패치노트 - 버전 20.11

The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.11). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:
Initial Release Date: 2022-12-13 Last update: 2022-01-03
🤝 - Indicates a change inspired by player's feedback or suggestions.
RELEASES: 2022-12-13.1 | 2022-12-14.1 | 2022-12-15.1 | 2022-12-19.1 | ; 2022-12-20.1 | 2023-01-03.1 | NEW |
Patch Notes For 2023-01-03.1
- The Winter Nexus event has ended, we hope you had fun over the holidays!
Patch Notes For 2022-12-20.1
Defect Fixes:
New Player Experience:
- Fixed an issue which could cause guidance to be lost during the mining introduction when arriving at the site location.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue with UI not showing correctly in particular circumstances in the AIR Career Program.
Patch Notes For 2022-12-19.1
Defect Fixes:
- Mining Crystal descriptions and Resource Processing skill descriptions have been updated with the new ores that were introduced with Resources Aligned on Tuesday.
- Fixed the appearance of Yoiul Star skin on docked ships.
User Interface:
- The wallet will now correctly show how many corporations a player has LP with.
- The "Events UI Pointer" now functions as intended.
- Bottom rows of New Eden Store pages have been recalibrated and realigned.
- Added a scrollbar to the PLEX Vault which appears when the Inventory window is too short.
Photon UI
- When trashing multiple items, they are now listed in the dialog window.
Patch Notes For 2022-12-15.1
Features & Changes:
The Winter Nexus event has returned to New Eden! This ingame event will run until downtime on January 3rd 2023.
- Volatile Ice Storms have begun to appear across highsec, lowsec, and nullsec space. These ice storms spread out across the stargate network two jumps from a central system, and occasionally move from system to system just like metaliminal storms. These storms provide bonuses to ship thermal resistances and module overheating for all capsuleers flying within them. Sansha's Nation and Outer Ring Excavations have both mobilized to take advantage of the novel forms of stellar ice found within these storms.
- Wightstorm combat anomalies have begun appearing within the Volatile Ice Storms. These sites are full of hostile Sansha's nation vessels, and CONCORD advises capsuleers bring a battlecruiser ship or better when attempting to engage with these forces. The Wightstorm Forward Base site found within storms that originate in highsec space appears to be guarded by the weakest Sansha fleets, with the nullsec Wightstorm Transit Site posing an intermediate challenge and the lowsec-based Wightstorm Muster Point offering the greatest challenge for the greatest rewards.
- Wightstorm data signatures can also be found within Volatile Ice Storms. These Sansha's Nation data sites can be hacked by enterprising capsuleers equipped with scan probes and data analyzer modules.
- Volatile Ice Field anomalies can also be discovered within Volatile Ice Storms. These fields of newly discovered stellar ice have recently been captured by ORE and Mordu's Legion forces who have driven away the Sansha harvesting fleets. These ice fields can be accessed through a special ORE-commandeered acceleration gate that only allows medium and small mining and hauling ships to enter (Expedition Frigates, Mining Barges, Exhumers, Industrial Ships, Blockade Runners, Deep Space Transports, and the Porpoise). The volatile ice found within these fields cannot be reprocessed by standard facilities, however Outer Ring Excavations has set up mobile ice collection operations within each of these ice fields, and is willing to trade with capsuleers who contribute to their mining operation. Capsuleers can trade seven units of volatile ice with the ORE representatives in the ice fields to receive a package of valuable salvage and items that ORE forces collected from the wrecks of Sansha ships. Rumors suggest that other valuable Sansha salvage has frozen directly into some of the ice chunks and can be occasionally picked up along with the ice by normal mining activities.
- Rewards that can be found by capsuleers within all of these sites include valuable Overseers' Effects, hundreds of festive ship SKINs, limited-time Cerebral Accelerators, character apparel, special Sansha's nation combat boosters, Sansha's Nation pirate implant sets, and rare faction modules.
