Alliance Tournament XII Signups are Ongoing!

If your alliance executor has not yet signed your alliance up for Alliance Tournament XII, go ahead and link him to this news item so he can click this link and correct that mistake. I guarantee this event is something you do not want to miss.
For reference, the URL to the signups is: //
Want information on the format of the tournament and all of the rules involved? Read this devblog to get to know them well. And in the tradition of Alliance Tournaments, we will have commentators from the community to describe the explosions on screen and genius-level tactics taking place on the field. Head on over here to get to know them!
Would you like to advertise on EVE TV during the tournament? As with previous years we will be showing player created video adverts during the Tournament. These adverts can be submitted for free and represent one of the biggest advertising opportunities available. Gain exposure for your website & service or just show off your corporation/alliance. Go to this thread for information on how to submit your ad.
Last, but not least, this is why you want to compete in Alliance Tournament XII:
Whiptail; click for full size
Chameleon; click for full size
Poke your alliance executor about signing up right now. Do it!
- CCP Gargant