Community Events for Fanfest 2022

Outgoing capsuleers,
The week of EVE Fanfest is upon us and there are many events happening throughout the week. The schedule is packed so let’s make sure that you are aware of everything that the city has to offer for you in the week leading up to EVE Fanfest 2022. If you prefer planning your own nights with your groups then we also have something for you.
The city of Reykjavík welcomes you and for the occasion we have partnered with multiple establishments that you can take advantage of for a week to remember.
Community Events
EVE FANFEST PRE-ADVANCE MIXERS at Mál og Menning & Lebowski Bar
Monday 2 May 19:00-23:00
We have had to change the Pre-Advance Mixers to different locations as was originally announced. Starting early in the week, we have teamed up with a couple of bars as a designated place to be to gather and socialize with your fellow capsuleers and developers to kick off the EVE Fanfest week. Mál og Menning will be the first location to get everyone started tonight. This former bookstore in the olden days became a live music venue and bar.
Tuesday 3 May (20:00-01:00)
Coming to the rescue at the last minute, who other than Lebowski Bar? They are definitely dudes in our books. If you make a bar that rocks based on a 1998 Coen brothers fill then it has to be good, and it is.
__#TWEETFLEET KARAOKE at Gaukurinn __
Wednesday 4 May (20:30-01:00)
The long traditioned karaoke night hosted by Tweetfleet will make its grand return at Gaukurinn. This event offers the rare chance to masterfully convince your alliance leader, favorite fleet commander or CCP developer to display their prowess of the microphone, or lack thereof.
__GERMAN COMMUNITY & DEV MEET at Petersen Suite __
Wednesday 4 May (18:30-22:00)
This traditional meeting has been a staple of many Fanfests in the past and now returns in all its glory. The German EVE community invites everyone to join them to share good times with fellow capsuleers and developers of EVE Online. This year the meeting will take place in the Petersen Suite, get your Wednesday night started in great company!
__EVE PUB QUIZ at Kex __
Wednesday 4 May (21:00-23:00)
Team up with your friends and take on an EVE Online themed pub quiz hosted by CCP Clover, an exalted pub quiz hosting veteran for CCPers. There will be prizes in store for teams performing well in the beverage variety and of course there will be prizes as well for the best team names. This is a prime event for the EVE Online lore savants.
Thursday 5 May (09:00-17:00)
Visit Iceland's most famous landmarks Þingvellir, Gullfoss & Geysir with EVE Devs. Includes a visit to Friðheimar greenhouse and their lunch buffet and a meal of legendary tomato soup and freshly baked bread is included. They also have a variety of drinks and cocktails.
The duration of this trip is approximately 8 hours. The pickup is outside Harpa Concert Hall so please make sure you are there in a timely manner. There might be more bus trips leaving from Harpa at the same time, the one you are looking for will be from Reykjavík Excursions and marked in the front window, indicating a trip with CCP Games.
Remember to dress according to the weather:
Warm clothes, waterproof jacket, and sturdy shoes are recommended. We recommend bringing thermal layers, a winter hat, scarf, gloves, and wearing warm socks for colder days.
Thursday 5 May (11:00-12:00)
Eight years ago, the EVE Online Monument was first unveiled, it has stood through these years in mostly excellent condition. However, through weathering and time it was getting difficult to make out the most important part of the piece which is the names of the player characters which reside upon it.
For this year in collaboration with the Reykjavík Art Museum we have renovated the monument in the form of the tiles that hold the names being remade and have now been installed on the monument.
Please join us for a walk and a small ceremony from CCP and a ceremony hosted by the players to honor capsuleers who have now left us. We will begin at Ingólfur square at 11:00 and anticipate a 15-minute slow walk.
Please check the weather forecast on the day for appropriate clothing to not get too cold during the walk and ceremony.
Thursday 5 May (13:30-15:30)
The Ultimate Flying Ride with EVE Online Developers. We start our journey at the inhouse bar/café over at FlyOver Iceland for drinks and snacks at 13:30 before we go see all of Iceland through state-of-the-art technology that gives the feeling of flying. You will hang suspended, feet dangling, before a 20-metre spherical screen while the film whisks you away on an exhilarating journey across Iceland. Special effects, including wind, mist and scents, combine with the ride’s motion to create an unforgettable experience.
There are still a few tickets available for this event.
Thursday 5 May (16:00-23:00)
Dusk of the last day before Fanfest. Maybe if it gets really cloudy as the sun is out until late into the night but that is beside the point. We are going to warm up the pallette for the weekend together at Kex
EVE Fanfest Reykjavik City Walking Tour
Thursday 5 May (16:30-18:00)
Historian Stefán Pálsson and EVE Devs take you on a walk around downtown Reykjavik where we visit city landmarks and some historic places in the evolution of CCP Games and EVE Fanfest. We start gathering at Kex at 16:00, tour starts 16:30 on the dot!
__CHARITY DINNER at CCP Headquarters __
Thursday 5 May (18:00 – 21:00)
An evening of drinks and food with EVE Online CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson, EVE Online leadership team and Community Developers at CCP Gróska HQ. Welcome drinks, finger & street food, beer and wine. Please note that this is not a seated dinner. There will be seats and tables, but most of the eating, drinking and chatting is taking place in a standing relaxed environment.
