Community Beat for 24 November

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest community beat! Let's dive straight in with some of the cool things that have bubbled up from within the EVE Online community in recent weeks.
Luminaire Snowball Fight
With Winter Nexus fast approaching one of EVE Online's great traditions is making a return: the annual Luminaire Snowball Fight! Organizer Commander A9 is once again putting together a fun evening of fireworks and snowball flinging in the system of Luminaire. Now in its 10th year this event is always a lot of fun with great vibes and chat in local. Take a day to put down your Mega Pulse Laser II's and take up some snowballs and celebrate the season with your spacefriends! More info here.
Chronicles of New Eden
Dame du Nord of Canuck Capsuleers Chronicles (formerly the Beaver Show) fame has started up a Youtube series on the Sorry in Advance channel covering the the lore of EVE Online called Chronicles of New Eden. Three episodes are already published with more to come. If you want to find out more about the rich history of New Eden then give these a look!
SLOW Simulations: Broadcasting for Repairs
Alliance SL0W CHILDREN AT PLAY have created this very cool 3D animated video that explains the principles of remote reps in EVE Online. What's really neat is that they've used an AI generated voice synthesis of our beloved Aura to explain the concepts. If you've got new players in your corp or alliance be sure to share this with them.
EVE Leeds
Here's an early heads up for what promises to be another awesome UK player meet! EVE Leeds will be taking place on 30 March next year at Pixel Bar. There are PCs at the venue and as part of the meet the organisers are planning to have some in-game activities as well. It's still a way off but if you think you'll be getting along to it you may as well jump in the EVE Leeds Discord now and start making plans!
Magnate on the Throne Worlds
We were blown away when this illustration by Coline Sipma crossed our desks recently. They write that after Fanfest they were inspired to create some EVE art and ended up producing this incredible piece featuring a Magnate paying a very personal visit to the Amarr Throne Worlds. Be sure to check out the full sized version and Coline's other illustrations on their Instagram.

S.N.O.T. Day

EVE streamer Magical Geek is holding an event in Jita at 19:00 UTC on 2 December. The premise is simple - come along, get in a spaceship and challenge him to a 1v1 in the designated ship type. Up for grabs are crates with some awesome prizes. If you win the fight you get the crate, if you lose then Magical Geek's viewers get the crate. The whole thing will be livestreamed on their Twitch channel so if you can't make it in person you can still tune in for the explosions!
W-4NUU Siege
A really cool battle video has emerged from the recent destruction in the system of W-4NUU put together by Becure. If you like watching graceful vision of large spaceships and structures exploding inside giant bubbles set to the music of Permaband then this video might be for you!
That's all for this edition of the Community Beat! See you again soon. o7