- Limited-time Ice Storm filaments are now available that will instantly transport capsuleers into one of these volatile ice storms. Each filament clearly states in its description how many capsuleers it can transport and whether it will take them to a highsec, lowsec, or nullsec storm.
- A new Yoiul Festival seasonal challenge track can be found within the Agency. These challenges can be completed over the course of the event by engaging with the combat, hacking, and ice mining sites within the Volatile Ice Storms. Completing these challenges will provide players with points that will progress them along a reward track consisting of new exclusive Aurora Universalis skins and Sansha combat boosters.
- A new set of daily login gifts are available over the course of the Winter Nexus event including snowballs, ice storm jump filaments, new Aurora Universalis skins, Sansha combat boosters, and up to 510k skill points. Players can receive all of these rewards by logging in at least 13 days between now and January 3rd.
- In addition to the above fantastic gifts, a brand new expert system has been included which will allow all players, including alpha accounts, the ability to fly an Endurance and fit a Ice Mining Laser to mine ice for 4 days.
- Keep an eye out for multiple wintery Abyssal Proving ground events over the next month, including 1v1 T1 Cruisers with T1 modules only from December 16-19, a T1 Destroyer with T1 modules FFA from December 30 - January 2, and a 24 hour only 2v2 Battleships arena on January 7th - January 8th. All of these proving events will feature a special set of environmental effects that increase afterburner speed bonuses by 100% and reduce heat damage suffered by overheating modules by 50%. The battleship 2v2 will feature a repeatable challenge that grants 100 million ISK for doing 10,000 damage in the arena.
- The Chilling Spree snowball challenges have returned, providing bonus SP each day for launching festive snowballs at other players in a game-wide snowball fight!
- Get your hands on the brand new Yoiul's Ascent fireworks available in the Daily Login Campaign, season reward track and from loot!
Alliance and corporation emblems are now available on the following 186 ships:
- All Cruisers
- Mining Barges (T1 and Exhumers)
- All remaining Destroyers
- Non-Capital Industry
- All remaining Frigates
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with the Ishtar Aurora Universalis SKIN not displaying the Aurora VFX correctly.
User Interface:
- It's now possible to access the solar system map when using the classic starmap again.
Patch Notes For 2022-12-14.1
Features & Changes:
User Interface:
- We made a number of improvements on the AIR Career Program navigation, progression tracking and UI.
- We made an improvement to the sorting by name in the New Eden Store.
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed textures for the Cyclops fighter.
User Interface:
- Fleet Up section of the Agency now shows correctly.
- The correct number of columns will now be displayed in the New Eden Store.
- The 'Buy Extra Skill Queue' option will now open to the correct New Eden Store section.
- Sorting offers will now have them ordered correctly when viewed in languages other than English.
Photon UI:
- Fixed an issue with reordering skills in the Skill Queue by dragging and dropping.
- It is now possible to click links in dialog message windows.
- Fixed the layout of multiple choice dialog windows.
- Structure Deployment window content no longer overflows.
- Fixed an issue where editing filters/exceptions with Multiple Overviews was sometimes not updating the correct tab.
Patch Notes For 2022-12-13.1
Features & Changes
Defect Fixes
Features & Changes:
- Added a sound effect for when a rare event takes place in Upwell Hangars.
- We changed the way Depth of Field works in hangars. Depth of Field now has it's own rendering toggle under the Effects in the Display & Graphics settings.
- Depth of Field is no longer automatically on with Post Processing set to High
- Depth of Field now has much greater strength and is modified by camera distance from your ship
- We have "rolled" out a few rare events for medium and small Upwell hangars.
- New content has been translated in French, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese and Spanish.
New Player Experience:
- The salvage wreck objective will now behave like an actual wreck salvage in the second Industrialist - Entrepreneur Career Agent mission.
- Improved guidance during Industrialist Career Agent missions:
- Aura will suggest checking out the AIR Career Program while Industry jobs run.
- Aura will now prioritise informing the player if their ship is incompatible with the recommended fit before informing of missing modules.
- Aura will now reference a missing module by its specifc type name instead of generically mentioning something cannot be located.
