in Assets would not work for Asset Safety wraps.
Fixed an issue where collapsing the first dialog in the Citadel deployment and then expanding it would not show it in the correct size.
Fixed an issue where items in Personal Deliveries section of inventory would not be included in Asset Safety.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.10Released on Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Features & Changes
Added new wrecks for each of the three citadels, in the fragmented style of capital wrecks.
Structures & Deployables:
You will no longer be tethered with a Global Criminal Countdown in highsec.
Micro Jump Drive Field Generators will no longer work while tethered.
Defect Fixes
Fixed a defect with fighter AI where the Recall function could break for all fighters in a solar system.
Correcting the skill requirements for capital plates.
Fixed an issue where the client side stored POS password would reset after undocking from a Citadel.
Fixed an issue where containers could not be renamed in a Citadel.
Fixed an issue where dragging items from a ship hangar to a character portrait in a Citadel would not initiate personal delivery properly.
Fixed an issue where it was not always possible to take items from Asset Safety.
Fixed an issue where items in Personal Deliveries section of inventory would not be included in Asset Safety.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.9Released on Friday, May 6, 2016
Defect Fixes
Tethered ships will no longer be affected by the Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillators teleportation or warp scramble ability.
If a fighter gets the final blow on a ship, the kill report will now correctly show the controlling ship for the attacker, instead of listing the fighter as both the weapon and the ship. Also, kill marks will now be awarded to the ship as expected (instead of to the fighters that had no way to track them).
Fixed an issue where revoking clone contracts in an outpost could set the players home station to the wrong location.
Fixed an issue where revoking a single clone contract for a corporation would revoke all the corporation clone contracts at that outpost.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.7 and 1.8Released on Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Defect Fixes
User Interface:
Old camera: Fixed an issue causing the camera to detach from the ship after jumps.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.6Released on Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Defect Fixes
Light, Support and Heavy Fighters now show up on directional scan, and can be probed down (using Combat probes).
Corrected an issue with Remote Capacitor Transmitters failing to deactivate when out of range.
Sieged Dreadnoughts can no longer jump through stargates.
Corrected the location where the Capital Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster Blueprint is being displayed on the market.
Fixed an issue where you could sell from corporation hangars.
Missions & NPCs:
Targeted Doomsday devices may now be activated on pirate capital NPCs.
NPC capital ships now have appropriate wrecks when destroyed.
Science & Industry:
Correcting build time of Capital Remote Armor Repairer II.
Corrected skill requirements of Capital Energy Neutralizer II Blueprint.
Fixing invention outcome for Capital Cap Battery I Blueprint.
Corrected build requirements of Capital Emergency Hull Energizer II.
Corrected build requirements of Armor EM Resistance Script Blueprint.
Corrected build requirements for Templar II.
Corrected build requirements for Scourge Fury XL Cruise Missile.
Fixed inconsistent CONCORD blueprint material requirements.
Added Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter Meta Blueprints.
Fixed an issue where the wrong tax was being paid when reprocessing, it was not taking the full amount.
Correcting trait icons of the Lif and Minokawa to correctly indicate their predisposition towards shield tanking.
Fixing local rep cycle time on Ninazu and Lif when in triage.
The skill "Drone Navigation" now correctly applies velocity bonuses at all levels.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.5Released on Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Features & Changes
Capsule SKIN Market group has been added.
It is now possible to initiate trade/delivery by dropping items on a character entry (portrait).
User Interface:
Changed the Citadel online notification to be more accurate.
Defect Fixes
An issue with Ice Belts not spawning correctly after downtime has been fixed.
When a client disconnects whilst in a ship with deployed fighters, the fighters would attempt to get back in to ship's launch tubes before it disappears. They were previously ignoring any warp disruption whilst doing this. The fighters can now be tackled/bubbled as expected which will force them to remain in space (and become abandoned).
Improved client stability during initial launch of client.
Cleaned up some blueprint market entries that have no practical use.
Corrected the name of the Force Auxiliaries market groups.
Ample Conductors market group was missing a name and icon graphic.
The blueprints for Supercarrier Burst Projectors are now properly seeded on the market.
The Standup Missile Guidance Enhancer I Blueprint is now properly seeded on the market.
