Skyhook Enhancements Live Now + FAQ | EVE Online

Skyhook Enhancements Live Now + FAQ

2024-10-01 - 작성자 EVE Online team
Enhancements and EfficiencyFrequently Asked Questions 


The Upwell Consortium has rolled out an update for orbital skyhooks, bringing added security to their owners and reducing the logistical burdens of maintaining the structures. This enhancement addresses vulnerabilities that left skyhooks open to raiding at all times, placing the responsibility on capsuleers to monitor them constantly. More information about these enhancements is available here, and many of the most frequently asked questions are answered below. 

Security has been a big topic of discussion among capsuleers of late, following the siege of Zarzakh. After Drifter forces were pushed back, a mysterious shrouded structure appeared in the system. Today, pilots approaching it have reported being contacted by Caravanmaster Malaya Hrada of the Hrada-Oki clan with an invitation to assist in the Deathless Circle’s next step in their investigation into this new discovery.  

Enhancements and Efficiency

The skyhook enhancements rolled out today bring greater efficiency. This leads to a significant increase in the amount of reagents extracted and, therefore, flowing into the market, directly impacting the entire economy of New Eden. The streamlined system will reduce operational friction while boosting overall productivity.  

These changes aim to encourage all nullsec groups to transition to the new sovereignty system today. Furthermore, the Upwell Consortium has announced that on 29 October, transitioning tothe new system will become mandatory for all capsuleers. Those who have yet to make the switch are encouraged to do so before this deadline to ensure a smooth transition and avoid disruptions.  

For more in-depth information on the changes, see today’s patch notes

Frequently Asked Questions 

What happens to my old upgrades and territorial claim units (TCUs)? 

Your old upgrades and existing TCUs have had their reprocessing rates adjusted so you will get back the full bill of materials upon reprocessing them. 

When will the grace period for removing rigs end? 

On 29 October at 11:00 UTC. 

What happens if I am in the process of building a supercapital manufacturing upgrade in a system that can no longer support it after the transition? 

The building process will be paused. If your system cannot physically install the necessary upgrades, the Game Masters will refund you for your build’s bill of materials. 

Where will information about skyhook vulnerability be visible? 

Vulnerable skyhooks will appear in the Agency and on the map. 

When can the secure bay be emptied? 

The secure bay can be emptied at any time. 

When a skyhook comes out of reinforced mode, is the next vulnerability period based on that timer or the original vulnerability timer? 

Skyhooks will always use the reinforcement timer to determine their next vulnerability period. 

How is the skyhook vulnerability window calculated? 

The vulnerability window for the skyhook is determined by its reinforcement timer, which is calculated using a normal distribution within a 3-hour standard deviation. The next vulnerability window is 72 hours +/- the variance from the normal distribution, shown below. 

Does this mean that the timer will start exactly every 3 days? 

Not quite. Initially, timers may seem to follow an exact 3-day cycle, but as the system continues to generate timers with random offsets, they will gradually start spreading more evenly across the days. Below is a worst-case scenario simulation of how the vulnerability windows distribute in a hypothetical situation where every skyhook had the same reinforcement timer. In practice, this will even out much faster.  

How long is the window to raid a skyhook before it becomes invulnerable? 

A skyhook will remain raidable for one hour after the vulnerability window opens. 

Will I see the skyhook timer anywhere in space, or will I have to warp to the skyhook to see it? 

All vulnerable skyhooks are visible through the Agency and on the map, and all pilots belonging the same corporation as the skyhook owner, with the correct roles, can see the vulnerability timers in a new tab on the structure browsers. 

However, if you do not belong to the same corporation as the owner, and if it is currently invulnerable, you will need to warp to the skyhook to see its timer.