EVElopedia Shutdown - 2016/02/29 - 09:00

After careful consideration whilst planning upgrades and changes to Tranquility, we have decided to discontinue the EVElopedia as of the announced extended downtime on Monday February 29th, 2016.
With the introduction of the new Help Center and the ever developing Flight Academy project from our Customer Support Team, as well as the amazing (and far more up to date) player run wikis out there such as the EVE University Wiki and the Brave Newbies wiki, plus the availability of more up to date static data from the EVE Universe via CREST, we feel that the EVElopedia's life cycle has run its course, and it is now time to move on from hosting it.
Obviously there is still a significant amount of player content hosted on the EVElopedia that we aren't simply going to delete, and as such our web team have created an archive of all player content currently hosted on the EVElopedia that can be downloaded here (102MB Download).
The EVElopedia also contains a significant amount of prime fiction and official backstory reference material that has been worked on by both CCP, and our fantastic ISD Mercury division. This will be relocated to a new home over the course of the next couple of months so that all players have read access to it, and ISD Mercury can continue to contribute to developing prime fiction and backstory for the EVE Universe.
The EVElopedia will remain online until the start of the extended downtime on Monday, February 29th, at 09:00, when it will be taken offline permanently. Players are more than welcome to back up their own EVElopedia pages and copy any data they feel they would like to preserve between now and then.