The Resistance Phasing skill can now be found in the "Engineering" market category, to better reflect the fact that it benefits both armor and shield modules.
Corrected the name of the Linked Enduring Remote Sensor Booster.
Fixed an issue where the Micro Jump Field Generator would not drop tethering.
Corrected name and requirements of CONCORD Capital Shield Booster blueprint.
Fixing an issue with Networked Sensor Array and docking or tethering.
Ships with active siege modules can no longer jump through stargates.
Effectiveness of Standup electronic warfare modules is now correctly reduced by ewar resistances.
Lance, Reaper and BFG Doomsday devices are now correctly reducing damage based on target signature radius.
The range of the new Doomsday weapons has been re-calibrated to the advertised range.
Large modules can no longer be fitted to smaller ships the first time that the fitting is attempted.
Remote Ancillary Armor Repairers now consume the correct amount of nanite paste per cycle.
Corrected the name of the Standup Weapon Disruptor I blueprint.
Fixed an issue where Citadel rigs were not being destroyed properly.
Targeted Doomsday devices may now be activated on pirate capital NPCs.
Science & Industry:
Medium Structure Combat Rig blueprints now have a correct success chance for invention.
The invention time for Multifrequency XL blueprints has been corrected to match the other XL frequency crystal blueprints.
Corrected build requirements for Capital Shield Booster II.
Fixing build output for Capital Capacitor Booster II Blueprint.
Adding meta Capital Capacitor blueprints.
Corrected skill requirements for XL Missile specializations.
Fighter Hangar Management skill is no longer missing an attribute in its show info window.
Fixed an issue where undocking from a station can cause the overview to stop refreshing.
Fixed an issue where the skill queue was getting frozen.
User Interface:
Right-click menus for items in space: The "Warp to..." entries should now always appear as the top options, above any Approach/Align entries. (This is only relevant for items further than minimum warp distance of 150km, but closer than the recently-increased maximum approach distance of 10,000km).
D-scan: Fixed scan range and angle changes made with mouse scroll not taking effect.
You can now unload fighters from tube by dropping them on existing items in the Fighter Bay instead of in an empty area in the Fighter Bay.
Fixed an issue where Level 5 Remote Trading skills were showing a number of jumps instead of just region.
Fixed an issue where the "Show Results Using: Role Management List" in the Corporation window would not work properly.
Fixed an issue where the "Required For" window does not grey out levels that are not pre-requisites for anything.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.4Released on Friday, April 29, 2016
Defect Fixes
User Interface:
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to modify orders that had more than 1 item in them
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.3Released on Friday, April 29, 2016
Defect Fixes
Projector and Doomsday super-weapons no longer affect ships in invulnerable states (POS shields, tethered, gate jump cloak)
Doomsdays can now damage Citadels, Drones and Fighters.
XL Cruise Missile Launchers appear correctly when fitted.
Ships warping within the same grid that are over several thousand kilometers away will again be visible when they land.
Undocking in a T3 cruiser no longer has a chance of retaining the hangar camera.
Added a missing effect file from the tactical overlay.
Restored a missing shader file used in Asteroid Belt clouds.
Resolved a memory leak associated with the Audio engine.
Resolved Out-Of-Memory issues associated with the internal video player.
User Interface:
When issuing orders (except Recall-To-Tube) to fighters that are off-grid from their parent ship, the client will now display a clearer error message explaining why the order will fail.
D-Scan: Fixed an issue where updating range would not have any effect on scans
Fixed an issue where the right-click "Sell Items" option in the context menu would not always work on the first attempt through the Assets Window
Fixed an issue where the brokers fee was showing the wrong value when modifying an order
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.2Released on Thursday, April 28, 2016
Defect Fixes
User Interface:
Fixed an issue causing Ctrl click to not target abandoned fighters.
Old Camera: Fixed an issue which could cause HUD buttons to disappear or get stuck cycling.
Resolving an issue with structure brackets in the overview.
Patch notes for EVE Online: Citadel 1.1Released on Thursday, April 28, 2016
Features & Changes
The hitpoints of Siege, Triage and Entosis modules have been significantly increased.
Defect Fixes
Force Auxiliary ships will now appear on directional-scan and probe-scan results as intended.
