CSM December Summit - Meeting minutes (Part 3 of 3) | EVE Online

CSM December Summit - Meeting minutes (Part 3 of 3)

2011-01-15 - 작성자 CCP Diagoras

The third and final section of the CSM minutes are now available here, covering the following topics from the meetings:

·         Incarna game play and vision

·         Incarna new player experiences and captain's quarters

·         Account security

·         Thursday pre-meetings - Arnargeddon

·         Game balance requests

·         Game Design talks to the CSM

·         Post Dominion 0.0

You can find first two sections consolidated into a single document here. A final release containing the entire minutes in one file will be released on Monday and added to the CSM Meeting Minutes page.

Many thanks to all who were involved in the meetings and all those involved with creating and finalising the minutes.

-The CSM Team