Share Your EVE is Real Content | EVE Online

Share Your EVE is Real Content

2011-07-15 - 作者 Svarthol

We wanted to update you on the EVE museum piece, the Visualizer: we're just about ready to go for the early part of next week and wanted to provide links so you can start pre-loading your favorite stuff. As these memories/propaganda posters/epic videos are posted they go into a moderation queue, and we'll pop them over into the live Visualizer site for launch early in the week. The site itself is, a temporary space to just make this project happen. We will move it over into EVE domains at some point in the future.

All that said, this is a pretty unique thing that we hope you'll contribute too. We have the Aurum rewards for the whole community and the image and video contests as incentives, but we'd really hope the project itself is just cool enough on its own merits to unlock some gems of EVE player creations.

The links below will allow you to enter your favorite images or videos a bit ahead of the crowd:

More information about this can be found here.