Fanfest 2014 CCP Tour - Draw #5!

We are happy to annouce the fifth name that has been drawn from our pool of Fanfest ticket holders to be part of a group that will receive an exclusive tour of CCP Headquarters at Fanfest 2014!
This week's winner is Arik Redrum of Senex Legio [SENX].
The tour will be given by CCP Guard and CCP Falcon, at 11:00UTC on the morning of April 30th, 2014, the day before Fanfest, and the day of the unveiling of the EVE Universe Monument. Those winners who come along for the tour will also be invited to eat lunch at CCP Headquarters, and may also be in for a few extra treats!
The names drawn so far are shown below, and subesequent names will be drawn from the pool of ticket holders on the following list of dates:
14/03 - Luna Moses
21/03 - Ashmedi
28/03 - Artemis Septem
04/04 - Lord Xander
11/04 - Arik Redrum
18/04 - Winner #6
25/04 - Winner #7
Don't miss out on your chance to be part of the event packed 10th EVE Online Fanfest. You can order your ticket today on the Fanfest 2014 website here!