- Aura will now inform the player if they do not have the recommended ship (a Venture) for the fourth Industrialist - Producer mission.
- Revised items given in Career Agent missions:
- Characters will now be gifted a 'Mining Laser Upgrade I' when accepting the fourth Industrialist - Producer mission.
- Swapped the rewarded 'Overdrive Injector System I' for a 'Damage Control I' in the seventh Industrialist - Producer mission.
- Swapped the gifted 2x 'Dual Light Beam Laser I' for 2x 'Gatling Pulse Laser I' in the Amarr version of the third Enforcer mission.
- Swapped the gifted 2x 'Light Electron Blaster I' for 2x '75mm Gatling Rail I' in the Caldari version of the third Enforcer mission.
- Added a reference and pointer link to the Scanning Basics video within the Help Section of the Agency to the third Exploration mission.
- Improved the completion messages for the final misisons in all Career Agent paths:
- Each will now suggest trying the other Career Agent paths within the station.
- The Enforcer finale now suggests trying the Sister's of EVE Epic Arc, the Blood-Stained Stars, with a pointer link to the Epic Arc Agency tab.
- The Soldier of Fortune finale now suggests trying Factional Warfare with a pointer link to the Factional Warfare station service.
- The Explorer finale now suggests trying Comabt Anomalies and Signatures with a pointer link to the Exploration Agency tab.
- The Industrialist - Producer finale now suggests trying Mining Agent missions with a pointer link to the Agency tab.
- The Industrialist - Entrepreneur finale now suggests trying Distribution Agent missions with a pointer link to the Agency tab.
- Tweaked various mission messages to improve clarity and remove references to obsolete content.
- Improved existing and added additional highlights for guidance during the personalization introduction experience.
- Characters with one of the appropriate SKINs already injected will now also be eligable for the personalization introduction experience.
Science & Industry:
To encourage further growth of the ramping capital manufacturing we are easing a few bottlenecks in T1 industry. We are also addressing the developing lowered profitability of T2 resource harvesting and industry.
- 4 new asteroid have been discovered, each focused on providing a high amount of a singular resource.
Asteroid | Mineral |
Ducinium | Megacyte |
Eifyrium | Zydrine |
Mordunium | Pyerite |
Ytirium | Isogen |
- The new rich asteroid belts may be found in Blue A0 star systems in null security space and in wormhole space.
- Additionally, these new asteroid belts may also appear in high security 0.5 systems bordering low security systems, and nullsec systems which border low security space.
- Total mining yields of moon mining structures have been reduced by 25%.
User Interface:
🤝 New filters have been added to the Paragon Loyalty Point store.
- Added a search bar
- Filter by faction (All, Four Empires, Other)
- Filter by hull size
- Filter for corporation and/or alliance emblems
- Filter out acquired emblems
Greatly improved the "leave fleet" option by adding an exclamation point to it.
Photon UI:
- We have added the ability to have multiple Overviews when using Photon UI. This can be done by right-clicking an existing Overview tab, or by checking the 'In New Window' checkbox when adding a new Tab.
- This feature can be enabled in the Feature Previews tab of the Settings menu and can only be enabled when Photon UI is enabled.
- 🤝 We have added a setting that allows you to change the size of the margin and header on all windows. This option can be found in General Settings section of the Settings menu.
- 🤝 We have updated the Security colors so that they are more distinct from one another.
- We have added an Auto UI Scaling option in the UI Scaling.
- 🤝 We have updated the scrollbar in Photon UI, the scrollbar is now static and no longer expands and collapses when hovering over it.
- 🤝 We have added window resize indicators that show if a window can be resized, these indicators show when hovering over the edge of a window.
- 🤝 The Close button and Minimize button are now present in the header when a window has Compact Mode enabled.
- 🤝 We have added a new setting that allows you to change the transparency of windows that are set to "light mode".
- 🤝 The inventory window now has a Stack All button. Additionally, the search bar, Loot All button, and the item count and value are now visible while the window is in compact mode.