Fighters will now correctly shut down their targeted abilities when successfully jammed by ECM effects.
Fixed an issue where Jump Clones were not working in Thera.
Fixed an issue where you could not sell items from a corporation hangar.
Fixed an issue where you could not create populated contracts from a corporation hangar.
Market groups for support fighter blueprints have been corrected.
The Networked Sensor Array Blueprint has been seeded on the market.
Fixed an issue where transaction tax and brokers fee were appearing wrong.
Upwell clothing items are now listed on the market.
Force Auxiliary SKINs market categories now displayed correctly.
Navy Cap Booster 3200 charges are now available in Factional Warfare loyalty point stores.
Science & Industry:
Invention on the Titanium Sabot XL Blueprint now requires the correct datacore.
Adding invention for Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter II Blueprint.
The Garmur and Orthrus Waschi Uprising SKINS can now be applied.
Roaming Circadian Seekers and Drifters in Unidentified Wormhole systems are now resuming their mysterious activities.
User Interface:
Added the Entosis duration multiplier to Force Auxiliaries traits tab.
Fixed an issue where a fighter ability in cooldown would stop the corresponding ship module from deactivating when using function key shortcuts.
Fixed an issue where some of the structures notification labels were missing.
Fixed an issue where Access List logs were not properly showing when public access was added or removed and when admins were demoted to managers.
Fixed an issue where the ship menu would not work after using a jump clone.
Fixed an issue where the Structure Type filter had the wrong text.
Fixed an issue where some labels were missing in the Structure Browser.
Fixed an issue where linking access lists in chat would not always work.
Patch notes for EVE Online: CitadelReleased on Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Features & Changes
A brand new epic theme song for the Citadel expansion.
Added 4 new Citadel Structures to the game
Astrahus (Medium)
25% bonus to all structure combat rig effects
25% reduction in Citadel service module fuel consumption
Fortizar (Large)
25% bonus to all structure combat rig effects
25% reduction in Citadel service module fuel consumption
Keepstar (Extra Large)
25% bonus to all structure combat rig effects
25% reduction in Citadel service module fuel consumption
Upwell Palatine Keepstar (Extra Large)
25% bonus to all structure combat rig effects
25% reduction in Citadel service module fuel consumption
Added 3 new Citadel blueprints to the market in Upwell Consortium member corporation stations
Astrahus Blueprint
Fortizar Blueprint
Keepstar Blueprint
Added Upwell Palatine Keepstar Blueprint to the LP stores for all Upwell Consortium member corporations
High Slot Modules
Structure Anticapital Launcher
Standup AXL Missile Launcher I
Structure Antisubcapital Launcher
Standup ASML Missile Launcher I
Structure Doomsday
Standup Arcing Vorton Projector I
Guided Bomb Launcher
Standup Guided Bomb Launcher I
Point Defense Battery
Standup Point Defense Battery I
Energy Neutralizer
Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I
Standup XL Energy Neutralizer I
Medium Slot Modules
Electronic Counter Measures
Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I
Remote Sensor Dampeners
Standup Remote Sensor Dampener I
Stasis Webifier
Standup Stasis Webifier I
Target Painters
Standup Target Painter I
Tracking Disruptors
Standup Tracking Disruptor I
Warp Scramblers
Standup Warp Scrambler I
Low Slot Modules
CPU Upgrades
Standup Co-Processor Array I
Signal Amplifiers
Standup Signal Amplifier I
Reactor Control Units
Standup Reactor Control Unit I
Ballistic Control Systems
Standup Ballistic Control System I
Missile Guidance Enhancers
Standup Missile Guidance Enhancer I
Service Modules
Citadel Service Modules
Standup Cloning Center I
Standup Market Hub I
Reprocessing Service Modules
Standup Reprocessing Facility I
Reprocessing Rigs
Standup L-Set Ice Grading Processor I
Standup L-Set Ice Grading Processor II
Standup L-Set Ore Grading Processor I
Standup L-Set Ore Grading Processor II
Standup M-Set HS Materials Reclamation I
Standup M-Set HS Materials Reclamation II