Traditionally, the event has taken place at a restaurant. For this year it's more informal, allowing for more opportunities to interact with other guests and CCP developers, as you're not stuck on a single table throughout the evening. There are still a few tickets available for this event.
Thursday 5 May (18:30 – 21:00)
The NPSI community meetup has organized a raffle to raise funds for the Barnaspítali Hringsins Childrens Hospital in central Reykjavík, this will take place at Lebowski Bar. The raffle itself will begin around 20:00 – please get there in advance of the draw to avoid missing raffle tickets!
- A book of raffle tickets cost £10, and you will receive 5 tickets within.
- The tickets can be purchased online in advance of the event by clicking on the purple ticket on the EBWF homepage. Please be sure to add a comment to your donation with your in game name, and the tickets will be placed in an envelope ready for you collection when you arrive at Lebowski Bar
- For more information on the event, check out EBWF’s Discord server
__CLEAR SKIES MARATHON at Bíó Paradís __
Thursday 5 May (20:00 – 01:00)
Thursday at 20:00 it's officially hot-drop-o'clock! Join us at Bíó Paradís, located in the heart of downtown Reykjavík, for a screening of Clear Skies 1, 2 and 3. Rumor has it that there may be exclusive previews from the upcoming Clear Skies 4 from director Ian Chisolm.
We start gathering at cinema bar 30 minutes prior to the screening, at 19:30. There are still a few tickets available for this event.
Friday 6 May (08:00-18:00)
We take you along the south coast of Iceland, one of the country’s most scenic regions, as far as Vík, a charming village surrounded by high beautiful bird cliffs, and the Reynisfjara black sand beach.
The tour duration is approx 10-11 hours. Food throughout the day is not included but we will make a stop during the trip at Vík in the middle of the trip so please plan accordingly. You can bring food on the bus when you depart in the morning to last you throughout the day and you can also stock up in Vík.
The pick-up location is Harpa Concert Hall, please note that there might be other tour buses leaving at the same time. Your bus should be from Reykjavík Excursion and will be indicated by a sign in the front window that it's for a trip from CCP Games.
Remember to dress according to the weather:
Warm clothes, waterproof jacket, and sturdy shoes are recommended. We recommend bringing thermal layers, a winter hat, scarf, gloves, and wearing warm socks for colder days.
Pub Crawl - Friday 6 May (19:00-21:00)
The Pub Crawl this year will be of a familiar format where you have the chance to sign up for teams with developers to be led by a local guide through the vast and extravagant landscape that is the bar scene of downtown Reykjavík. At the end of the night all of the teams will meet up at the same location for a big party as is tradition.
Signups for teams, for the Pub Crawl will take place from 14:00 to 16:00 in the registration area at Laugardalshöll Arena on Friday. There you will receive your pub-crawl shot glass and armbands for the night.
The Pub Crawl for EVE Fanfest 2022 will start at Ingólfur Square promptly at 19:00. When you arrive, please look for your team captains which will be indicated by the team name that you chose during the registration to the event earlier in the day.
Pub Crawl: Gourmet - Friday 6 May (18:30-22:00)
This is the first time we will be offering a different version of the Pub Crawl for capsuleers to enjoy a more relaxed night with each other and the developers. The Gourmet Pub Crawl is a food walk which takes you on a not so touristy way to discover hidden foody gems around Reykjavík. Food is included on this delicious, guided tour.
The sign ups for teams will also take place from 14:00 - 16:00 at Laugardalshöll Arena in the registration area.
The group will leave timely at 18:30 from Harpa (not Laugardalshöll Arena). Please make sure that after the scheduled program ends in Laugardalshöll that you begin making your way immediately towards Harpa.
It is unlikely that you can make it there in time by walking unless you do so at an amazingly fast pace. We suggest either grab a scooter from Hopp which are located outside the Laugardalshöll Arena or by way of Taxi which we have requested to be located outside Laugardalshöll Arena after the end of the day.
__DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: an EVE Online documentary __
Sunday 8 May (15:00 – 19:00)
Famous Youtube documentarian Fredrik Knudsen will present the first part of his in-depth look into the history of EVE Online. The event will take place at Bíó Paradís . You can find more on Fredrik Knudsen on his Youtube channel.
We start gathering at cinema bar 30 minutes prior to the screening, at 14:30. There are still a few tickets available for this event.
Fanfest Partners
Using your EVE Fanfest ticket or badge you can access discounts at any of the mentioned restaurants or bars throughout the week and during EVE Fanfest.
- American bar
- Aldamót
- Bastard bar
- Bakabaka
- Bravó
- Den Danskekro
- Dillon
- Einstök bar
- The English Pub
- Gaukurinn
- Hard Rock Cafe
- Hressó
- Húrra
- Iðnó
- Irishman Pub
- Íslenski barinn
- Kol
- Kofinn
- La Pobalana
- Lebowski Bar
- Lemmy
- Jungle
- Mál og Menning
- Miami Bar Reykjavik
- Röngten
- Pablo Discobar
- Petersen
- Prikið
- Sirkus bar
- Skuggabaldur
- Veður bar