Revelations 2.2 Deployed - Fix For a Client Warning Issue Inside! | EVE Online

Revelations 2.2 Deployed - Fix For a Client Warning Issue Inside!

2007-08-29 - 作者 Svarthol

Revelations 2.2 was deployed and Tranquility is open for business. For patch feedback please visit this forum thread.

For those people having a problem with the client warning of modified, damaged or corrupt extra files in the /bin/ directory, please remove any extra files you find in this directory. This should resolve your issues. The list of the valid files for the /bin/ directory is linked below. If this did not resolve the issue, please file a bugreport including a crash dump, logserver file and dxdiag.

Alternatively players experiencing the warning about the extra files in the bin folder can do following:

  • Download the file.
  • Delete the bin folder (by default it is located at C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\bin).
  • Unzip the to the client folder (by default it is C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE).

As a last resort you can reinstall the entire client. Make sure you never patch your Tranquility client with a test patch, even if it has the same build number as the Tranquility patch, as this may corrupt your client and result in a complete reinstall being necessary.

Bin folder contents can be found in this forum post. Should you have any further issues with the patch you are welcome to post in the feedback thread linked above, Devs are monitoring the thread and will do their best to assist you.

Update 2007.08.29

For people who have CRC issues with their tut2.stuff file we will be hosting a copy of it which can be downloaded here. If you are experiencing the issue during the patch process, you can:

  • Delete the tut2.stuff file from the EVE client folder (by default it is C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\tut2.stuff).
  • Download the zipped tut2.stuff file.
  • Upzip it to the EVE client folder (by default it is C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE).
  • Launch the client and auto-patch to TQ.

Note that the fix above is not applicable if the client build number is 25245, instead you will have to follow the instructions below.

If you are experiencing the issue (tut2.stuff and common.ini) after the client has been patched, you have to:

  • Delete the tut2.stuff file and common.ini from the EVE client folder (by default it is C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE\tut2.stuff).
  • Download the zipped tut2.stuff file and common.ini.
  • Upzip the two files to the EVE client folder (by default it is C:\Program Files\CCP\EVE).
  • Launch the client and connect to TQ.