Standup M-Set I1 Materials Reclamation I
Standup M-Set I1 Materials Reclamation II
Standup M-Set I2 Materials Reclamation I
Standup M-Set I2 Materials Reclamation II
Standup M-Set LNS Materials Reclamation I
Standup M-Set LNS Materials Reclamation II
Standup XL-Set Reprocessing Monitor I
Standup XL-Set Reprocessing Monitor II
Structure Combat Rigs
Standup L-Set Bomb Aimer I
Standup L-Set Bomb Aimer II
Standup L-Set Energy Neutralizer Feedback Control I
Standup L-Set Energy Neutralizer Feedback Control II
Standup L-Set EW Expert System I
Standup L-Set EW Expert System II
Standup L-Set Missile Flight Processor I
Standup L-Set Missile Flight Processor II
Standup L-Set Point Defense Battery Control I
Standup L-Set Point Defense Battery Control II
Standup L-Set Target Acquisition Array I
Standup L-Set Target Acquisition Array II
Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Economy I
Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Economy II
Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Projection I
Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Projection II
Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Economy I
Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Economy II
Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Projection I
Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Projection II
Standup M-Set Missile Precision I
Standup M-Set Missile Precision II
Standup M-Set Missile Projection I
Standup M-Set Missile Projection II
Standup M-Set Scan Resolution I
Standup M-Set Scan Resolution II
Standup M-Set Structure Target Multiplexing I
Standup M-Set Structure Target Multiplexing II
Standup XL-Set EW and Emissions Co-ordinator I
Standup XL-Set EW and Emissions Co-ordinator II
Standup XL-Set Extinction Level Weapons Suite I
Standup XL-Set Extinction Level Weapons Suite II
Standup XL-Set Missile Fire Control Computer I
Standup XL-Set Missile Fire Control Computer II
Structure Anticapital Missiles
Standup AXL-C Missile
Standup AXL-S Missile
Structure Antisubcapital Missiles
Standup ASML-LD Missile
Standup ASML-MD Missile
Standup ASML-SD Missile
Structure Guided Bombs
Standup AM Guided Bomb
Standup AS Guided Bomb
Standup Void Guided Bomb
Standup Gravimetric ECM Script
Standup Ladar ECM Script
Standup Magnetometric ECM Script
Standup Radar ECM Script
Deployment and unanchoring - //
Vulnerability - //
Asset Safety - //
Tethering - //
Access Lists - //
Profiles - //
Citadel Management(Structure Browser and Fuel) - //
Service Modules - //
The drop rates of all High-Tech goods in exploration Data sites have been greatly reduced.
The maximum range from player's ship to an item that can be broadcast as a target has been increased from 150 km to 10,000 km
Improved visuals for station hangars, incorporating V5 shaders, animated video screens, and new capital ship berths for Keepstar class XL citadels.
New male and female glasses have been added for your purchasing pleasure at the New Eden Store.
The ingame voice of Aura has been changed for German.
Market taxes have been changed:
Broker’s Fee: 3%
Reduced to 2.5% with skills and 2% with both skills and maximum NPC standings
The brokers fee is paid to owners in outposts, is customizable and paid to owners in Citadels
The skill Broker Relations doesn't apply in Citadels
Transaction Tax: 2%
Reduced to 1% with maximum skills
Various new modules have been added:
New Doomsdays:
Reapers (Disallowed in Lowsec)
Lances (Disallowed in Lowsec)
Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillator
Bosonic Field Generator (Disallowed in Lowsec)
Burst Projectors (Supercarrier only superweapons)
Warp Disruption Burst Projector (disallowed in lowsec)
Sensor Dampening Burst Projector
Target Illumination Burst Projector
Weapon Disruption Burst Projector
Energy Neutralization Burst Projector
Stasis Webification Burst Projector
Tech 2 Capital Weapon Systems and ammunition
Capital Anti-Subcap weapon systems and ammunition
Capital Neut and NOS
Capital Emergency Hull Energisers
Heavy Warp Scramblers and Disruptors
Capital Shield Extenders
Capital Armor Plates
Capital Armor Repairers
Capital Shield Boosters
Capital Hull Repairers
Capital Cap Batteries
Network Sensor Array
Capital Flex Hardeners
Higgs rigs will now negate interdiction nullification.
