CSM prioritization crowdsourcing | EVE Online

CSM prioritization crowdsourcing

2011-07-23 - 작성자 CCP Diagoras

The CSM has just started their latest round of prioritization crowdsourcing, here's what they have to say:

Several times a year, the CSM enlists the aid of the community in helping us prioritize the issues that CSM has raised with CCP. The results of this crowdsourcing effort helps guide the CSM's efforts during not only our regular summit meetings, but also the all-important CCP release planning process. This is your chance to tell us which CSM issues you think are the most important and deserving of CCP's attention.

To make your voice heard, look at the list of issues on the Prioritization Wiki Page and then cast your votes in the associated Assembly Hall thread. Complete instructions on how to vote are available in both places.

Please help us push for more improvements by voting for what you think is important. We greatly appreciate your time and attention.

The Members of the 6th Council of Stellar Management