Lavacore Imperial SKINs Now Available!

We're super happy to announce that Lavacore Imperial SKINs are now available in the New Eden Store for a selection of Amarr hulls!
This new SKIN is available for the following vessels as of downtime today:
- Confessor – 250 PLEX
- Apocalypse – 390 PLEX
- Armageddon – 390 PLEX
- Apocalypse Navy Issue – 390 PLEX
- Armageddon Navy Issue – 390 PLEX
- Redeemer – 390 PLEX
- Revelation – 695 PLEX
- Apostle – 695 PLEX
- Aeon – 695 PLEX
- Avatar – 695 PLEX
A Battleship SKIN bundle that contains the Apocalypse, Armageddon Navy Issue and Redeemer SKINs is also available at a 3 for 2 discount, for 780 PLEX.
Head on over to the New Eden Store to take a look at these SKINs and grab them for your collection!