Rigs are now subject to the same restrictions to fitting as modules (Requires a nearby fitting service to add or remove)
Refitting in space will no longer be possible with a weapons timer.
Increased the cost of installing and leaving behind a jump clone at an NPC station to 900,000 ISK
Missions & NPCs:
An issue with the layout of the Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive site has been fixed.
An issue with the NPC's within the mission 'Smuggler Interception' has been fixed.
A text issue in the description of the mission 'Cash Flow for Capsuleers 7 of 10' has been fixed.
Capital Escalations
The old capital escalation spawns have been replaced with smaller numbers of new NPCs that are intended to provide more engaging content for capital ships. These new escalation spawns are sleepers using the existing sleeper AI, have large signatures to ensure that they can be engaged fully by capital ships, and will prefer to shoot at capitals when available.Most of the value of the former escalation waves is being moved to a new Drifter NPC that can be spawned once the site has completed.
These new escalation spawns come in up to three waves, one for a dread, one for a carrier and one for a force auxiliary. There are 3 NPCs in each wave in C5s and 4 per wave in C6s.
The new escalation spawns are worth ~38m per wave in C5s and ~51m per wave in C6s.
Most of the value of the former escalation waves is being moved to a new Drifter that can be spawned once the site has completed.
Spawning the new Drifter is optional, and is done by shooting a structure that decloaks when the site is completed.
The new Drifter is worth about 350m, mostly in blue loot but including salvage as well.
This new Drifter is completely independent of the site, and will warp off if not pointed.
This new Drifter spawns at the end of the site even if no capitals have been used. It is designed to be very challenging but to be doable both with and without capitals. It will however be much easier to kill using capitals.
Multiple Drifters can co-exist in the same wormhole system and will come to each other's aid if one gets attacked.
Pirate Capital NPCs have been spotted in null security space.
Dreadnoughts, Carriers, and Force Auxiliary ships may now enter Sansha's Nation Incursion sites
Project Discovery:
Payments from Project Discovery are now batched for your convenience, and pay out every 5 minutes.
Science & Industry:
Reprocessing tax has been changed from a material tax to an ISK tax
Increased the Equipment Assembly Array Capacity from 1,000,000m3 to 10,000,000m3
Increased the Rapid Equipment Assembly Array Capacity from 1,000,000m3 to 10,000,000m3
Increased the Component Assembly Array Capacity from 1,500,000m3 to 10,500,000m3
Changed the size of all structure components from 100,000m3 to 3000m3
Structure Components can be built at Component Assembly Array
Structures and Structure Modules can be built at Equipment Assembly Array
Titans have been rebalanced, more details can be found here.
Dreads have been rebalanced, more details can be found here.
Four brand new Force Auxiliaries, now the only ships capable of utilising Triage Modules have been released. More details regarding these new capitals be found here.
Any carrier with a Triage module fitted will become a Force Auxiliary.
All drones and fighters in a Force Auxiliary's drone bay will be moved to the owners home station.
Carriers have been rebalanced, more details can be found here.
All fighters in a Carrier's drone bay will be moved to the Carrier's Fighter Hanger.
All drones in a Carrier's drone bay will be moved to the owner's home station.
Carrier's with an overloaded Fighter Hanger or Cargo Hold will be able to warp or jump for a grace period after the patch.
Supercarriers have been rebalanced, more details can be found here.
All fighters in a Supercarrier's drone bay will be moved to the Supercarrier's Fighter Hanger.
Supercarrier's with an overloaded Fighter Hanger or Cargo Hold will be able to warp or jump for a grace period after the patch.
The maximum range from player's ship to an item for the Orbit, Keep-at-range and Approach commands has been increased from 150 km to 10,000 km
A whole range of new and updated Fighters are now available:
New fighters are loaded into the launch tubes of a Carrier, Supercarrier or Citadel and are launched as squadrons
A squadron of fighters consisted of multiple fighters, which must be killed one at at time to diminish the power of the squadron and ultimately destroy it
Fighters fall into three categories, with subcategories in each:
Light Fighters (Usable by all)
Attack - General purpose attack craft.
Space Superiority - Designed to be lethal to fighter and drone craft in its area of operations.
