2010 Holiday Ship : The CONCORD Echelon

It's that time of year again, when people get into the spirit of giving, even the people 23,000 years into the future. CONCORD has joined in the seasonal festivities by packing its hangars with a very special gift for the capsuleers of New Eden. December 14th, the pilots of EVE Online will receive the latest ship to roll off of the CONCORD production line - the Echelon.
Constructed in secrecy, the Echelon is a minor masterpiece of engineering, integrating otherwise incomprehensible Sansha technology into a frigate-class capsuleers vessel. The advanced cryptographic processors on board provide superior hacking capabilities for use on most known password-secured devices. However, the true beauty of the Echelon is in the adaptive synchronization of capsuleers and Sansha codebreaking components, creating a system predicted to give capsuleers an edge over even the strongest of the Nation's encryption locks.
Beginning Dec 14th 2010, you will be able to redeem the new holiday ship on your account login screen. You can then assign it to a particular character and CONCORD will deliver it to your hangar bay. You will be able to redeem the holiday ship once per active (not trial) account and will no longer be available after January 3rd, 2011, so make sure you log in to receive yours.
Here‘s how to redeem it:
- Log into the EVE Online client.
- At the character selection screen there will be a Redeem Items button in the lower right corner. Select the character you wish to receive the Echelon and press the Redeem Items button.
- Check the box next to the Echelon and the Purloined Sansha Codebreaker in the confirmation window and press the Redeem Selected Items button.
- You will receive a confirmation window that informs you which character is receiving the Echelon and in which station it will be deposited. They are always deposited at the character's current location.
- Click Yes to accept the confirmation window if you are happy with your decision
- Log in to that character and jump in your new ship!
Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays from everyone at CCP!
- CCP Loktofeit
Update: NPC Station and Item Redemption limitations removed from blog as these limitations have been lifted in previous patches.