Federation Loyalists Rewarded | EVE Online

Federation Loyalists Rewarded

2007-09-02 - 작성자 Svarthol

LUMINAIRE: It was a night of celebration in Luminaire as many independent capsuleers descended on the Federation Customs Headquarters for a party.

The highest award that the Federation can issue to capsuleers, The Federal Star Of Justice, was presented to three pilots. It is the first time that three have been issued at the same time, and indeed the first time that the medal has been issued in over ten years. The inscription on the Star reads; “The Federal Star of Justice is a golden medallion, awarded by the Gallente Federation to individuals who have displayed exceptional bravery, self-sacrifice and wisdom in promoting the causes of liberty and democracy across the universe.”

Pytria Le'Danness made a short speech when she received hers. “The capture of the Cobra squad's carrier was an important and unique event, and I am proud I was able to help a little in achieving it. In accepting this medal, I wish to thank EVERYONE who helped for his participation, no matter how small the help was”.

“I just want to say thank you, to Fed Customs and FIO for allowing capsuleer citizens to help them on their efforts,” Bruno Bonner spoke out as he accepted his medal ”A big thank you for all our partners in the actions that lead to this day. May the federation thrive on the wings of those who choose to defend it!”

The final Star was awarded to a Caldari for the first time ever, evidence of the Federation being an all-inclusive society. Yarod Cool, had this to say “I'm just glad I could help out, nearly from the beginning. When I heard that drugs were found, I told the Inspector. All you pilots, when you see a way to help the Federation, go out and take it.”

Inspector Xavier, clearly in an emotional mood, then announced his retirement. He mentioned that he was “tired after spending twenty-five years in the anti-drugs business”. He certainly wasn’t too tired to enjoy the party, which went on until the early hours, bolstered by a large gift of spirits from Yarod Cool. Xavier is now looking forward to spending some time with his family and going fishing at his holiday home on Oursulaert VI's first moon.