Support Fighters (Usable by all)
Stasis Webification
Warp Disruption
Heavy Fighters (Usable only by Supercarriers and Large & XLarge Citadels)
Long Range Attack - D_esigned for long range attack duties_
Heavy Attack - Designed for anti-capital and anti-structure combat.
Black Ops Battleships now have 75% reduction to effective distance traveled for Jump Fatigue.
The skill "Structure Defensive Systems" has been re-named "Structure Doomsday Operation" and now provides 2% reduced cycle time for Citadel Doomsday modules per level
Capital Weapon Specialization skills have been added
"Advanced Drone Interfacing" has been renamed to "Fighter Hangar Management" to reflect its updated purpose.
Two new fighter skills have been added:
Light Fighters
Support Fighters
"Fighter Bomber" skill has been renamed to "Heavy Fighters" to reflect its updated purpose.
User Interface:
Added a Copy External Fleet Link entry to the fleet menu. See Third-Party Developers section for more details.
Added the ability to move to a point in space. Hold Q and click in space to do this.
Added a new tactical overlay. More details can be found here.
New Camera: Dynamic Center Offset - ship now moves along a 180° arc on the left side of the screen, based on camera yaw rather than being fixed to the left
Tactical Camera: changed how tracking behaves, making it more similar to the orbit camera.
Minor iterations on the Jump Clone window in the Character Sheet
Indented the implants
Moved the buttons below the implants
Fighter capable ships or structure now contain a new specialized fighter bay that allows the easy loading launching, recalling and unloading of fighter squadrons.
A new interface for controlling your new fighter squadrons in space has been added (This can be accessed in any fighter capable ship or structure via the button to the bottom right of the HUD)
When you have one or more fighter squadrons selected in the fighter HUD, you can now give it/them a move order in one of the following ways:
Using the conventional right click menu or radial menu.
Using the selected item window
Using go to point navigation (default shortcut is Q (hold))
Using standard movement shortcuts
A brand new trailer for the Citadel expansion: EVE Online: Citadel Cinematic Trailer
Defect Fixes
D-scan: when editing the range input field, scans will no longer be performed on each keystroke, rather only when Enter is pressed
Fixed an issue which could cause the overview to break after system jumps
Graphics & Audio:
Repainted stripes on the Charon and Rhea Caldari Freighters.
Adjusted the texture layout of the Caldari Rattlesnake to correct an issue with seams.
Videos in Captains Quarters are controlled by the Station Interior slider.
Tightened the screws in the Caldari hangar to fix an issue with the fan in the scene.
Realigned the normal map of the Rupture and its variants.
Reclassified Amarr hangar sounds under the Advanced Audio Station Interior slider.
Modified the booster placement on the Osprey.
Corrected an issue with the cloaking effect on the SIN.
Fixed an animation issue with the Retriever and Mackinaw.
Shifted texture positions on the Republic Fleet Firetail.
Added First Person View camera and Tactical camera audio to the Advanced Audio Atmosphere slider.
User Interface:
New Camera
Fixed an issue which could cause the camera to spin wildly when looking at objects directly below or above you
Fixed how the camera bobbing setting would rotate the camera when at a 90 degree angle
Fixed jump animation being slightly off
Performing subsequent 'Look at' commands on the same object will now toggle between looking at that object and your ship
Turning auto-tracking on and off will now also toggle tracking on the selected item
Both 'C' and the selected item 'Track' button now work while in warp
Fixed camera center slider automatically moving the HUD
Fixed performance issues when locking multiple targets at once
Fixed zoom resetting upon ship destruction
Made the camera movement while performing a 'Look at' command more linear
Tactical Camera:
Fixed an issue which could break the camera in large scale fleet fights causing erratic movement
First person camera:
Fixed overlay persisting in full screen scenes
The camera will now switch to orbit mode when ships are destroyed
Tracking is now disabled while in this camera mode
Corrected a slight grammar error in the mission completion text for Balancing the Books (4 of 10)
Fixed an issue where the trade window would always open in the middle of the screen
The faction icon overlay for the Syndicate Signal Amplifier has been corrected
Text and Descriptions
The description text for Damage Controls has been updated to clearly indicate that only one may be fit at a time.
The description for Siege Modules now includes reference to the stacking penalty to armor repairing.
