Lightning Strikes now live

The Lightning Strikes event is now live in EVE Online! Coinciding with the end of Gathering Storm and the release of the new EDENCOM ship line, the Lightning Strikes event will run until 11:00 UTC on 29 June.
With secret Upwell Covert Research Facilities in lowsec and parts of nullsec having come under attack and been destroyed by Rogue Drones, Capsuleers can enter the sites and face off against the Rogue Drones, looting the Upwell tech from the wreckage.
In addition, each event site offers the chance of spawning a rare escalation that can be investigated for additional rewards.
Rewards include manufacturing and invention materials, Skill Books, and more related to the new EDENCOM ship line, which have been built exclusively for them by Upwell to aid in the fight against the Triglavian Collective.
The new EDENCOM Skybreaker (Frigate), Stormbringer (Cruiser) and Thunderchild (Battleship) will belong to their own EDENCOM ship tree and be equipped to carry a brand new ship weapon called the Arcing Vorton Projector, based on Upwell's technology for the chain lightning-style superweapon found on Keepstar structures.