Singularity Mass Test - That's a lot of damage! | EVE Online

Singularity Mass Test - That's a lot of damage!

2024-10-15 - 작성자 EVE Online Team

Greetings helpful capsuleers,

As you may have read in our recent announcement about the Revenant expansion coming in November, we will be adding a new damage-over-time (aka 'DOT') weapon to EVE Online. Implementing this new weapon system meant refactoring a significant amount of the code which handles damage application in the game.

Accordingly, we will be running a mass test on the Singularity test server on Wednesday 16 October from 17:00 to 19:00 UTC in order to test out this refactored code.

After the test we will analyze the logs and will grant a 5 rewards of 100 PLEX to the capsuleer who dealt the most damage in each of the following categories:

  • Most damage dealt in a frigate-sized hull

  • Most damage dealt in a destroyer-sized hull

  • Most damage dealt in a cruiser-sized hull

  • Most damage dealt in a battlecruiser-sized hull

  • Most damage dealt in a battleship-sized hull

Additionally all mass test participants will receive 20,000 EverMarks. All rewards will be applied on Tranquility.

Please note you will not have the opportunity to try out the new damage over time weapon itself; this test is only to make sure the changes to the damage application code have not affected existing weapon systems.

For more details on the test including how to connect to the Singularity test server please refer to this forum post.