Third Party Development:
Access tokens provided by the SSO can now be used for authentication, in addition to customizable and legacy API keys. The token's scopes are mapped to corresponding access masks.
Pass in 'accessToken' and 'accessType' query parameters in place of 'keyID' and 'vCode'.
'accessToken' is an access token provided by the SSO.
'accessType' is optional, and should be set to either 'character' or 'corporation'. Defaults to 'character'.
For a character access type, the following scopes map to these access masks:
characterWalletRead maps to 1 | 2097152 | 4194304.
characterAssetsRead maps to 2 | 134217728.
characterCalendarRead maps to 4 | 1048576.
characterContactsRead maps to 16 | 32 | 524288.
characterFactionalWarfareRead maps to 64.
characterIndustryJobsRead maps to 128.
characterKillsRead maps to 256.
characterMailRead maps to 512 | 1024 | 2048.
characterMarketOrdersRead maps to 4096.
characterMedalsRead maps to 8192.
characterNotificationsRead maps to 16384 | 32768.
characterResearchRead maps to 65536.
characterSkillsRead maps to 131072 | 262144 | 1073741824.
characterAccountRead maps to 33554432.
characterContractsRead maps to 67108864.
characterBookmarksRead maps to 268435456.
characterChatChannelsRead maps to 536870912.
characterClonesRead maps to 2147483648.
For a corporation access type, the following scopes map to these access masks:
corporationWalletRead maps to 1 | 8 | 1048576 | 2097152.
corporationAssetsRead maps to 2 | 32 | 16777216.
corporationMedalsRead maps to 4 | 8192.
corporationContactsRead maps to 16 | 262144.
corporationFactionalWarfareRead maps to 64.
corporationIndustryJobsRead maps to 128.
corporationKillsRead maps to 256.
corporationMembersRead maps to 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4194304 | 33554432.
corporationMarketOrdersRead maps to 4096.
corporationStructuresRead maps to 16384 | 32768 | 131072.
corporationShareholdersRead maps to 65536.
corporationContractsRead maps to 8388608.
corporationBookmarksRead maps to 67108864.
Two new endpoints have been added: char/Skills.xml.aspx and char/Clones.xml.aspx, with access masks 1073741824 and 2147483648.
These endpoints are strict subsets of information provided by char/CharacterSheet.xml.aspx, and are also accessible with keys matching access mask 8.
!!! BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE !!!There is no longer a separation of Public CREST and Authenticated CREST. There is just one version of CREST that handles all requests. If a request requires authentication you must pass an Authorization header with a valid SSO token. Otherwise you can just request public resources as normal. Note sending an Authorization header with a valid SSO token to public resources is fine. It won't break anything.
Along with the buy and sell market order resources there is a new resource that gives you the both the buy and sell orders. Route: /market/regionid:integertype/orders/</regionid:integertype>
You can now get a list of all NPC corporations in EVE. Route: /corporations/npccorps/
Loyalty stores are now available in CREST and list all of the offers from an NPC corporation including the required LP, AK, ISK, and items. Note that not all NPC corporations have LP stores and you may get an corpHasNoLPStore error raised. Route: /corporations/corporationid:corporationidtype/loyaltystore/</corporationid:corporationidtype>
The loyalty points a character has is now available with the characterLoyaltyPointsRead scope. This is a simple listing of corporations the character has LP with and the quantity of LP. This does not in any way detail LP transactions. Route: /characters/characterid:characteridtype/loyaltypoints/</characterid:characteridtype>
Opportunities are now in CREST:
Opportunity groups are the high level collection of opportunities. Groups will have tasks under them and a player completes tasks. Once all the tasks for a group are completed the group can be considered completed. Route: /opportunities/groups/
Opportunity tasks are the tasks that need to be completed for opportunity groups. Route: /opportunities/tasks/
To get a list of the opportunity tasks a character has completed you will need the characterOpportunitiesRead scope. Route: /characters/characterid:characteridtype/opportunities/</characterid:characteridtype>
Insurance prices are now available in CREST. Route: /insuranceprices/
The universe stations resource is now publicly available. Route: /stations/stationid:integertype/</stationid:integertype>
Universe locations is now publicly available. Route: /universe/locations/locationid:integertype/</locationid:integertype>
Fixed the character location resource. It should now work correctly and detail the solar system a character is in. If the character is in a station or citadel that will also be detailed. Still no ship type information included however.
