Hotfix Applied To Secrets Of The Abyss Event! | EVE Online

Hotfix Applied To Secrets Of The Abyss Event!

2018-08-21 - 작성자 CCP Falcon

In the last fifteen minutes we have applied a hotfix to the Secrets of the Abyss event that rectifies an issue that was affecting progress in The Agency.

Some players will have noticed they had points towards Secrets of the Abyss even though they had not yet started the event.

This is due to a change in how we track our Event Progress which incorrectly mapped Secrets of the Abyss onto an existing event. Now that this has been corrected, this issue will not reoccur.

Unfortunately, this hotfix will have reset progress for everyone who has completed challenges since the start of the event today, and we are unable to preserve people’s progress so far.

If you are logged in and currently participating in Secrets of the Abyss, the Agency will appear not to track your progress in the EVE Online client due to this fix.

It is strongly recommended that all pilots who are not seeing their progress tracked should log out and back in again to have everything display properly.

Apologies for the inconvenience that this hotfix may cause!