Fanfest 2009: It's going to be awesome!

So to start this off, maybe a quick introduction is in order. I'm CCP Tyr, the new Event Organizer in the CCP Marketing team, working mainly as the Fanfest Coordinator. I was the Event Manager for Fanfest 2007 and 2008 as a contractor bringing you exponentially crazier parties every year. Now I am a part of wonderful CCP dedicating my time making Fanfest 2009 bigger than ever!
Why is Fanfest so awesome:
One would guess that the main reason for attending Fanfest would be to learn about EVE's past, present, and future, on the contrary almost everyone's favorite part of Fanfest is meeting new people making instant friends and hanging out with fellow pilots with whom they play a game that they all love. That commonality brings a thousand of us together to shake a strangers hand, hug a Dev, and to sit down to have a pint with a person you just met but have known for years. Whether you are traveling solo for the first time to Iceland or a part of a large corp gathering you will meet fellow capsuleers as soon as you hit the gate at your local airport as most flights to Iceland will be fully booked by EVE attendees during this time.
Using the words of Leandra Anor, E-ON #14, Postcards from the Fest; "Fanfest is a place to put aside differences and see who the actual person is behind the avatar you might be fighting for, with, or against! It's about meeting the EVE legends and at times about making a new EVE legend. It‘s about seeing what the future of the game might be. Most of all though, Fanfest is about having fun in a beautiful place!"
But one of the highlights for many is simply meeting the CCP employees. Some might expect that they are aloof, full of themselves and hidden off in some backroom for press eyes only, but nothing could be further from the truth. Everywhere you look you see CCP Dev's walking about in their black short-sleeve EVE Dev Team shirts (and kilts!), meeting players, accepting and attentive, hanging out, "talking shop," and giving away freely bone crushing Viking-hugs.
And yes! You can even bring your partner! We realize that not everyone coming to Iceland in October wants to discuss the intricacies of ship fittings or market dynamics. We invite players to bring their wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, or just friends, to accompany them on the trip to Iceland and participate in this excursion. Not only that, but Sisters of EVE pass holders are invited to join in at the Party at the Top of the World on Saturday night!
Reykjavik - Cold Beer, Hot Town, Cheap Prices
The Icelandic local currency works in your favor! Your money goes farther, buys more and keeps you partying all weekend even on the most frugal of budgets. Visitors to Iceland often find that it is enjoyably warm compared to its location in the North Atlantic and is often warmer than a lot of places in Europe during winter.
According to reporter Jim Boulden on CNN, "Iceland is back on the map as a low-cost tourist destination." The US Dollar has gained 50% in value against the Icelandic Krona over the last year which puts Iceland in the Top 5 bargain destinations according to USA TODAY. The beauty of Iceland is the same as before and so is the hospitality of Icelanders.
Reykjavik heats up at night, countless pubs and clubs are packed with locals and visitors just minutes from the Fanfest venue. The legendary beauty of Iceland, from its landscape to its ladies, is breathtaking in every regard.
Check out the Experience Iceland, Iceland FAQ, Reykjavík Survival Guide for more information on how to enjoy your stay in Iceland to the fullest.