Lots of code cleanup, minor backend fixes, and performance tweaks.
Fleet management has been added to CREST:
If you are the boss of a fleet you will find a new entry in the fleet menu called Copy External Fleet Link. Take that and pass it on to your favorite third-party developer.
Basic fleet information is available with a GET and details things like free move and MOTD. You can also PUT to this resource to update some of the information. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/</fleetid:integertype>
Fleet members information includes a list of all members in the fleet and information such as if they take fleet warps, their time of joining fleet, their role, if they are a booster, their ship type, their location, and position in the fleet. You can also POST to this resource to invite people and optionally specify the wing/squad/role of the member being invited. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/members/
A note on caching of the fleet members. This resource is cached for 5 seconds which allows you to keep a fairly real time view of the fleet layout. However information about a members ship and location is batched and sent to the fleet service every 30 seconds. So a members ship and location can be expected to be delayed by up to 30 seconds. This is the same in the client.</fleetid:integertype>
There is another resource available for specific members of a fleet. PUT requests allow you to move the member around the fleet while DELETE requests will kick the member from fleet. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/members/memberid:characteridtype/</memberid:characteridtype></fleetid:integertype>
There is a separate resource for getting the actual hierarchy of the fleet. This wings resource will list all wings in the fleet and the squads in those wings with a GET request. You can also send a POST request to create new wings. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/wings/</fleetid:integertype>
There is also a wing resource for individual wings. DELETE requests allow you to delete the wing if it is empty and PUT requests allow you to rename the wing. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/wings/wingid:integertype/</wingid:integertype></fleetid:integertype>
There is a squads resource which only allows POST requests. This allows you to create new squads for a given wing. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/wings/wingid:integertype/squads/</wingid:integertype></fleetid:integertype>
There is a squad resource that allows DELETE and PUT for deleting the squad and updating its name. Route: /fleets/fleetid:integertype/wings/wingid:integertype/squads/squadid:integettype/</squadid:integettype></wingid:integertype></fleetid:integertype>
The solar system resource (route: /solarsystems/solarsystemid:integertype/) now contains stargate and moon listings.</solarsystemid:integertype>
The planets resource has been refactored to use a JSON structure more consistent with other resources. Version 1 of this resource has been deprecated, and will be retired on 2017-01-01 .
The moons resource has been opened for third party use, and requires no scopes. It can be accessed at route "/moons/moonid:integertype/" and is linked to from the updated solar systems resource.</moonid:integertype>
A new stargate resource has been created, and can be accessed from route "/stargates/stargateid:integertype/". It requires no scopes.</stargateid:integertype>
New structure related resources have been created for use with the new Citadels.
The corporation structures read resource returns a list of all structures owned by a corporation.
It can be accessed at route "/corporation/corporationid:corporationidtype/structures/".</corporationid:corporationidtype>
It requires the "corporationStructuresRead" scope.
It is cached for 1 hour.
It will return a forbidden error of the character making the request is not in the specified corporation or does not have the "Station Manager" role within the specified corporation.
The structure vulnerability write resource allows users to update their upcoming structure vulnerability window.
It can be accessed from route "/structures/structid:integertype".</structid:integertype>
it requires the "structureVulnUpdate" scope.
Structure IDs can be discovered via the corporation structures read endpoint.
It will return a forbidden error of the character making the request is not in the specified corporation or does not have the "Station Manager" role within the specified corporation.
It accepts a vulnerability schedule for a structure, and sets the next week's pending schedule to the submitted schedule. This will "lock in" at midnight UTC on Sundays, in the same fashion as modifying the schedule in the client.
An options call to this resource will return the expected structure for a vulnerability schedule. The number of unique, valid hour/day entries you submit should match the number expected by the citadel size type. This is 3 for an Astrahus, 6 for a Fortizar and 21 for a Keepstar. The endpoint will inform you if an incorrect number is submitted.
Static Data Export (SDE):
The universe data and the SQL Server Backup file have been converted to YAML. The SDE now consists solely of YAML files.