Solution for "stuck" structure timers during No Downtime | EVE Online

Solution for "stuck" structure timers during No Downtime

2019-12-04 - 작성자 CCP Convict

We're several hours into our epic No Downtime experiment and while the effects are beginning to be felt on Tranquility, one issue in particular has presented as being particularly problematic: some structures are becoming "stuck" when their anchoring/unanchoring or reinforcement timers end and are not switching to their correct state.

If you are encountering this problem with a stuck structure it's possible to request that our Customer Support team update the structure state manually. Here is the procedure:

  1. Be certain that the time for the structure's state change has already passed - we won't be changing the state on any structures early!
  2. Submit a support ticket by pressing F12 in-game and click "Go to Help Center" or visit this page in your browser.
  3. For "Type" choose Game Play Support
  4. For "Category" choose Stuck -> Stuck Character
  5. In the description field tell us:
  • Exact name of the system where the structure is located
  • The type of the structure (Raitaru, Fortizar etc.)
  • The exact name of the structure
  1. Upon receiving the ticket, Customer Support will confirm that the structure is indeed stuck and if so will have its state changed. The change takes effect immediately.

Customer Support will be treating these tickets as a top priority and will be responding very quickly, so you should keep your fleets standing by after submitting your ticket.

All other stuck structures will remain so until servers come back up from the next scheduled downtime which is 11:00 UTC on Thursday, December 5th.

Our No Downtime experiment still has quite a while to run, and we apologise for any negative impact it may be having on your gameplay experience. As mentioned in this dev blog the results of this experiment will be incredibly valuable for the future development of EVE Online and we have gathered significant amounts of useful data already.

Please continue to report bugs and provide feedback about any unusual behavior you're experiencing during this period.

Thank you for your ongoing patience and assistance! o7