- 🤝 All the settings related to chat channels has been moved to the chat window's options menu in the top-right corner next to the minimize/close buttons.
Defect Fixes:
- Fixed an audio error that would sometimes occur when using Acceleration Gates.
- Fixed an issue which caused NPCs in Factional Warfare to attack their own Supply Depots and Supply Caches.
- Updated erroneous respawn timers on a number of Invasion sites which caused them to respawn much earlier than intended.
- Fixed an issue that caused damaged hulls to appear extra shiny in some cases.
- The Harbinger now looks as it should whilst using the Yoiul Star SKIN.
- Small area of the Phoenix siege glow has been aligned better.
- Fixed a slight texture issue on the Falcon.
- Non-interactable Athanor models no longer show AIR holograms by default.
- Genolution Auroral Gold pod surface appears correctly whilst in the JITA 4-4 station hangar.
- Depth of Field now has the correct distance blur.
- Upwell Hangars now display emblems for multiple docked ships at the same time correctly.
- Removed some markings from the Legion ship textures.
- Fixed incorrect normals on the white line decals on the Charon.
- Fixed an issue on the Ishtar and Vexor where projected SKIN textures were not aligned during warp animation.
- Minorly fixed decal on the Tatara Maulus and Bhaalgorn.
- Fixed an issue with the Trasher Fleet Issue blueprint icon.
- Fixed an issue with the Skill window opening off screen if the window had been moved off screen.
New Player Experience:
- Fixed an issue which could result in the AIR NPE becoming stuck near the start of the experience.
- Fixed an issue where Aura could tell the player to return to the Agent's station while already there during the fourth Industrialist - Producer Career Agent mission.
- Increased the bonus reward timer to 180 minutes for the Gallente version of the seventh Industrialist - Producer mission.
- Fixed a conversation in the seventh Enforcer Career Agent mission always using male pronouns when referencing the player character.
- Corrupt files in the resource cache are now being handled more gracefully and the client should recover in more cases on its own.
- Fixed a client crash for the preview window of the Jita 4-4 station.
User Interface:
- The Planetary Industry and Encounter Surveillance System Agency filters now work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where is was no longer possible to consume multiple boosters at once.
- The correct Material and Time Efficiency values will now be shown when double-clicking a blueprint copy in the Industry window.
- It is now possible to move the Hacking window by dragging the top of the window.
- Fixed an issue where the Purchase buttons in Paragon Loyalty Point Stores could become uninteractable on certain window sizes.
- Fixed an issue where the purchase failure error screen was visible in Loyalty Point Stores adjacent to Paragon Loyalty Point Stores.
- Fixed an issue where simulated ship names didn't update correctly when moving back and forth in the simulation history.
Photon UI:
- Standing indicator icons in chat member list are now correctly aligned.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to select the final item in the inventory window when it was in Compact mode and the View Mode was set to List mode.
- The header highlight when stacking windows together is now more noticeable.
- Bounty information in the Selected Item window will be shown in a single line when the window is very narrow.
- Added a Manage Labels button to the Labels group in the Contacts window.
- NeoCom is now affected by the window transparency settings.
- The minimum size of the Local Locations window has been reduced significantly.
- The sort order indicator icon for the Distance column in the Overview is no longer the wrong way.
- The actions at the bottom of various Planetary Industry windows no longer overflow the window.
- Locked windows in compact mode now show the lock indicator in the header.
- The Market window caption now updates correctly when you jump to a new region.
- Locked windows no longer move when opened on top of other windows.
- The structure power state indicators in Assets window now use more pleasing colors.
- Location group windows that have been opened from the Locations window now update automatically as your locations are updated.
- Fixed an issue where the inventory filter text was not displayed or was being truncated when using UI scaling.
- If the Wallet was collapsed in Classic UI, and then the user enables Photon UI, the user is now able to resize the window again.
- It is no longer possible to minimize the Daily Login Campaign window on the Character Select screen.
- Hiding the market ticker no longer leaves a gap at the bottom of the right-side navigation panel.
- Locked items in containers no longer appear incorrectly after mouse-over.