Community Beat for 13 October

o7 Spacefriends!
Welcome back to the latest edition of the Community Beat! We hope that everyone is now back to full strength following Fanfest, the community certainly seems to be buzzing with what's coming up in Havoc and we're excited to see it! But without further ado, let us get into it!
Upcoming in and out-of-game events!

Social events are at the heart of the community in New Eden. Be it in-game or out (like Fanfest pictured above), there's normally something going down somewhere!
Coming up soon on October 28th is EVE in Vienna! It's not too late to join, it's possible to still attend if you want to come and say hi, but you won't be able to secure a shirt anymore unfortunately. Vienna is a beautiful location to host an EVE meet and the attendees are equally as warm!
EVE Manchester
The second event is an out-of-game meet over in Manchester in the United Kingdom. It's a little under a month from now on the 11th of November at the Pixel Bar! If you're in the area you can find a link to their Discord in their Reddit article here.
Totality Day (In-game - this weekend)

Totality Day started today and the celebration runs all across the weekend! What is Totality Day you ask? It commemorates the day when twenty-seven systems were disconnected from their established Stargates and converted into Pochven! There are multiple events running across various time zones in the region - you can find more details over here!
Faction Warfare Face-off (In-game - December)
It's still a little while away, but it's an event worth adding to your calendars! On December 16th at 20:00 all 4 faction militias are going to slug it out in the systems of Fliet. Whilst setting rules in New Eden can be a challenge, there are a few suggested guidelines for the event too, but ultimately, it's all about having a massive fun, brawl with your friends!
Travel Time Calculator

Once you've inhabited New Eden long enough you learn about one of its most precious resources, time. Be it, lying in wait on the other side of a gate to spring a trap, or, ferrying goods from one side of the universe to the other. Time is what makes the difference between getting the kill, saving an ally who is bait, or, finishing ferrying the ships across the universe to ensure tomorrow's operation can happen.
By entering a few stats, there is now a work-in-progress tool that will calculate that real-world travel time for you. From system to system, be it manually or with your autopilot, it breaks down your alignment time, warping time, and even your transition through the gate! Jsfiddle is the name of the program, made by Reddit user u/Mean-Criticism2227 and we recommend you check it out - you can find it over here!
Alliance Logos galore!
We announced earlier in the year that we had refined our policies a little more with getting Alliance Logos into New Eden, with regards to the quality level required to be accepted, and, we're happy to see so many of you stepped up! Shortly after the last Community Beat we actually added 21 new Alliance Logos into New Eden, we can have a look at 6 of those below that we thought was impressive, keep up the great submissions!

From left to right above - "Cynosural Field Theory.", "Can i bring my Drake...", "The Amarr Militia."

From left to right above - "Kuvakei Shot First", "HOLD MY PROBS", "LinkNet"
Deathless Artwork
Whilst we're on the topic of art - watercolor painting is also a very fine skill to master and we've been gifted with some breathtaking works of art over the years. The latest to join those collections is a watercolor of the recently discovered Jovian gates leading into Zarzakh by Loyld George and the second, is a very thought-provoking picture of "The Deathless" from Alen Asques. Previously featured in the most recent trailers, in a very dark and sinister manner, it's very curious to see an alternative potential view of this individual, with it raining war clones and with The Fulcrum in the background as well, quite a work of art!

Hacking Site opportunities for the Crimson Harvest!
We wrap up with a video from one of the EVE Online Partners: Loru. Loru has been exploring the Crimson Harvest hacking sites this year and has assembled a video on some of the top tips for getting the maximum out of the sites with both an Astero and a Metamorphosis. Check out some of his suggestions in the video above!
That's it for this week's community beat from the Community Team - We look forward to seeing you again in the next edition!